Sacramento Rollover Car Accident Lawyer
A rollover is a serious type of car accident. The fact that it could even happen at all indicates that it may not just be a driver who is at fault. Contributing factors to a rollover could include an improper shoulder drop-off or dangerous road conditions, so it’s important to take everything into account when determining who might be responsible.
Although you probably want to seek compensation for your injuries and damages, our attorneys may be able to do more than that, including bringing attention to fixing the unsafe conditions or vehicle flaws that allowed the rollover accident to happen in the first place. In any event, it’s important to have the sound legal advice of a Sacramento rollover car accident lawyer to ensure your case is as thorough as possible.
How Do Rollover Accidents Happen?
There are many ways for a rollover car accident to happen. For the most part, a rollover accident occurs when a car becomes unbalanced and has sufficient momentum to cause it to roll end over end or side over side. It is entirely possible for a rollover to occur when one car hits another, and for there to be no manufacturing defects or dangerous road conditions involved.
However, it is still important to assess the circumstances of the accident to be certain of the exact cause. It may even be the case that multiple parties are responsible for your crash, making it possible for you to seek compensation from each at-fault entity.
Our attorneys can examine the details of your accident and determine the contributing factors that led to it. This data not only helps you hold the right person responsible, but it can also prevent further rollover accidents from happening to other drivers in the future.
Cost of Damages After a Rollover Car Accident
It is fairly rare for a car involved in a rollover accident to come out of it in need of only minor repairs. Normally, extracting the car from the scene is expensive enough, but the damage may be so extensive that it is not possible to repair the vehicle.
Rollovers can lead to damages such as a twisted frame, dislodged motor, and more. In any event, your vehicle will most likely require costly repairs—if it doesn’t need to be replaced entirely.
Rollover Accident Injuries
During a rollover accident, there is a high probability that the individuals inside the car will sustain serious injuries. Head, neck, and back trauma are common rollover accident injuries, as are broken bones and whiplash. The medical treatment necessitated by these injuries can be expensive and include everything from diagnosis testing to medication and physical therapy.
Call a Sacrament Car Accident Lawyer
To recover some of these costs, and to help you move forward in the best way possible, you will need the assistance of a qualified Sacramento rollover car accident lawyer. If you or a loved one has been injured in a rollover car accident, you could be entitled to compensation.
The lawyers at Crowell Law Offices have both the experience and the knowledge required to get you the justice you deserve. A free consultation is the first step toward compensation and recovery, so call us at 916-303-2800 or complete the form at the bottom of this page.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” anchor=”contact” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][/vc_column][/vc_row]