The Five Most Dangerous Intersections in Sacramento

The Five Most Dangerous Intersections in Sacramento

A total of 797 drivers lost their lives at California intersections in 2015. Furthermore, Sacramento was recently ranked the second worst California city for traffic accidents behind Los Angeles.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) says that over the past few years, half of all injuries and one-quarter of all traffic fatalities occur at intersections. Understanding that intersections pose a major threat to public safety, Sacramento began installing PODs (Police Observation Devices) at some intersections in 2015. These cameras help law enforcement crackdown on illegal moves made by drivers.

Sacramento is also trying to improve its statistics by joining the international Vision Zero campaign to eliminate traffic fatalities. It includes measures that make the roads safer not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians and cyclists. An interesting approach the program uses is to reconsider the term “accident,” outlining that they are preventable occurrences that must be systematically addressed.


Top Causes of Traffic Accidents in Sacramento

The City of Sacramento Police Department cites the causes listed below as the most common reasons that traffic crashes occur. Several of these relate directly to intersection situations. “VC” stands for “vehicle code,” and a complete list can be found here.

  1. Following Too CloselyVC 21703
  2. Running Red Light – VC 21453
  3. DUI of Drugs or Alcohol – VC 23152
  4. Speeding – VC 22350
  5. Left Turn (especially misjudging the oncoming car) – VC 21801


Problem Corners and Intersections

The Sacramento Police released their list of the worst intersections in 2012, and these continue to be problematic today.

Folsom Boulevard and Howe Avenue

This corner tops the list and has about thirty collisions per year, according to a Sacramento Police interview with FOX40. Roughly 77,000 vehicles pass this area every day. Doug Morse of the police department said that the traffic volume alone is partially responsible for the high incidence of crashes.

12th Street and B Street

Plans for a 2016 construction improvement project for the “North 12th Street Streetscape Improvements Project” were designed to improve lighting and gutters, remove barriers, and generally upgrade the roadway, starting from this corner. Hopefully the improvements will show progress in the form of saved lives.

Elder Creek Road and Stockton Boulevard

With eight crashes per year, Stockton could use an upgrade. It used to be called Highway 99 and is still laid out like an old state highway. Not only does this corner see many crashes, but ten months ago there was a road-rage incident that originated in the parking lot at a fast-food restaurant on this corner. Occupants of one vehicle began throwing trash at each other, and then someone opened fire and hit a person in the other vehicle.

Franklin Boulevard and Mack Road

There were nine crashes here for the time reported. August 2016 even saw a fiery four-car pileup that resulted from one car striking a median and going airborne.

Mack Road and Valley High Drive

There were eight crashes here, and with a total of sixteen lanes intersecting, it’s probably fortunate that the tally wasn’t higher.

Runners Up

Meadowview Road and 24th Street, Franklin Boulevard and Fruitridge Road, Cosumnes River Boulevard and Bruceville Road, and finally, Stockton Boulevard and Fruitridge Road are all intersections that also see a heavy amount of traffic and collisions.


Sacramento Auto Wreck Attorneys

Sacramento’s trusted Crowell Law Offices can help you get through the aftermath of an accident. We know the ins and outs of traffic collision and personal injury law. By applying our knowledge of Sacramento roads and California law, we are adept in seeking the highest compensation available for any traffic or personal injury case.

Contact the attorneys who put you first. Schedule a free consultation by calling 916-303-2800 or by completing the form below.