Can a Drug Paraphernalia Charge Be Expunged?

Criminal charges and convictions can have a damaging impact on your life. Drug paraphernalia charges can be especially damaging, as they will appear on your criminal record indefinitely if you are found guilty, unless you are able to get your record expunged.

However, there are many details that can have an impact on your ability to obtain an expungement for your drug charges. Continue reading to learn more about what it means to be charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and how to get an expunction.

What Is a Drug Paraphernalia Charge?

Possession of drug paraphernalia is a misdemeanor crime in California. This means that you have been accused of having items in your possession that can be used to consume controlled substances.

Some examples could include pipes, needles, lighters, and other tools used to consume drugs. If convicted, you could face up to six months in jail and be ordered to pay fines up to $1,000, among other penalties.

How to Get Your Drug Paraphernalia Charge Expunged in Sacramento

Whether you were simply charged with possession of drug paraphernalia or convicted, California law allows individuals who have such a misdemeanor on their record to seek expunction of their charges. In order to accomplish this goal, your lawyer will have to petition the court and request that your conviction or charges be vacated.

If successful, only necessary law enforcement agencies can view your drug paraphernalia crime on your record. To anyone else who requires a background check, it will be as if the possession of drug paraphernalia charges or conviction never happened.

Reach Out to a Sacramento Drug Lawyer

If you have recently been charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, were charged but never convicted, or were convicted but interested in expungement, get in touch with a qualified Sacramento drug lawyer at Crowell Law Offices.

Call 916-303-2800 or complete the convenient contact form provided below to schedule your free consultation and get started on your case.