Woodland DUI Lawyer

Woodland DUI Defense AttorneyIt’s hard to image that three letters – DUI – could threaten your professional and personal life. An arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs should never be taken lightly. If you are found guilty, you could pay thousands of dollars in fines and fees; lose your driving privileges; serve jail time; and face several other consequences. While the penalties for DUI in California greatly depend on the circumstances of the situation as well as whether the arrest is your first DUI, second DUI, or third/subsequent DUI, this is a serious matter that you must resolve – and fast.


Woodland DUI Defense Attorney


Recent Results:

S.R. Charge: Felony DUI with injury Result: felony and DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless for no jail and 12-hour course, informal probation. County: Placer 7/12/18
M.R. Charge: Failure to Stop at the stop sign Results: amended to no point violation County: Federal 7/11/18
B.R. Charge: charged with VC 20002-misdemeanor hit and run and VC 14601.2-misdemeanor driving on a suspended license Results: resolved for all infractions, VC 16025, 22106, 14601.1 County: Placer 7/11/18
R.O. Charge: DUI w/ .23 BAC Results: High BAC reduced, three-month class instead of 9-month class, of 9 and alternative sentencing (no actual jail) County: Nevada 7/10/18
C.R. Charge: Red light camera Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 7/9/18
P.S. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 7/3/18
J.P Charge: Commercial driver neg op Results: set aside County: Sacramento 6/29/18
D.S Charge: Commercial driver neg op Results: set aside County: Sacramento 6/26/18
C.P. Charge: Unsafe Speed Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/26/18
R.M. Charge: DUI w/ BAC .10/.11, client is a nurse Results: Reduced to wet reckless County: Solano 6/26/18
A.T. Charge: VC 14601.2 Results: dismissed, resolved for an infraction no insurance County: Sacramento 6/26/18
J.W. Charge: DUI plus refusal, resisting, cocaine possession. Result: Cocaine possession dismissed, refusal dismissed, alcohol class reduced from 9 months to 3 months, one day book and release and scram only (Butte) County: Butte 6/21/19
B.P. Charge: VC 23109(a) misdo speed contest Results: Resolved for VC 23109(c) as an infraction County: Sacramento 6/21/2018
A.M. Charge: Speeding +100 MPH Results: Reduced to speeding +65MPH, dismissed upon successful completion of traffic school County: Yolo 6/21/18
E.M. Charge: DUI Results: Reduced to wet reckless, no ignition interlock device required County: Sacramento 6/21/18
E. S. Charge: Two cases, driving on a suspended license as misdemeanors Results: One reduced to driving without a license, the 2nd reduced to driving on suspended license, both as infractions County: Sacramento 6/21/2018
T. P. Charge: Misdemeanor no license Results: dismissed County: Yolo 6/19/2018
Z.W. Charge; Misdemeanor driving on the wrong side Results: resolved for infraction and traffic school County: Yolo 6/19/2018
M.B. Charge: Red-light camera Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/14/2018
H.N. Charge: Misdemeanor False Tags Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/14/18
C.B. Charge: Exceeding 100 Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/13/2018
D.T. Charge: Misdemeanor exhibition of speed Results: Pled to VC 22350, speeding with traffic school and fine of $243 County: Yolo 6/7/2018
A.K. Charge: Domestic violence Results: Dismissed with 12 anger management classes County: Sacramento 6/7/2018
J.H. Charge: DUI Results: DMV set aside County: DMV 6/7/2018
I.C. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Placer 6/5/2018
D.F. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/5/2018
A.A. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/5/2018
A.G. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/5/2018
A.L. Charge: Speeding 92/65 Results: Reduced speed for traffic school and fine reduction County: Sacramento 6/4/2018
B.R. Charge: Four speeding tickets Results: Two of the four dismissed County: Sacramento 6/1/2018
A.Z. Charge: Red light camera Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/1/2018
D.F. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/5/2018
H.Y. Charge: Red light camera Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/31/18
G.C. Charge: Hit and Run Results: Dismissed even though client picked up a new Felony County: Sacramento 5/30/2018
J.L. Charge: felony check fraud and misdemeanor possession of meth Results: Felony reduced to a misdemeanor and both charges dismissed via expungement County: El Dorado 5/30/2018
C.C Charge: Exceeding maximum length for commercial vehicle Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/29/2018
S.L. Charge: Petty theft w/ prior and violation of probation Results: Admitted violation of probation for class and petty theft dismissed County: Sacramento 5/25/2018
S.L. Charge: Violation of probation (VOP) & petty theft Results: petty theft case dismissed, admitted VOP for Theft 1 class or 5 days County: Sacramento 5/25/2018
P.S. Charge: Sharp- felony strike 422 Results: reduced to misdemeanor no jail County: Placer 5/24/2018
C. L. Charge: Exceeding 100MPH, 105/6 Results: amended to exceeding 65 MPH ticket with a fine reduction County: Solano 5/22/2018
B.R. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/5/2018
M.W. Charge: Pharmacist with Boating Under the Influence (BUI) Result- BUI dismissed, plead to two infractions. County: Yolo 5/16/2018
M.W. Charge: Boating DUI. Client a pharmacist. Result: Boating DUI dismissed, plead to speeding and creating a wake (infractions, fine $280, no misdemeanor, no probation) County: Yolo 5/16/18
J.Z. Charge: Speeding 85 MPH in 55 MPH zone Results: traffic school granted County: Sacramento 5/15/18
T.M Charge: DUI Result: early term and expungement granted County: Placer 5/14/2018
J.B. Charge: Negligent operator hearing for possible six-month license suspension Result: Suspension ended, probation granted County: DMV 5/14/2018
V.S. Charge: Misdemeanor domestic violence Results: dismissed with proof of 26 classes. County: Placer 5/10/2018
B. P. Charge: VC 23109(a), speed contest, misdemeanor Results: resolved for VC 23109(c) as an infraction County: Sacramento 5/8/2018
S.W. Charge: Misdemeanor Hit and Run Results: two infractions and traffic school County: Sacramento 5/8/2018
V.A. Charge: VC 23103(a), reckless driving, misdemeanor Results: VC 22350, infraction with traffic school County: Sacramento 5/8/2018
P.J. Charge: Felony assault with a vehicle and Felony gun possession If convicted lifetime ban from driving automobile Results: Reduced to a misdemeanor with no actual jail, no license suspension County: Sacramento 5/7/2018
I.D. Charge Drug DUI Results: Wet reckless with no license suspension County: Sutter 5/7/2018
V.K Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/7/2018
R.M. Charge: 4lbs of meth felony. Results: Case dismissed. illegal stop based on out of state license plate law County: Sacramento 5/2/2018
R.B. Charge: DUI Results: Wet reckless County: Solano 5/1/2018
D.S. Charge: violation of probation on 1st DUI, 2nd, and 3rd DUI Results: Resolved for 150 days w/ day to day credit for residential treatment County: Solano 5/1/2018
D.C. Charge: Unsafe speed Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/1/2018
H.B. Charge: Three petitions for expungement, two 17(b) Results: All granted County: Yolo 4/30/2018
N.H Charge: Petition of factual innocence because of ID theft Results: Granted for all three cases County: Sacramento 4/26/2018
E.V. Charge: Red light camera violation Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 4/26/18
V.L. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 4/26/18
R.D. Charge: Minor in possession and possession of false ID Results: Dismissed County: Solano 4/25/2018
S.G. Charge: Exceeding 100 mph Results: Dismissed County: Yolo 4/25/2018
D.Y. Charge: 95 MPH in 65 MPH zone Results: Resolved for traffic school and minimum fine County: Roseville 4/24/2018
V. K. Charge: Speeding 73MPH in 45 MPH zone Results: Traffic school granted County: Sacramento 4/18/2018
Y.L. Charge: Red light ticket Results: Amended to no point violation County: Yolo 4/18/2018
M.D. Charge: Exceeding 100 mph Results: Amended to VC 22349(a) with traffic school County: Yuba 4/17/2018
S.C. Charge: DUI expungement Results: Granted County: Sacramento 4/13/2018
J.K. Charge: 2nd DUI expungement Results: Granted County: Sacramento 4/13/2018
J.C. Charge: HSC 11350-request for early termination of probation and dismissal Results: Early termination of probation and dismissal granted County: Placer 4/11/2018
D.G. Charge: DUI, hit and run, and resisting/assaulting an officer, BAC .20 Results: DUI dismissed, hit and run dismissed, diversion on assaulting an officer (sentencing delayed, it AA classes and community service completed, dismissed in six months with no conviction) County: Sacramento 4/10/2018
A.C. Charge: Speeding Results: No point violation County: Yolo 4/10/2018
S.W. Charge: Resisting Arrest and Drunk in public Results: pre-plea diversion: dismissed in six months with no new violations. No plea required. County: Yuba 4/9/2018
V.B Charge: Two Red-light Camera tickets Results: One ticket dismissed the other ticket traffic school County: Sacramento 4/5/2018
R.S. Charge: Two red light camera cases Results: one ticket dismissed, one ticket traffic school County: Sacramento 4/5/2018
B.B Charge: VC 21651(c), misdemeanor Results: Infraction County: Sacramento 4/4/2018
K.C Charge: Exceeding 100 mph Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 4/4/2018
R.Z. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Placer 4/3/2018
V.Y. Charge: VC 23103(a), reckless driving – Results: DEJ dismissal County: Solano 4/2/2018
A.H Charge: Violation of probation for consuming alcohol while on Felony probation Results: Dismissed, client released forthwith County: Sacramento 3/27/2018
C.B. Charge: Negligent Operator hearing for excessive points, six-month potential suspension Results: Dismissed County: DMV 3/27/2018
P.H. Charge: Felony vandalism, drug possession, Felony violation of probation Results: Drug possession dismissed, plead to two misdemeanors, Felony vandalism dismissed, Felony violation of probation dismissed, no actual jail time. County: Sacramento 3/27/2018
J.B. Charge: DUI, BAC .10 with wrong-way driving Results: Wet reckless, no work project County: Solano 3/27/2018
R.P. Charge: Commercial Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Kern 3/27/2018
O.S. Charge: Felony Domestic Violence Results: Dismissed after completing 12 anger management classes County: Sacramento 3/22/2018
D.R. Charge: DUI Results: DA declined to file, petition to destroy arrest record granted County: Sacramento 3/19/2017
T.M. Charge: third DUI, offer 180 days jail. Result: Got two priors stricken (Nevada priors), resolved as first DUI for
no jail, 30 days alternative sentencing
County: Placer 3/19/2018
Y.Q. Charge: Drug offense and vandalism Results: Pre-plea diversion (not on record) and misdemeanors dismissed and
plead only to loud noise infraction for fine.
County: San Mateo 3/19/2018
J.Z. Charge: shoplifting Results: diversion granted County: Sacramento 3/14/2018
I.L. Charge: Juvenile felony assault w/ bodily injury Results: diversion granted County: Sacramento 3/13/2018
Q.I Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 3/13/2018
C.G Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 3/13/2018
K.M. Charge: Speeding +100 and straddling lanes Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 3/8/2018
T.K Charge: DMV Negligent Operator, commercial driver Results: Set Aside, no suspension County: Sacramento 3/7/2018
J.S. Charge: Misdemeanor reckless driving Results: Resolved for VC 23109(c) and VC 22107 as infractions County: Sacramento 3/6/2018
R.S. Charge: Speeding +100 and straddling lanes Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 3/6/2018
K.M. Charge: Felony arson Results: offer five years prison, result- Probation granted, four days
already time served, no additional jail or prison
County: Yuba 3/5/2018
J.B. Charge: VC 22348(b), 111 mph Results: Reduced to VC 22356(b), exceeding 70 mph with a stipulated speed
of 84 mph and no driver’s license suspension
County: Colusa 3/5/2018
K.S. Charge: DUI Results: expungement granted County: Sacramento 3/2/2018
V.S. Charge: first and second DUIs Results: granted County: Sacramento 3/2/2018
Speeding 95MPH in 65MPH
resolved for traffic school Sacramento 2/28/18


Dismissed Sacramento 2/28/2018

Speeding-commercial driver

Amended to a no-point violation Yolo 2/27/2018

commercial driver driving on a suspended license, misdemeanor

reduced to VC 12500 inf for fine only, no points San Joaquin 2/27/2018

commercial driver – cell phone violation

amended to unlawful tinted windows Yolo 2/27/2018

VC 14601

Dismissed Sacramento 2/26/2018


Dismissed Solano 2/20/2018

Red-light camera violation

Dismissed Sacramento 2/15/2018

DUI w/ .09 BAC

resolved for wet reckless Yolo 2/15/2018

Carpool violation

Dismissed Sacramento 2/14/2018

Recall warrant

Warrant recalled/dismissed, and 8 hours c/s deleted Sacramento 2/14/2018
A.PDUI and refusal Refusal dismissed in court and set aside at DMV hearing Sacramento 2/13/2018
M. N

Misdemeanor battery

Dismissed upon successful completion of a diversion program Placer 2/13/2018

burglary strike offense

Filed serna motion- motion granted, case dismissed Yolo 2/13/2018

Referral for jail time

Jail time dismissed Placer 2/12/2018

misdemeanor exhibition of speed

Dismissed Sacramento 2/7/2018
A.A DUI Expungement granted Placer 2/1/2018

PC 245(A)(1)

17b and expungement granted Stanislaus 2/1/2018

Reckless driving

Resolved for a one-point infraction Sacramento 1/30/2018

: Felony, PC 245

Reduced to a misdemeanor and dismissed Sacramento 1/30/2018

Reckless Driving

resolved for a one-point infraction Sacramento 1/30/2018

PC 148(A)(1)*

Dismissed Sacramento 1/30/2018
D. W

: felony strike burglary

: files speedy trial motion to dismiss, motion granted, case
Yolo 1/26/2018


Dismissed Yolo 1/25/2018


Resolved for no-point violation Sutter 1/23/2018


Dismissed Sacramento 1/23/2018

Exhibition of speed

Resolved for VC 22350 with traffic school Placer 1/22/2018
K. M

Misdemeanor child endangerment & resisting arrest

Diversion, no consequence, dismissal in one year with no new
Sacramento 1/19/2018

sexual battery, lifetime registration requirement

Dismissed Yolo 1/18/2018


Dismissed Sacramento 1/17/2018
W. S

Speeding and a red-light violation

Dismissed Sacramento 1/17/2018
T. W

: misdemeanor driving on a suspended license

Dismissed Sacramento 1/17/2018

Possession of Marijuana in vehicle & Failure to show proof of

Dismissed Alameda 1/17/2018


Dismissed Sacramento 1/17/2018

Felony, drug sales

Dismissed and sealed Sacramento 1/16/2018

Felony, child endangerment, misdemeanor possession of marijuana
with intent to sell

Dismissed Sacramento 1/10/2018

Speeding +100 mph

Dismissed Yolo 1/10/2018

: Battery and hate crime

Battery and hate crime reduced to PC 415(1), disturbing the
Battery – wondering if this is correct 1/3/2018

Felony evading police

resolved for a misdemeanor Sacramento 12/27/2017

Three driving on a suspended license cases

resolved one case as an infraction, two other cases dismissed Sacramento 12/27/2017
S. N

misdemeanor driving on a suspended license

Dismissed Sacramento 12/27/2017

: Felony grand theft auto

misdemeanor purchasing stolen vehicle, 90 days work project no
Sacramento 12/20/2017
J. V

DUI, 0.9 BAC

wet reckless no license suspension fine and 12 hr class only : Solano 12/19/2017

Red light camera

Dismissed Sacramento 12/14/17

Misdemeanor, Domestic Violence

Dismissed Yolo 12/14/2017

Misdemeanor false identification and possession

Dismissed Sacramento 12/13/2017

: Misdemeanor driving on suspended license and red-light camera

Dismissed Sacramento 12/13/2017


Dismissed Yolo 12/12/17

Felony PC 273.5 (A), with a broken wrist

Reduced to a misdemeanor Sacramento 12/11/2017

PC 245 with great bodily injury, skull fracture

Probation with one year in custody (halftime) Sacramento 12/11/201

Vehicle manslaughter license suspension hearing

Set aside (no additional suspension) Sacramento 12/11/2017


Case expunged Sacramento 12/8/17
R. S


Case expunged Sacramento 12/8/17

No seatbelt, no insurance

Dismissed Shasta 12/8/17

: Misdemeanor false imprisonment conviction

Case expunged Sacramento 12/1/2017
M. N

Exceeding 100 MPH

Resolved for traffic school Yolo 11/27/2017
S. N

: Felony theft

Dismissed Yolo 11/22//17

: Misdemeanor, minor in possession of alcohol

reduced to the infraction and misdemeanor dismissed Sacramento 11/21/2017

: Misdemeanor misuse of a disabled placard

resolved for the infraction Sacramento 11/21/2017
S. L

Drug possession

Dismissed Sacramento 11/20/2017

Red light camera violation

: Dismissed Sacramento 11/16/2017

Driving on a suspended license

Expungement granted Placer 11/13/2017
R. S DUI Case expunged Sacramento 12/8/17
K.S No seatbelt, no insurance dismissed Shasta 12/8/17
R.R Misdemeanor false imprisonment conviction Case expunged Sacramento 12/1/2017
M. N Exceeding 100 MPH Resolved for traffic school Yolo 11/27/2017
S. N Felony theft Dismissed Yolo 11/22//17
N.F Misdemeanor, minor in possession of alcohol reduced to the infraction and misdemeanor dismissed Sacramento 11/21/2017
B.P. Misdemeanor misuse of a disabled placard resolved for the infraction Sacramento 11/21/2017
S. L Drug possession Dismissed Sacramento 11/20/2017
C.N Red light camera violation Dismissed Sacramento 11/16/2017
A.A. Driving on a suspended license Expungement granted Placer 11/13/2017
C.M Speeding dismissed Sacramento 11/13/2017
H.H Felony gun possession and DUI Felony Reduced to a misdemeanor and DUI reduced to attempted DUI (no punishment) and won DMV hearing. Sacramento 11/13/2017
J.W Petty Theft dismissed Sacramento 11/9/2017
R.K Speeding dismissed Sacramento 11/8/2017
J.G Speeding 97 mph in a 65 mph Reduced fine and traffic school Placer 11/7/2017
H.W felony assault juvenile court dismissed (with 40 hours community service, no admission) Sacramento 11/7/2017
I.M. exceeding 100 MPH amended to a 1-point violation, t/s eligible, and $480 fine Colusa 11/6/2017
G.M Commercial speeding amended to no-point violation Colusa 11/6/2017
V.M.Commercial speeding Dismissed Colusa 11/6/2017
B.T exceeding 100mph amended to 1-point violation, $500 fine, no DL suspension Yolo 11/3/2017
A.P Speeding 120+ amended to 1-point violation, $500 fine, no DL suspension Yolo 11/3/2017
J. Q DMV Negligent operator hearing, possible six-month suspension suspension set aside, probation only Sacramento 11/2/2017
A.W DUI Dismissed with expungement Placer 11/2/2017
A.R Misdemeanor misuse of a disabled placard Reduced to an infraction for a fine Sacramento 11/2/2017
F.S Crossing double lines dismissed Sacramento 11/1/2017
A.P. Speeding/cell phone violation Dismissed Sacramento 11/1/2017
R. T Speeding Dismissed Sacramento 11/1/2017
F.S.Crossing double lines Dismissed Sacramento 11/1/2017
A.P. Speeding/cell phone violation Dismissed Sacramento 11/1/2017
R. T Speeding Dismissed Sacramento 11/1/2017
I. R VC 23103, reckless driving resolved for VC 22106 inf and traffic school Sacramento 10/31/2017
J. L Speeding Dismissed Yolo 10/27/2017
H.N VC 14601, misdemeanor driving on a suspended license  

VC 12500, driving without a license as an infraction. Fine about


Solano 10/24/2017
R.X Misdemeanor false plates, no insurance, expired registration resolved for infraction and fine Sacramento 10/24/2017
S.S Driving on a suspended license For infraction and fine Sacramento 10/24/2017
M.K DUI, request to modify probation Formal Probation reduced to Informal Probation Sacramento 10/19/2017
C.H Felony Domestic Violence Charge reduced to a misdemeanor and probation terminated Sacramento 10/18/2017
B.M Misdemeanor giving false information to an officer, drunk in
public, and resisting arrest
resolved for a diversion program Sacramento 10/18/2017
*L.D Hit and Run with injury Resolved for a non-injury hit and run for no jail time Contra Costa 10/16/2017
M.B Exceeding 100 Dismissed Sacramento 10/10/2017
D.J. Attempted 187 with personal use of a firearm (seven shots),
Exposure 7/20 life in prison
246 non-violent strike for 3.5 years actual time 9after half-time
Contra Costa 10.10.2017
R.G Drug DUI Resolved for a wet reckless and 2 years informal probation Yolo 10/4/2017
S.C Unregistered Vehicle Resolved or an infraction Sacramento 10/3/2017
T.P Speeding Resolved for no point violation Placer 10/2/2017
D.F Failure to use designated lane Resolved for a no-point violation Placer 10/2/2017
J.E 14601.1 Resolved for 14601.1 as an infraction Sacramento 10/2/2018
S.G Speeding Dismissed Sacramento 9/28/2017
L.K DUI Expungement granted Yolo 9/28/2017
A.S. Charge: Two misdemeanor exhibition of speed cases Results: resolved for VC 23109(c) as infraction, 2nd case, same charge dismissed County: Sherman 9/27/2017
S.P. Charge: Felony embezzlement Result: Reduced to misdemeanor County: Sacramento 9/27/2017
H.W. Charge: Felony Assault in Juvenile Court. Result: Case dismissed with 40 hours community service, no conviction, no jail, no work project, no fine, no probation. County: Sacramento 9/26/2017
B.W. Charge: Felony introducing drugs to prison Results: felony dismissed, client plead to misdemeanor possession only >with dismissal in two years County: Amador 9/22/2017
R.W. Charge: .08 DUI, but criminal action not filed, but still had DMV APS hearing which would have resulted in four-month suspension (or one month suspension with five months restricted license and a three-month alcohol class). Result: Subpoenaed calibration officer and cross-examined. Action set aside (dismissed). No license suspension, points or alcohol class. County: Sacramento 9/20/2017
J.L. Charge: Red light camera Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 9/18/2017
B.K. Charge: Failure to stop Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 9/15/2017
D.O. Charge: Petty Theft Results: Dismissed County: Placer 9/14/2017
K.W. Charge: DUI but no criminal action, APS hearing with .14/.13. Subpoenaed officer for APS hearing Result: APS action set aside County: El Dorado 9/13/2017
J.T. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 9/13/2017
A.A. Charge: Red light camera Results: Dismissed County: Sacrament 9/13/2017
A.U. Charge: lane violation Results: commercial driver, resolved for no point violation County; Solano 9/12/17
M.W. Charge: Felony child endangerment and DUI. Result, felony dismissed, plead to misdemeanors only, no one year Mandatory license suspension (reduced to one-month suspension) County: Yuba 9/6/2017
V.E. Charge: 1st offense DUI Results: Expungement granted County: Sacramento 9/1/2017
J.B. Charge: VC 23109 (c), misdemeanor Results: Amended to VC 22350 with T/S County: Sacramento 8/30/2017
H.G. Charge: Speeding Results: Resolved for a no point violation County: Placer 8/22/2017
J.H. Charge: 14601.1 Results: Resolved for a no point violation VC 12500 County: Placer 8/22/2017
C.C. Charge: 14601.1 Results: Resolved for a no point violation VC 12500 County: Placer 8/29/2017
R.H. Charge: Speeding Results: Resolved for a no point violation County: Solano 8/28/2017
J.B. Charge: Speeding Results: Resolved for a no point violation County: Solano 8/28/2017
D.R. Charge: Felony child endangerment and DUI, two DUI priors and prior strike. The offer, four years prison at 80 percent. Result. Filed Romero motion to dismiss prior strike, granted. Two years with half time. County: Sacramento 8/23/17
T.V. Charge: Speeding Results: Dismissed County: El Dorado 8/18/2017
N.M. Charge: Manne – HS 11375(b) and VC 23152(e) convictions, Results: expungement granted County: Sacramento 8/18/2017
H.S. Charge: Misdemeanor child endangerment Results: Diversion granted. Case dismissed with completion of parenting class. County: Sacramento 8/18/2017
J.T. Charge: PC 243-misdemeanor battery (client is a medical doctor) Results: case dismissed with one-day class no plea entered County: El Dorado 8/16/2017
T.B. Charge: 5 red light camera tickets Results:1 resolved for t/s; 1 resolved outright, 1 resolved for $75 fine; 2 dismissed – potential 5 points on driving record, will end up with 2 after t/s County: Sacramento 8/14/2017
J.B. Charges: 1ST Dui Results: Reduced to wet reckless County: Sacramento 8/8/2017
R.L. Charge: Misdemeanor driving w/o license Results: Dismissed County: Yolo 8/8/2017
R.C. Charges: Domestic violence Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 8/7/2017
A.M. Charge: Misdemeanor hit and run Results: resolved for infractions County: Sacramento 8/7/2017
A.D. Charge: PC 459, PC 487(A), 484(A) Results: Resolved for community service for the one count of PC 459, as a misdemeanor, other case dismissed County: Sacramento 8/4/2017
J.W. Charge: VC 22400, impeding traffic Results: dismissed County: Los Angeles 8/4/2017
J.M. Charge: Felony 273.5 Domestic Violence with gun enhancement; Felony 422 Criminal Threats with gun enhancement (Strike); Felony 245(a)(2) with gun enhancement (Strike); Felon in possession of gun. Result: Felony 273.5 Domestic Violence with gun enhancement DISMISSED; Felony 422 Criminal Threats with gun enhancement (Strike) DISMISSED; Felony 245(a)(2) with gun enhancement (Strike) DISMISSED. Client plead only to felon in possession of gun for 90 days work project and 52-week class. County: Stanislaus 8/3/2017
K.T. Charge: Felony DUI with injury Results: Misdemeanor DUI without injury conviction, and restitution. 17 days work project (no jail, no yearlong license suspension, and alcohol class reduced from nine to six months) County: Sacramento 7/26/17
G.R. Charge: drug-related DUI Results: reduced, 12 hr class and fine only, no jail work project or home detention and no license suspension) County: Placer 7/21/17
A.A. Charge: VC 23152(b) Felony conviction Results: Reduced to misdemeanor and expungement granted County: Sacramento 7/19/2017
Y.Q. Charge: VC 12500 misdo, driving without driver’s license and speeding violation Results: dismissed with $25 correction fee, speed reduced to allow traffic school County: Yolo 7/17/2017
M.S. Charge: Wet reckless Results: expungement granted County: Yolo 7/17/2017
B.M. Charge: red light camera violation Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 7/13/17
H.B. Charge: Petty Theft Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 7/12/2017
P.C. Charge: PC 496(a) Felony conviction Results: Reduced to misdemeanor and expungement granted County: Sacramento 7/12/2017
S.P. Charge: VC 23152(b), 2nd DUI Results expungement granted County: Sacramento 7/12/2017
J.L. Charge: PC 288.2(b), felony Results: expungement granted County: Stanislaus 7/11/2017
C.L. Charge: Five criminal violations out of five different counties Results: expungement granted for all five counties County: Sacramento, Placer, San Diego, San Joaquin, Solano 7/7/20147
A.K. Charge: VC 23109(c), exhibition of speed, misdemeanor Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 7/3/2017
R.D. Charge: 2 RLC tickets Results: Traffic school or one ticket the second ticket dismissed County: Sacramento 6/30/2017
R.A. Charge: 1st DUI Results: Expungement granted County: Placer 6/29/2017
J.B. Charge: 1ST DUI Results: Early termination of probation and expungement granted County: Placer 6/29/2017
H.H. Charge: Assault weapon possession, a Felony Results: Reduced to a misdemeanor after preliminary hearing County: Sacramento 6/27/2017
C.A Charge: Felony theft Results: Dismissed prior to preliminary hearing County: Sacramento 6/27/2017
C.R. Charge: VC 22406, commercial speeding Result: dismissed County: Placer 6/27/2017
M.M Charge: VC 22349(a), speeding 99 MPH Results: reduced speed for t/s school County: Placer 6/27/2017
J.V. Charge: Two drug DUIs Results: both reduced to wet reckless. avoided 18 month class, mandatory jail, ignition interlock device, dui .01 probation, and license suspension. County: Sacramento and El Dorado 6/23/2017
R.L. Charge: VC 12500, driving without a license Results: Dismissed County: Sacramento 6/22/2017
N. L. M. Charge: cited for VC 14601.2, misdemeanor driving while license suspended because of a DUI, VC 23247, misdemeanor no IID, and VC 22349(b), speeding Result: resolved for VC 14601.1 as an infraction, remaining counts dismissed County: Sacramento 6/20/2017
R.G. Charge: VC 23152(b) convictions Results: Expungement granted County: Placer 6/15/2017
D.A Charge: VC 14601 and illegal fireworks Results: Reduced to VC 12500 and fireworks charge dismissed County: Yolo 6/15/2017
M.C. Charge: VC 22349(b) set for trial, on day of trial client failed to show, officer also failed to show, Court found client guilty by trial by declaration. Counsel filed timely trial de novo, but request was denied. Counsel appealed. Results: Ruling: trial court’s decision denying appellant’s request for trial de novo is reversed with directions to dismiss complaint and issue refund of $530 County: Yolo 6/16/2017
D.O. Charge: Petty theft Results: diversion program, once completed, case to be dismissed County: Placer 6/15/2017
W.R. Charge: VC 22349(b) 90 MPH in a 55 zone Result: dismissed County: Sacramento 6/13/2017
P.S. Charge: Commercial impeding traffic Results: dismissed County: Yolo 6/9/2017
M.B. Charge: Felony domestic violence Results: Dismiss with completion of 12 anger management classes County: Yolo 6/7/2017
C.G. Charge: Felony drug sales Results: First reduced to misdemeanor then pre-plea diversion (no record and dismissed) County: Sacramento 6/7/2017
V.P. Charge: VC 22406, commercial speeding Result: amended to VC 38300, no point violation County: San Joaquin 6/5/2017
S.L. Charge: VC 22406 commercial speeding Results: dismissed County: San Joaquin 6/5/2017
B.K. Charge: PC 422 strike felony, PC 273.5 domestic violence Result: Felony strike dismissed, plead to misdemeanor 422 and 236 for 60 days of work project (no batterers treatment program, no strike, no felony, and no jail) County: Sacramento 5/12/2017
A.M. Charge: 2nd DUI Result: early termination of probation and expungement granted for 2nd DUI (10 months left on probation) County: Placer 5/25/2017
K.C. Charge: Felony marijuana sales and H&S 11366 keeping home where drugs are sold Result: Case dismissed prior to trial County: Yuba 5/12/2017
G.C. Charge: VC 20002, hit and run Result: Diversion granted, dismissed in one year with no conviction entered if no new violations County: Sacramento 5/12/2017
B.B. Charge: Minor in possession Result: Dismissed County: Butte 5/12/2017
T.O. Charge: Stolen gun, concealed gun (possible felony) Result: Diversion for 90 hours community service (case dismissed upon completion) County: Sacramento 5/12/2017
D.C. Charge: VC 22348(b), exceeding 100 mph Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/9/2017
D.B. Charge: VC 14601, misdemeanor driving with suspended license Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/9/2017
Y.K. Charge: VC 23103, misdemeanor reckless driving Result: Resolved for VC 23109 as infraction County: Sacramento 5/9/2017
J.D Charge: VC 14601.1, misdemeanor driving with suspended license and VC 22349, speeding Result: VC 12500, unlicensed driver an infraction and the speeding County: Sacramento 5/9/2017
B.R. Charge: Red light camera Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/9/2017
A.R. Charge: Speeding over 100mph Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 5/9/2017
C.L. Charge: Petty theft conviction Result: Expungement granted County: San Joaquin 5/5/2017
J.E County: Sacramento Result: 5/3/2017
F. W. Charge: Permanent Civil harassment restraining order Result: Motion to Reconsider granted, civil harassment permanent
restraining order quashed
County: Sacramento 4/28/17
K.S. Charge: Receiving stolen property, felony Result: Reduction to misdemeanor and petition to expunge granted County: Yolo 4/21/2017
R. S. Charge: red light camera violation Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 4/14/2017
T.T. Charge: 1st offense DUI Result: Early termination of probation and expungement granted County: Placer 4/13/2017
S. H. Charge: Third DUI with injury, face laceration Result: 180 days alternative sentencing (no jail) County: Sacramento 4/12/2017
M.E. Charge: Felony DUI with prior Result: Got prior stricken due to out of state case law, reduced to a
misdemeanor with year offer cut in half to 180 days.
County: Yuba 4/12/2017
E.G. Charge: Felony DUI Result: Reduced to misdemeanor DUI County: Sacramento 4/12/2017
D.D. Charge: PC 69 with 32 months prison offered Result: Reduced to misdemeanor, 120 days of work project County: Placer 4/12/2017
R.F. Charge: VC 14601.1, as an infraction, expired registration, and no insurance. Officer present went to trial Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 4/12/2017
K.S. Charge: HSC 11359-possesion of marijuana for sale- felony Result: petition to reduce to misdemeanor pursuant to Prop 64 granted and expungement granted County: Sacramento 4/7/2017
R. P. Charge: VC 22348(b), exceeding 100mph Result: Not guilty County: Sacramento 4/3/2017
B. W. Charge: Felony DUI 2nd offense Result: Expungement granted County: Sacramento 3/28/2017
E.S. Charge: VC 22349(a), 96mph/65mph zone Result: Fine reduced and traffic school granted and 2 counts of VC
27360(a) no child restraint, dismissed
County: Placer 3/28/2017
I.A. Charge: VC 14601.1, misdemeanor, driving while license suspended Result: Reduced to VC 12500, infraction County: Sacramento 3/27/2017
M. N.Charge: – VC 14601.1, driving while license suspended, and VC 22349(a), speeding Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 3/22/2017
S. P. Charge: 3rd DUI Result: Early termination of probation and expungement on 3rd DUI granted County: Sacramento 3/17/2017
E.F. Charge: Felony domestic violence Result: Simple misdemeanor battery PC 242 for 12 anger management session
and 30 AA sessions. No 52-week class, jail, work project
County: Sacramento 3/16/2017
D.B. Charge: DUI with injury, hit and run (offer was nine month DUI class and one year hard license suspension) Result: Injury and hit and run Charges dismissed, plea to non-injury DUI for 12 days work project and three-month DUI class (and only one month license suspension instead of one year) County: Sacramento 3/16/2017
L. V. Charge: Felony DUI with injury Result: Felony dismissed, plead to standard non-injury misdemeanor DUI for six days work project. County: Amador 3/16/2017
P.H Charge: PC 245(a)(1), strike dismissed Result: Plead to misdemeanor PC 594 vandalism for work project County: Sacramento 3/13/2017
M.D Charge: VC 14601 Result: Dismissed County: Yolo 3/9/2017
R.F. Charge: VC 14601.1, infraction Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 3/3/2017
K. M. Charge: Exceeding 100mph 3/3/2017 County: Yolo Result: Amended to speeding with traffic school and reduced fine
P.S. Charge: Exceeding 100mph – Result: Dismissed County: Yolo 3/3/2017
B. L. Charge: DUI Result: BAC 08, wet with home detention, no alcohol class, no license
suspension, no work project, and no IID
County: Sacramento 3/1/2017
J. M. Charge: PC 29800(A)(1)-felon in poss. of firearm Result: Felony early termination of probation and expungement granted County: Sacramento 3/1/2017
P. N. Charge: VC 14601.1, VC 2500, and VC 4000(a) Result: All counts dismissed County: Sacramento 2/27/2017
H. Y. Charge: Drug DUI Result: Wet reckless with one day work project County: Sacramento 2/21/2017
N. L Charge: MDMA drug dui Result: Reduced to wet reckless County: Sacramento 2/21/2017
M. S. Charge: Exceeding 100mph Result: Dismissed County: Sacramento 2/21/2017
E.A. Charge: Felony Marijuana Sales Result: Reduced to a misdemeanor after Prop 64 then dismissed County: Yolo 2/20/2017
A.D. Charge: DUI, BAC .11 Result: Dismissed due to Serna issue County: Sutter 2/20/2017
A.J. Charge: Felony vandalism and assault Result: Felony dismissed, reduced to misdemeanor vandalism for home
County: Sacramento 2/20/2017
J. R. Charge: VC 20002(a), misdemeanor, hit & run, dismissed, Result: Resolved for two infractions with traffic school County: Sacramento 2/17/2017
S.R. Charge: VC 22349(a) dismissed, Result: Resolved for no-point violation County: El Dorado 2/17/2017
E. M. Charge: Two separate cases for PC 273.5, misdemeanor and domesticviolence Result: Expungement granted on both cases County: Sacramento 2/17/2017
M.G.Misdemeanor battery Result: Dismissed for 12 anger management classes Sac 2/7/2017

VC 20002 with under influence claim

Result: Dismissed and reduced to VC 16025 infraction and VC 22350 with

traffic school

Sac 2/7/2017
G. R

Commercial Speeding

Result: Commercial speeding amended to no-point violation Solano 2/6/2017
T. S.

Felony 245 assault with vehicle, dui, hit and run and battery.

Results: Felony dismissed, plead to misdemeanors only, no mandatory jail Sacramento 2/3/2017
R. P.

heroin sales, felony sales

Results: dismissed, plead to possession with treatment only misdemeanor Sacramento 2/2/2017

PC 459, two counts conviction

Result: Expungement granted Sac 2/2/2017

VC 23103, misdemeanor

Result: Resolved for two infractions and traffic school* Placer 2/1/2017

Reckless Driving, misdemeanor

Result: Amended to VC 22350 as infraction Sacramento 1/26/2017


Result: Dismissed Colusa 1/23/2017

VC 14601.2

Result: Resolved for 12500 as a misdemeanor for fine only Placer 1/20/2017

Felony Cultivation charge

Result: Prop 32, misdemeanor for 60 days work project Sac 1/19/2017

Red Light camera violation

Resolved: Dismissed Sacramento 1/19/2017

VC 23103

Result: Dismissed Placer 1/19/2017

Felony transportation of 10 lbs of marijuana out of state and

unregistered gun

Resolved: for misdemeanor 120 days alt sentencing Sacramento 1/18/2017

Speeding 91mph in a 65mph

Results: Dismissed Placer 1/17/2017

VC 23152 (B), conviction

Result: Early termination of probation and dismissal granted Sutter 1/6/2017
W. L.

Felon domestic violence and felony child


Result, reduced to misdemeanor for 60 days work project, no jail no

felony, and injury charges reduced to assault.

Sacramento 1/4/2017
C. S.

VC 23103(a), reckless driving, misdemeanor

Resolved: VC 23109(c), exhibition of speed, infraction Sacramento 12/27/2016

Felony Marijuana Cultivation

Results: Dismissed Sacramento: 12/22/2016
D. M.

VC 23109(c), exhibition of speed, misdemeanor

Resolved: amended to VC 23109(c) as infraction Sacramento 12/22/2016


Result: Wet Reckless and DMV set aside Solano 12/22/2016

14601.1 (a)

Result: Dismissed Sac 12/19/2016


Result: Dismissed Sac 12/19/2016


Result: VC 22350 65mph in 45mph – not guilty Placer 12/18/2016


Result: Dismissed Yolo 12/16/2016

VC 23103(a), reckless driving, misdemeanor

Resolved: VC 23109(c), infraction Sacramento 12/14/2016

VC 14601.2, driving while license suspended because of DUI,


Resolved: VC 14601.1 infraction Sacramento 12/13/2016

Charged with VC 35551(a), commercial overweight, misdemeanor,

Results: reduced to an infraction with significant fine reduction saving

several thousands of dollars

Solano 12/12/2016

VC 20002(a), hit and run, misdemeanor

Result: Resolved for VC 22350, infraction with traffic school Sac 12/13/2016

Speeding 91 mph in a 65 mph zone

Result: Resolved for traffic school Sac 12/13/2016

14601.2 driving when license suspended because of DUI,


Results: resolved for VC 14601.1 as infraction Sacramento 12/5/2016

PC 647(f) and felony PC 594

Result: reduction to misdemeanor and expungement granted Sacramento 11/30/2016

VC 22349(a), 91 mph in a 65 mph zone

Result: Dismissed Sac 11/28/2016

VC 14601.2, driving with suspended license because of


Result: resolved for VC 14601.1, infraction Sac 11/20/2016
T. S.

Felony strike DUI w/ injury (victim lost an eye)

Result: Probation granted, 180 days (half jail/half work project) Yolo 11/15/2016
T. S.

Felony DUI with injury. Loss of eye by victim.

Result: 120 days (offer was 4 years 4 months prison) Yolo 11/15/2016

(PC) 273.5, felony infliction of corporal injury of spouse or dating partner, PC 422, felony criminal threats (strike offense), PC

136.1(b)(3), felony dissuading a witness, and 273.6(a),violation of a court order.

Result: Felony strike offense (PC 422) dismissed, felony corporal injury

dismissed. Plead only to misdemeanor with 30 days alternative sentencing

(no jail) and eight hours community service/classes with probation.

Yolo 11/22/2016
M. T.

Felony DUI with injury.

Result: fel dui with injury dismissed (plead to misdemeanor only for 120

days work project or home detention).

Sacramento 11/22/2016
B. R.

second dui while on probation. .09 bac.

Result: Second dui dismissed, no mandatory jail or ignition interlock

device requirement. Plead to wet reckless with second dui terms.

Sacramento 11/22/2016

2nd DUI, BAC .09

Results: 2nd DUI dismissed in full. No 18-month class, mandatory jail, or

ignition interlock device. Plead to suspended license only.

Sac 11/22/2016

2nd DUI

Results: Out of state prior stricken at motion hearing, no mandatory

jail, treated as first offense even though prior within ten years

Sac 11/22/2016

Misdemeanor Reckless driving

Results: , amended to VC 22350, unsafe speed, infraction and traffic


Sacramento 11/18/2016

VC 14601.1, misdemeanor

Results: Dismissed Sac 11/9/2016

Two separate charges of VC 14601.1, misdemeanor, and third

violation of light rail pay evasion

Results: All charges dismissed Sac 11/9/2016

Red light camera violation

Results: Dismissed Sac 11/2/16

DUI with a prior from Texas

Results: Treated as a first DUI, Texas prior stricken Sac 10/31/16

Fourth DUI with high BAC and possible evading

Results: Probation with home detention, no jail time* Sac 10/31/16

VC 23152(b) conviction

Results: Early termination of probation (19 months left) and expungement


Sac 10/28/16

VC 22356, speeding 99mph in a 70mph zone

Results: Amended to no-point violation Yolo 10/28/16

.08 DUI

DUI dismissed, plead to dry reckless with no

license suspension, no DUI on criminal or driving record

Yuba 10/28/2016

2nd DUI

Results: DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless, no jail time and no IID

requirement, second DUI probation terms

Sacramento 10/28/2016

Felony vandalism with +$4000 worth of damages

Results: Reduce to misdemeanor for alternative sentencing Sac 10/26/2016

Ct. 1 VC 14601.2, driving with suspended license from DUI, misdemeanor and Ct. 2 VC 23247, no IID,

Results: Reduced to VC 14601.1 as infraction and Ct. 2 dismissed Sac 10/19/16

Felony criminal threats

Results: Dismissed. Pled to disturbing the peace misdemeanor, 30 days home

detention, no jail

Sac 10/18/2016

VC 22349(b) 75+/65mph

Results: Dismissed Placer 10/3/16

Petition to seal and destroy record

Results: Granted San Joaquin 9/30/16

Negligent operator suspension

Results: Suspension set aside N/A 9/30/16

PC 32 felony convicted

Result: Reduced to a misdemeanor and expungement granted Sacramento 9/29/2016

VC 14601.2, driving while license suspended b/c of DUI, and VC 22349 speeding

Result: Resolved for VC 12500 as misdemeanor and speeding dismissed Placer 9/29/2016

VC 22348(b), exceeding 100mph (103/70)

Result: Amended to VC 22356 and traffic school authorized Colusa 9/26/2016

PC 368(b)(1) Elder Abuse and PC 242 Misdemeanor Battery

Result: All charges dismissed upon proof of six psychiatrist visits in next six months. Sacramento 9/21/2016

VC 23103.5, wet reckless, conviction

Result: early termination of probation (1 year & 2 months left) and expungement granted Sacramento 9/16/2016

VC 23152(b), DUI, conviction

Result: expungement granted Sacramento 9/16/2016

VC 23152(b), DUI, conviction

Result: expungement granted Sacramento 9/16/2016

Felony strike robbery 211, felony strike dissuading a witness, contributing to delinquency of minor misdemeanor.

Result: Both felony strikes dismissed, plea to misdemeanor dissuading for no additional time and three years informal probation Sutter 9/14/2016

VC 22349(a) 87/65

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 9/13/2016

VC 14601.1, as a misdemeanor, VC 16028(a), no insurance, VC 4000 (a) expired registration, and FTA

Result: Admitted FTA remaining counts dismissed Sacramento 9/2/2016

Felony DUI with possible shoulder dislocation, BAC .12/.11

Result: Reduced to misdemeanor at sentencing Placer 9/1/2016

False identification and knife possession filed as a felony

Result: resolved as a misdemeanor, diversion granted, record clean upon completion of class Yolo 8/31/2016

VC 21453(b), no stop at red light

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 8/31/2016

VC 21651(b), driving wrong way on highway, as a misdemeanor

Result: Amended to VC 21651(a) as infraction with traffic school Sacramento 8/31/2016

Felony corporal injury

Result: Domestic battery charge as a misdemeanor Sacramento 8/29/2016

H&S 11378, possession with intent to sell, felony conviction

Result: expungement granted Sacramento 8/29/2016

Second drug dui with major collision, four drugs; HS 11550

Result: wet reckless, no actual jail, home detention only; HS 11550 dismissed Placer 8/29/2016

VC 34506.3, failure to comply with rules/regs fine $695

Result: Amended to VC 34501.4, no point violation and fine reduced to $220 Nevada 8/19/16

PC 484e(d) conviction

Result: early termination of probation (1 year early) and expungement granted Sacramento 8/12/16

Exceeding 100 mph

Result: Dismissed Solano 8/10/16


Result: .11 wet reckless San Joaquin 8/9/16

VC 23103(b), reckless driving, misdemeanor

Result: Resolved for two infractions with traffic school Sacramento 8/9/2016

HS 11359, poss of mj with intent to sell, felony conviction

Result: expungement granted with two subsequent DUI convictions while on formal probation Sacramento 8/9/2016

VC 21655.5, HOV violation

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 8/8/16

VC 22349 (a), speeding

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 8/8/16

BP 7027.1(a) misdemeanor conviction

Result: Expungement granted Sacramento 8/5/2016

PC 602(m) conviction

Result: early termination of probation (11 months early) and expungement granted over DA’s opposition Yolo 8/4/2016

VC 20002(a), misdemeanor hit and run

Result: Resolved for two infractions Sacramento 8/2/2016

VC 14601.2, driving with suspended because of DUI and VC 23247, no IID, both misdemeanors

Result: Resolved for VC 14601.1 as infraction and VC 23247 dismissed Sacramento 8/2/2016

VC 22406

Result: Charge amended to VC 38300 a no point violation Yolo 7/29/2016

Driving without IID (suspended license) and insurance violation

Result: Insurance violation dismissed. Plead to speed infraction with traffic school, no point. Case dismissed. No one year license suspension for IID violation Yolo 7/29/16

VC 22450

Result: Dismissed Yolo 7/29/16

cultivation of marijuana

Result: Bail reduced from 500k to 10k Sacramento 7/28/2016

Felony DUI with prior felony DUI within 10 years, BAC .24

Result: Probation granted, 270 days of work project, no jail Sacramento 7/27/2016

Resisting Arrest

Result: Dismissed Placer 7/22/16

Impeding traffic

Result: Amended to a no-point violation Yolo 7/22/2016


Result: Dismissed Sacramento 6/13/2016

VC 14601.1 as misdemeanor (10 day minimum)

Result: Reduced to VC 12500 as misdemeanor with one year informal probation and fine. Tulare 6/8/2016

VC 23109(c), a misdemeanor

Result: Reduced to VC 22350, unsafe speed with traffic school Sacramento 6/3/2016

VC 20002(a), misdemeanor

Result: Charges amended VC 16025 infraction and VC 22106 infraction w/ traffic school. No points on record Sacramento 5/27/2016

VC 23103.5, wet reckless

Result: early termination of probation (13 months early) and expungement granted Sac 5/27/2016

Marijuana DUI, a misdemeanor

Result: Speeding and possession of marijuana under an ounce (infractions). Misdemeanor dismissed Napa 5/26/2016

gun possession misdemeanor and drunk in public

Result: gun possession dismissed, diversion for drunk in public, dismissed upon completion of community service Placer 5/25/2016

Felony assault against an officer resulting in great bodily injury PC 245 (two counts)

Result: Felony great bodily injury dismissed (all felonies dismissed). Plead to misdemeanor resisting and PC 69 a misdemeanor for no jail time Yolo 5/24/2016

Second DUI with .11 BAC

Result: Wet reckless plea with second conditions (no ignition interlock required) Sacramento 5/24/2016

VC 14601.2 misdemeanor charge

Result: reduced to VC 14601.1 as infraction Sac 5/24/2016

Speeding +100mph

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 5/18/2016

Red Light camera violation

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 5/13/2016

VC 23109(c), exhibition of speed

Result: Amended to VC 22350, speeding, with traffic school Butte 5/12/2016

Two prostitution cases

Result: One case dismissed, the other case set for Reset Program (will be dismissed after 8 weeks upon completion of the program) Sacramento 5/11/2016

Felony theft, felony vandalism, felony received stolen property, conspiracy, and prowling

Result: All charges dismissed. Case dismissed after preliminary hearing before trial Placer 5/10/2016

VC 14601.1, driving with a suspended license, VC 16028(c), VC 4000(a), and VC 12500(b), no motorcycle endorsement

Result: Case dismissed (Officer present) Sacramento 5/10/2016

VC 22350, speeding

Result: resolved for a no point violation Yolo 5/6/2016

VC 22349, exceeding 100 mph

Result: dismissed Placer 5/4/2016

VC 22349, exceeding 100 mph

Result: dismissed Placer 5/4/2016

VC 23103, reckless driving, as a misdemeanor

Result: VC 23109(c), exhibition of speed, as an infraction for fine only Sacramento 5/3/2016

VC 22349, exceeding 100 mph

Result: dismissed Placer 5/4/2016

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for felony DUI with injury

Result: Reduced to misdemeanor and expungement granted El Dorado 5/2/2016

DUI with accident and fleeing scene

Result: wet reckless with first terms BAC .09 Sacramento 4/29/2016
J. L.

Felony DUI/child endangerment/battery

Result: Felony DUI reduced to misdemeanor with no jail. Misdemeanor resolution. Sacramento 4/29/2016

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for PC 261.5, felony conviction

Result: Reduced to misdemeanor and expungement granted Placer 4/27/2016

VC 224406, speeding 68/55

Result: dismissed Sac 4/27/2016

VC 14601.2 misdemeanor charge

Result: reduced to VC 14601.1 as infraction for fine only Sac 4/26/2016

VC 14601.2 misdemeanor charge

Result: reduced to VC 14601.1 as infraction, speeding charge dismissed Sac 4/22/2016

VC 23109(c), exhibition of speed a misdemeanor with a prior

Result: Charges amended VC 22348 exceeding 100mph as an infraction for fine on Sac 4/21/2016

Speeding over 100mph

Result: dismissed Solano 4/21/2016

Felony DUi with injury

Result: Felony with injury dui dismissed, plead to DUI with no injury (Felony and misdemeanor DUI with injury dismissed). No jail, no mandatory year license suspension, no felony. Sacramento 4/18/2016

Third DUI, BAC .08

Result: Case dismissed Placer 4/18/2016

DUI with injury

Result: DUI with injury dismissed plead to standard DUI with no injury Sacramento 4/14/2016

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for Felony sales with sales prior

Result: Expungement granted Placer 3/25/2016

Red Light Camera Violation

Result: Red light camera violation dismissed. Sacramento 3/14/2016

PC 148 resisting/obstructing officer

Result: Resisting charge dismissed, plead to drunk in public Calaveras 3/14/2016


Result: DUI dismissed to wet and reckless Placer 3/9/2016

Felony Vandalism

Result: Case dismissed with proof of $2,000 payment and staying clean Yolo 3/7/2016

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for VC 23152(b) 2nd offense with high blood alcohol

Result: Expungement granted Yolo 3/1/2016

Felony DUI with prior from 2009, two victims with two fractures (possible great bodily injury enhancement)

Result: Plead to one year with probation (instead of actual prison) Sacramento 2/24/2016

VC 22349 speeding

Result: dismissed Alameda 2/18/2016

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for VC 20002 conviction

Result: Early termination of probation and expungement granted Sacramento 2/17/2016

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for VC 23152(B)

Result: Early termination of probation and expungement granted Sacramento 2/11/2016

Failure to stop

Result: dismissed Sacramento 2/9/2016

Commercial Speeding

Result: Amended to no-point violation Placer 1/20/16

DUI with B.A.C. of .10

Result: DUI dismissed to wet and reckless San Bernardino 1/6/2016


Result: Resolved for wet with no alcohol class Napa 11/24/2015

VC 12500

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 11/23/2015

Speeding exceeding 100

Result: Dismissed Stanislaus 11/20/2015

Drug Possession

Result: Dismissed San Joaquin 11/6/2015


Result: Expungement granted over DA Objection El Dorado 11/4/2015

Speeding & not presenting CDL to officer

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 11/2/2015

1203 Expungement

Result: Expungement granted Placer 10/29/2015

Welfare Fraud of $10,000

Result: Reduced to misdemeanor no jail Placer 10/25/2015

Exceeding 100

Result: Standard speeding with Traffic School eligibility Merced 10/22/2015

VC 38300

Result: No point Solano 10/20/2015


Result: Case Dismissed (2nd in a row for the same client) San Joaquin County 09/18/2015

Red Light Violation

Result: Case dismissed Contra Costa County 8/13/15

2 Felony expungements

Result: Both felonies reduced to misdemeanors and expunged. Sacramento County 8/17/2015

Felony Sales

Result: Possession with drug diversion Sacramento County 8/12/2015

Felony Statutory Rape

Result: Reduced to misdemeanor with no jail time (240 hours of community service only) Santa Clara County 8/18/2015


Result: Case Dismissed San Joaquin County 09/10/2015


Result: Dismissed. Third traffic case dismissed in the last month for same client. San Joaquin County 9/24/2015


Result: Case dismissed (2nd people continuance b/c both officers not present) Sacramento County 10/28/15


Result: Amended to VC 38300 with a total fine of $80 reduced from $362. Solano County 11/04/2015

Both dismissed. Case 1 was a misdo 23103; case 2 VC 22349.

Result: Both dismissed. Case 1 was a misdo 23103; case 2 VC 22349. Mendocino County 11/04/2015

Resolved to VC 12500 infraction and $25 fine

Result: Resolved to VC 12500 infraction and $25 fine Mendocino County 11/12/2015

Expungement of DUI

Result: Expungement granted Sacramento County 11/13/2015

Driving out of class

Result: Dismissed Sacramento County 11/13/2015


Result: Dismissed at trial Sacramento County 11/16/15


Result: Dismissed at trial San Joaquin County 11/17/15


Result: Dismissed at trial San Joaquin County 11/17/15


Result:Dismissed at trial Sacramento County 11/18/15

Violation of probation

Result: Resolved with a fine Yuba County 12/2/2015

Felony Embezzlement and receiving stolen property

Result: Felony embezzlement with prior stricken, no prison time Sacramento County 1/20/2016

Felony gun possession

Result: Felony dismissed, plead to a misdemeanor for 60 days work project. Sacramento County 1/20/2016

DMV Fraud

Result: Fraud action set aside Sacramento County

Felony Assault w/ Deadly Weapon and theft case

Result:Felony dismissed, plead to misdemeanor domestic violence for no jail time, and theft case dismissed Sacramento County /td>

Possession of weapon and drunk in public

Result: Possession of weapon dismissed, diversion program granted for drunk in public Placer County

Hit & Run

Result: Hit & run dismissed, plead to traffic infraction with no DMV point, no probation, no work project, fine under $200 Placer County

Felony Statutory Rape

Result: Case dismissed at pretrial Yolo County 1/20/2016

Minor, Misdemeanor Hit & Run, provisional license infraction, and unsafe lane change infraction

Result: plead to unsafe lane change infraction, provisional license infraction dismissed, misdemeanor hit and run dismissed, fine reduced to $110. Placer County 1/20/2016

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 1/11/2016

Charge: 14601

Result: Dismissed Sacramento 1/11/2016

Charge: Misdemeanor reckless driving (VC 23103)

Result: Reduced to VC 22350 with Traffic School and fine only $226 Sacramento 1/4/2016

Charges: Placer county boating DUI .11 BAC, presented rising blood alcohol defense.

Result: Resolved for H&N 655(a). Boating DUI dismissed, plead to boating reckless driving. 12 hour class and fine only, no jail, work project, or home detention. Placer 12/14/2016

Charges:1203 Expungement and Early Termination

Result: Early Term and Expungement granted Sacramento 12/11/2015


Result: Resolved for no-point Sacramento 12/8/2015

Charges: Speeding

Results: Dismissed Sacramento 10/19/2015

Charges:1203 Expungement and Early Termination

Result: Early Term and Expungement granted Sacramento 9/24/2015

Charges: Felony 2nd DUI and VOP

Results: Dismissed Sacramento 9/16/2015

Charges: Failure To Stop

Results: Dismissed Yolo 9/15/2015

Charges: Speeding

Results: Dismissed San Joaquin 9/10/2015

Charges: Misdemeanor Vandalism (graffiti)

Result: Dismissed with 12 AA Sessions and Restitution Sacramento 8/27/2015

Charges: Felony Burglary

Result: Dimissed. Plead to misdemeanor trespassing with work project Sacramento 8/27/15

Charges: Speeding

Results: Dismissed Sacramento 10/19/2015

Third DUI w/ Injury

Avoided injury conviction (which could have been a felony). Plead to misdemeanor non-injury DUI with home detention (no actual jail). Yolo County 01/27/2016

Felony check fraud, felony drug possession.

Felonies dismissed. Check fraud reduced to misdemeanor for five days work project, drug possession reduced and dismissed with drug diversion completion. Yolo County 08/11/2015

DUI with great bodily injury and two additional victims, and child endangerment. Eight years prison exposure.

Additional victims and child endangerment dismissed, plead to five years probation with home detention (no jail). BAC .12 Sacramento County 07/29/2015

Third DUI (drug dui). Driving on suspended plus drug possession.

Third dui dismissed, suspended license plea and diversion for drug charge (dismissal upon completion.). Sacramento County 07/28/2015

Commercial Red Light Violation

Resolved for non-point violation. El Dorado County 07/24/2015

Misdemeanor VC 14601.2 (driving on a suspended license from a DUI)

Infraction VC 12500 with fine only. Placer County 07/16/2015


Dismissed. Alameda County 07/14/2015

08 dmv APS case

Won the APS hearing due to title 17 15 min observation period on breath test violation. Sacramento County 07/09/2015

DUI (.10 BAC)

Wet reckless. Sacramento County 06/30/2015

Expungement for DUI

Expungement granted. Alameda County 06/30/2015

DUI (.11 BAC)

Wet reckless, no license suspension, no interlock igniition device, no work project, and won DMV hearing. Sacramento County 06/26/2015

Felony drug possession for sale

Misdemeanor simple possession. Placer County 06/22/2015

Commercial Speeding

Amended to 21710 at arr (visiting judge) over clerks advisement to judge that usually wait for officer in case he objects. Solano County 06/16/2015

Expungement for DUI

Expungement granted. Sacramento County 06/12/2015

Felony Theft (8k)

Resolved for misdo. Yolo County 06/09/2015


Dismissed. Sacramento County 06/03/2015


resolved for VC 21710 (coasting), a non point violation for a fine only. Solano County 05/27/2015

14601.2 & VOP

Case (along with VOP) dismissed, client is also off probation successfully. Yolo County 05/26/2015

Commercial Speeding

Amended to no-point violation Merced County 05/16/2015

VC 22349 (97/65mph) & 14601.1 misdo

Resolved for VC 12500 inf and speeding dismissed w/o showing proof of valid CDL (client’s DL susp b/c of DUI and neg op.) Merced County 05/15/2015

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for domestic violence case

Expungement graned. Fresno County 05/13/2015

Speeding; Failure to appear

case dismissed. San Joaquin County 05/07/2015

VC 22348 (Speeding 100mph+)

Reduced to VC 22356 (speed reduced from 111mph to 99mph) with no license suspension. Merced County 05/05/2015


case dismissed. Sacramento County 05/05/2015

Misdemeanor violation of reckless driving

Reduced to speeding infraction with traffic school. Placer County 05/01/2015


Case dismissed. San Joaquin County 04/30/2015

Petition for early termination of probation, reduction from felony to misdemeanor conviction, and expungement

Early termination, reduction to misdemeanor, and expungement all granted. Sacramento County 04/30/2015

Misdo violation of driving without interlock device

Showed proof of IID, case dismissed. Sacramento County 04/28/2015

DMV Fraud case, license indefinitely suspended.

DMV action set aside, license reinstated. Sacramento County 04/17/2015

Charge: Felony DUI with GBI Injury (fractured vertebrae) and prior offense in 2014.

Result: Felony Dismissed, injury dismissed. Plead to second offense with no injury. Saved year license suspension, and possible 3 years prison sentence. Sacramento County 4/08/2015

Charge: Speeding 91 mph in a 55

Result: Amended to VC38300; no points on record, fine only Colusa County 04/06/2015

Charge: Speeding 108mph in a 70

Result: Reduced speed to 95pmh with traffic school and reduced fine Solano County 04/06/2015

Charge: VC 23103 misdo

Result: Resolved for VC 23109 infraction, fine reduced by $285. Sacramento County 03/27/2015

Charge: Expungement with early term of formal probation

Result: Early term and expungement granted Yolo County 03/26/2015

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 03/25/2015

Charge: VC 22348(b) Speeding 105mph

Result: Amended to VC 22349 90mph. Reduced fine from $1700 to $458 (incl pymnt plan fee). He had 2 priors otherwise would have been even cheaper. Placer County 03/25/2015

Charge: Second offense Theft

Result: Diversion granted a second time Placer County 03/24/2015

Charge: Felony Violation of Probation

Result: VOP dismissed Sacramento County 03/12/2015

Charge: Domestic Violence and Vandalism, offer plea with 52 week class

Result: Case dismissed Yolo County 03/10/15

Charge: Felony DUI w/ Injury

Result: Amended to misdemeanor VC 23152 with no mandatory jail time Amador County 2/26/2015

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed Sacramento County 2/17/2015

Charge: Speeding over 100 mph

Result: Amended to VC 22356 with fine of only $243 Yolo County 2/10/2015

Charge: Felony possession of ammunition with prior strike

Result: Prior strike dismissed, Probation with house arrest eligibility for entire sentence Sacramento County 02/04/2015

Charge: DUI with .10/.10 pas

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 02/04/2015

Charge: Felony Domestic Violence

Result: Dismissed with 12 anger management classes Sacramento County 1/29/2015

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed Sacramento County 1/16/2015

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver on a .09/.09 PAS. Placer County 12/30/2014

Charge: VC 4600; VC 40616 as misdemeanor

Result: VC 4600 dismissed; VC 40616 as misdemeanor reduced to PC 12147.1 as infraction Sacramento County 12/30/2014

Charge: Felony burglary

Result: Dismissed. Plead to theft with dismissal upon completion of diversion. Placer County 11/24/2014

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Dismissed and DMV set aside. Sacramento County 11/21/2014

Charge: Misdemeanor concealed weapon

Result: Dropped with ccw class (dismissed) 11/19/2014

Charge: VOP for failure to complete alcohol class

Result: VOP dropped Solano County 11/20/2014

Charge: VC 2800.2 evading felony

Result: Felony dismissed, plead to simple speeding (one point) VC 22349a Solano County 11/20/2014

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI (.14 Blood Alcohol)

Result: DUI Dismissed and we won DMV hearing. Attorney presented “Rising Blood Alcohol Defense” with expert report and plea was to “wet reckless”. No jail, no work project, alcohol class reduced to 12 hours, no ignition interlock device, license suspension set aside Sacramento County 11/14/2014

Charge: Speeding

Result: Officer agreed to dismiss at trial Contra Costa County 11/10/2014

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed Contra Costa County 10/28/2014

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento County 10/27/2014

Charge: Failure to Obey Traffic Signal

Result: Case dismissed Mendocino County 10/21/2014

Charge: Violation of Probation for failure to enroll/complete outpatient treatment program

Result: Violation of probation dismissed. Placer County 10/20/2014

Charge: 3 years informal probation for DUI.

Result: 18 month early termination of probation and expungement granted. San Joaquin County 10/10/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no four days jail Sacramento County 10/10/2014

Charge: Felony PC 529.3; Misdemeanor VC 14601.2(A)

Result: Misdemeanor charge dismissed and felony charge reduced to misdemeanor with no jail time. Sacramento County 10/08/2014

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI (.17 Blood Alcohol), plus collision.

Result: DUI Dismissed. Criminal Case Dismissed in full. Attorney presented “necessity defense” and case was dismissed pretrial. Sacramento County 10/07/2014

Charge: Felony Possession for Sale H&S 11378; Possession, H&S 11377

Result: Felony Possession for Sale Dismissed; Client given Drug Diversion (normally unavailable for sales cases) and Entire Case Dismissed upon Completion. Sacramento County 10/07/2014

Charge: DUI w/ .19 BAC; PC 148 (a)(1); PC243(b) w/ warrant

Result: Warrant recalled, resolved for wet reckless with dismissal of PC 148 (a)(1) and PC243(b) San Joaquin County 09/29/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: No mandatory four days in jail (very rare in Sacramento County) Sacramento County 09/15/2014

Charge: DUI + Refusal of Chemical Tests

Result: Criminal DUI case dismissed. Lassen County 08/22/2014

Charge: 14601.2; 23123.5

Result: 14601.2 dismissed; 12500 infraction for $200 fine; no points; no three year probation; no one year IID. Sacramento County 08/14/2014

Charge: DUI + child endangerment

Result: Child endangerment charge dismissed, no jail time. Yolo County 08/12/2014

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed Yolo County 08/04/2014

Charge: 23153(a) & 23153(b) DUI w/ Injury; 20001(a) Hit & Run w/ Injury; 14601.1(a) Driving w/ Suspended License

Result: Injury charges dismissed on both counts for no jail time and 30 days work project; no one year license suspension. Sacramento County 07/30/2014

Charge: Petty Theft & Assault

Result: Case dismissed after completion of DEJ class Yolo County 07/29/2014

Charge: Negligent Operator

Result: Case dismissed, no license suspension. Sacramento County 07/25/2014

Charge: Felony Counterfeiting of Merchandise PC 350 (amount alleged exceeding $10,000.00) Offer: Plead to Felony

Result: Felony Dismissed. Plead to misdemeanor which won’t affect immigration. No jail, 60 days work project (30 with half time credit) Sacramento County

Charge: DUI (.11 BAC)

Result: Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver Sacramento County 07/24/2014

Charge: APS hearing for DUI; commercial driver at risk of losing license/career

Result: APS set aside after expert testimony by medical specialist, no license suspension. Yolo County 07/22/2014

Charge: Burglary PC 459 Misdemeanor

Result: Diversion granted. Felony burglary dismissed upon completion of class. Sacramento County 07/21/2014

Charge: Second DUI

Result: Second DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless with class cut in half, no jail/work project, fine reduced. Placer County 07/07/2014

Charge: Second DUI (BAC .24)

Result: SECOND DUI DISMISSED. No Mandatory 35 Days Jail, No Ignition Interlock Device, No License Suspension (We Won DMV Hearing), Fine Cut in Half, No Work Project. Alcohol Class Reduced from 18 Months to 12 Hours.

Attorney argued alcohol consumption after driving and convinced D.A. to dismiss the DUI charge in favor of reduced charge of wet reckless.

Placer County (Roseville) 07/07/2014

Charge: Two felony child endangerment charges & DUI w/ .15 BAC

Result: Both felony charges dismissed (reduced to Misdemeanor) Yolo County 07/02/2014

Charge: DUI, resisting arrest, and endangering a minor.

Result: Resolved for NC plea to PC 148 for 45 days with ASP (alternative sentencing program), 3 years IP, 16 hour parenting class, and 20 AA’s class. Solano County 07/01/2014

Charge: VC 23152 DUI (BAC .17) and VC 20002 Hit and Run

Result: DUI DISMISSED. VC 20002 Hit and Run to be dismissed with proof of insurance payment. Placer County 06/27/2014

Charge: DUI w .10 bac

Result: Resolved for wet reckless after doing blood retest. Sacramento County 06/26/2014

Charge: FTA Driving on Suspended License

Result: Reduced to vc12500 infraction, no points. vc14601 dismissed. Placer County 06/24/2014

Charge: PC 236 & 237(a) Domestic Violence

Result: Dismissal with BTP program. Yolo County 06/24/2014

Charge: Felony cocaine sales

Result: Dismissed with drug diversion! Sacramento County 06/12/2014

Charge: Felony bike theft

Result: Reduced to Misdo trespass. No jail time, work project only Yolo County 06/12/2014

Charge: DUI (.09 BAC)

Result: Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver, no alcohol class, no work project, and no Ignition Interlock Device. Sacramento County 06/10/2014

Charge: PC 273.5(A) Misdo Domestic Violence

Result: DV case dismissed with proof of anger management classes Sacramento County 06/06/2014

Charge: Petty Theft

Result: Case dismissed after completion of diversion class. Placer County 06/02/2014

Charge: Hit & Run Driving

Result: Case dismissed. 06/02/2014

Charge: Drunk in Public

Result: Resolved for infraction for $100 fine only. Placer County 05/30/2014

Charge: Wet Reckless (1203 expungement petition with early termination of probation)

Result: Expungement with early termination of probation granted after expungement hearing. 05/02/2014

Charge: DMV medical re-evaluation

Result: DMV Medical Suspension Set Aside 05/02/2014

Charge: Second DUI (BAC .14)

DA Offer: Plea to Second DUI, 45 days, SB-38 18 Month Alcohol Class, 1 Year Ignition Interlock Device, Two Year License Suspension, 4 Days Mandatory Jail, $2500 Fine.

Result: SECOND DUI DISMISSED. No Mandatory Four Days Jail, No Ignition Interlock Device, No License Suspension (We Won DMV Hearing), Fine Cut in Half, Work Project reduced to 10 Days. Alcohol Class Reduced from 18 Months to 12 Hours.

Sacramento County 05/01/2014

Charge: DUI – (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside Placer County 04/29/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for drunk in public; no jail time, no work project, fine of only $240. Alameda County 04/28/2014

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed Yolo County 04/15/2014

Charge: Negligent Operator – Client received 4 points in 12 months and was facing a 1 year license suspension

Result: DMV probation granted for 1 year, saved client’s driver’s license. Oakland DMV Driver’s Safety 04/10/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: DMV set aside with .08 PAS result; no license suspension. Placer County 04/09/2014

Charge: DUI (.09 bac)

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with a Helmandollar waiver; no jail, work project, or license suspension. Sacramento County 04/08/2014

Charge: 3rd DUI

Result: Offer was 6-8 month in jail. Resolved for a wet reckless (.08 BAC) with no jail time and 12 hours classes. Placer County 04/08/14

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for dry reckless; no jail time, fine of only $1500. San Joaquin County 04/07/2014

Charge: Felony domestic violence

Result: Dismissed with 12 anger management classes Sacramento County 03/31/2014

Charge: Second DUI (.14 BAC)

Result: SECOND DUI DISMISSED. No Mandatory Four Days Jail, No Ignition Interlock Device, No License Suspension (We Won DMV Hearing), Fine Cut in Half, Work Project Reduced to 10 Days. Alcohol Class Reduced from 18 Months to 12 Hours. Sacramento County 03/27/2014

Charge: Speeding and driving without a license

Result: Case dismissed Placer County 03/19/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with a Helmandollar waiver; no license suspension. Sacramento County 03/18/2014

Charge: Felony drug possession

Result: Case resolved for Prop 36; case dismissed upon completion. Yolo County 03/14/2014

Charge: DMV APS hearing for DUI with .22 bac

Result: DMV set aside action; no license suspension Solano County 03/12/2014

Charge: DUI with .10 bac

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 03/12/2014

Charge: DUI with injury

Result: Resolved for VC23152 instead of VC23153; DUI with injury dismissed, no automatic one year license suspension Sacramento County 03/07/2014

Charge: Felony Drug

Result: Resolved for Prop 36; Fel 11377 dismissed upon completion (even with priors) 03/04/2014

Charge: Petty Theft

Result: Deferred Entry of Judgement; case dismissed after completion of theft class Placer County 03/03/2014

Charge: Misdo driving without an Interlock Ignition Device; FTA

Result: Case dismissed after showing proof of interlock install and interlock removal; got $300 civil assessment fee waived from FTA. Sacramento County 02/25/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver on a .08 pas and .10/.10 breath). No jail time, work project or license suspension, alcohol class deleted. Sacramento County 02/25/2014

Charge: DMV Medical Re-evaluation hearing (driver’s license taken away)

Result: Presented argument at hearing that client should be granted re-test; client passed re-test; license reissued. Placer County 02/20/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless (.10 BAC) Placer County 02/18/2014

Charge: DUI (.08 blood case)

Result: Obtained blood retest and got criminal case dismissed, presented expert testimony at DMV hearing and won Placer County 02/18/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless (.10 BAC) Sacramento County 02/13/2014

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Case dismissed after showing court medical marijuana card and proof of medidical condition Placer County 02/11/2014

Charge: HS 11350(a) & HS 11364.1 possession of heroin and drug paraphernalia – exposure 3 years state prison

Result: Case resolved for Prop 36 drug diversion and fines – no jail time Placer County 02/10/2014

Charge: DUI (.12 pas)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 01/29/2014

Charge: DUI (.10 BAC)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 01/28/2014

Charge: VC11350 and felony VC11550

Result: Plead to DUI only, no jail time. (normally a 90 day minimum) Placer County 01/14/14

Charge: HS 11359 & HS 11360(a) felony charges

Result: Misdo mj possession for 120 days home detention no jail (with prior misdo burglary). Sacramento County 01/09/2014

Charge: DUI w/ injury; Hit & Run w/injury

Result: Resolved for DUI with no injury; avoided 1 year mandatory license suspension; no jail time. Sacramento County 01/08/2014

Charge: DUI (with a .17 BAC)

Result: Second DUI with .17 blood alcohol dismissed. Sacramento County 12/27/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: We won the DMV so the DA offered a wet reckless, but we held out and set for trial, da dismissed charges. Sacramento County 12/19/13

Charge: DUI (with a .08 BAC)

Result: All charges dismissed. Sacramento County 12/19/2013

Charge: pc 211 w/firearm enhancement, total exposure 18 years with a strike, DA offer 7 years state prison with a strike.

Result: NOT GUILTY jury trial and no VOP – Client and family is thrilled and client is going home after 14 months in jail because of $270K bail amount. Sacramento County 11/19/13

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no work project. BAC was .08 Sacramento County 11/08/2013

Charge: Hit & Run; Misdo driving on suspended license

Result: VC20002 dismissed, pled to 14601 infraction for fine only. Sacramento County 10/30/2013

Charge: Misdo Reckless Driving

Result: Resolved for unsafe start with traffic school; VC 23103 reckless driving dismissed. Sacramento County 10/30/13

Charge: DUI (with a .18/.17 BAC)

Result: DUI dismissed after attorney presented no-drive defense. Sacramento County 10/30/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, DMV set aside action. No license suspension. Yolo County 10/29/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver. Solano County 10/28/2013

Charge: Reckless Driving

Result: Not guilty verdict after jury trial Sacramento County 10/21/2013

Charge: DUI (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside based on Helmandollar waiver obtained in court. Sacramento County 10/08/2013

Charge: DUI (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside based on expert testimony; no license suspension. Sacramento County 10/07/2013

Charge: DMV medical re-evaluation hearing

Result: Got client a new drive test without delay after re-exam hearing. Placer County 10/01/2013

Charge: Misdo misuse of handicap placard.

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento County 9/25/13

Charge: Speeding (98mph in a 70mph zone)

Result: Amended to VC38300, a no point violation for fine only. Colusa County 9/24/13

Charge: VC21711 (clt is commercial driver)

Result: Amended to VC38300, an no point violation for fine only. Yolo County 9/24/13

Charge: Felony DUI expungement

Result: Expungement granted Sacramento County 9/20/13

Charge: 21460(b) Crossing solid yellow line

Result: Judge found client not guilty based on the evidence we provided in a Trial by Declaration. Tuolumne County 9/17/13

Charge: Felony transportation of methamphetamine and violation of probation

Result: Resolved for Prop 36, even though he was facing a violation of probation and was Prop 36 ineligible. Yolo County 9/11/13

Charge: VC22349(a) 90mph+

Result: Amended to VC38300 for $235.00 fine, no point Solano County 8/22/2013

Charge: Misdo Reckless Driving

Result: Resolved for 3 infractions for fines only; no probation and no criminal record. Sacramento County 8/16/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: .10 bac wet reckless and two years probation due to immigration Placer County 8/06/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Criminal case dismissed after presenting in car camera video demonstrating lack of probable cause for stop. Sacramento County 08/01/2013

Charge: DMV Administrative Per Se hearing for DUI charge

Result: DMV action set aside after we subpoenaed the in car camera video which showed no driving violation. Sacramento County 7/30/2013

Charge: Misdemeanor with maximum exposure of 6 months jail and $1,000.00 fine.

Result: No contest plea to amended VC12500(a) as infraction for a fine of $581.00 Yolo County 7/30/2013

Charge: Speeding, going 96 mph in a 65 mph zone

Result: No contest plea to amended charge of VC38300 for $335 fine and NO POINTS Yolo County 7/30/2013

Charge: DUI (with .11 BAC)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless. No IID, no mandatory suspension of license. Sacramento County 7/30/2013

Charge: Driving on a suspended license misdemeanor

Result: Resolved for fines only Merced County 7/25/13

Charge: Driving on a suspended license misdemeanor

Result: Amended to driving without a license infraction for fines only Sacramento County 7/25/13

Charge: Misdo CVC22348(b) 100+mph (client cited at 106mph)

Result: Plea of no contest for a stip to 99mph and amendment to CVC22349(a) for an infraction. Kern County 7/25/13

Charge: DUI with a .09 BAC

Result: wet reckless with a Helmandollar Sacramento County 7/22/13

Charge: Littering

Result: Dismissed Sacramento County 7/22/13

Charge: Red Light Camera Violation

Result: Charge amended to a coasting violation. Los Angeles County 7/22/13

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed (officer agreed) Sacramento County 7/18/13

Charge: Felony probation violation for new offense.

Result: felony probation violation dismissed Yolo County 7/17/2013

Charge: Running a red light

Result: Amended to a coasting Los Angeles County 7/16/13

Charge: Driving in unauthorized lane

Result: Case dismissed San Mateo County 7/12/2013

Charge: VC22348(b) of 100mph+, carrying a high fine and 2 points

Result: Amended and stipulated to vc22349(a) for 99mph and 1 point – saved client’s driving record. San Mateo County 7/12/2013

Charge: DUI with .17 BAC

Result: High Blood Alcohol count dismissed, and alcohol class cut from six to three months. Sacramento County 7/12/13

Charge: Administrative Per Se DMV hearing for DUI charge

Result: DMV action set aside after presenting 3 witnesses Sacramento County 7/11/2013

Charge: VC 22348(b) “driving in excess of 100mph” carried to 2 points – commercial driver.

Result: Case dismissed San Joaquin County 7/09/13

Charge: reckless driving, 14601.2 with 5 priors. offer: 180 days, half in custody.

Result: reckless dismissed, 180 days with half in custody dismissed. 10 days alternative sentencing, no jail. Placer County 7/08/13

Charge: DUI plus 14601.2, separate cases.

Result: 14601.2 dismissed, dui dismissed, plead to wet only. no jail, no iid, no work project, fine reduced from 3800 to 1300. Placer County 7/08/13

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dimissed Sacramento County 7/03/13

Charge: Reckless driving misdemeanor

Result: Two infractions (speeding and unsafe lane change) with no objection to traffic school to keep speeding charge off of record Sacramento County 7/01/13

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed Sacramento County 6/28/13

Charge: Texting While Driving

Result: Dismissed Sacramento County 6/28/13

Charge: DUI, .09 BAC

Result: Wet reckless with hellmendollar and no alcohol class Sacramento County 6/27/13

Charge: DUI with another pending DUI in Yolo county

Result: Wet reckless with hellmendollar and 20 days work project Sacramento County 6/27/13

Charge: Red Light Camera

Result: Case dismissed due to bad I.D. Sacramento County 6/27/2013

Charge and Offer: 14601.2 misdemeanor suspended license 2 dmv points 3 years probation $1500 fine (roughly) 1 year ignition interlock device Seat Belt Ticket Insurance Violation

Result: 14601.2 misdemeanor DISMISSED Seat Belt DISMISSED Insurance DISMISSED Plead only to: VC 12500 infraction No probation, no dmv points, no ignition interlock device Fine only (about $300) Sacramento County 6/05/2013

Charge: Felony violation of probation

Result: Felony VOP resolved for reinstatement of probation with only 14 days remaining on prob (DA initially wanted 30 days jail for VOP.) Yolo County 5/28/2013

Charge: DUI with high BAC of .18

Result: Resolved for only 3 month alcohol class instead of 9 month. Sacramento County 5/22/2013

Original charge: DUI

Results: We filed 1203.4 motion with request for early termination of probation; early termination granted and charge expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/22/2013

Charge: DUI, .16 BAC

Results: Expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: DUI from 1997

Results: Expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: DUI

Results: Motion for early termination of probation granted and charge expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: Possession of an open container

Result: Converted to non point storage infraction for $50 dollar fine. Sacramento, Federal Court

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a “wet reckless” with 2 days and 3 month class, reduced wet fine and no interlock device. Sacramento County Court 5/15/13

Charge: Negligent Operator DMV hearing; six DMV points; possible six month license suspension

Result: Suspension set aside; probation only. Sacramento County 5/14/13

Charge: VC 20002, hit & run with property damage

Result: Case dismissed upon completion of diversion program Yolo County 5/14/13

Charge: 14601.2

Result: 14601.2 dismissed, clt plead to 12500 VC infraction; no time, no probation, no points. Sacramento County 5/13/13

Charge: DUI with hit & run

Result: Hit & run dismissed Sacramento County 05/10/13

Initial Charge: Speeding (client was found guilty and hired us to do traffic appeal)

Result: Traffic conviction reversed and case dismissed. Lassen County 5/07/2013

Charge: DUI with .10 BAC

Result: Blood retest, DUI Dismissed, plead to wet reckless. Sacramento County 05/02/13

Charge: Felony Gun Possession, Felony Receiving Stolen Property

Result: Both felonies dismissed. Sacramento County 05/02/13

Charge: Petty Theft – offer was 30 days jail time

Result: Diversion class with no jail time, fines, or probation Sacramento County 05/02/13

Charge: 14601.2 yuba county driving while suspended for DUI with prior. Offer 30 days actual jail with one year ignition interlock device and two dmv points and three years probation.

Result: Misdemeanor 14601.2 dismissed, plead to unlicensed driver infraction (12500) no DMV points, no jail, no IID requirement, no probation ($414 fine) Yuba County 05/01/13

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI then subsequent felony 273.5 domestic violence while on bail.L, 90 day jail offer.

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless. Felony 273.5 dismissed, plead to misdemeanor with no jail (45 days work project). Placer County 05/01/13

Charge: DUI with .19 blood alcohol

Result: Resolved for 3 month alcohol class and no jail time. Placer County 04/16/13

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed. Placer County 04/16/13

Charge: Felony DUI with injury

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Case plead to a misdemeanor for 30 days work project and no actual jail time. Placer County 04/04/13

Charge: Drug DUI

Result: Wet Reckless Yolo County 03/28/13

Charge(s): Two separate speeding tickets, same county

Result: One ticket dismissed; the other ticket amended to VC21710, a non-point violation, for fine of apprx $450. Alameda County 03/28/13

Charge: Boating DUI w/ BAC of .097

Result: Resolved for boating wet reckless (.04 or higher), no work project or home detention or jail. Yolo County 03/26/13

Charge: 3rd DUI

Results: No actual jail. Out patient treatment with formal probation and home detention only. El Dorado County

Charge: Misdemeanor charges of vc 34620(a) & vc 94001.1(f).

Result: Dismissed. Sacramento County 03/26/13

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet with helmandollar waiver. No class, no IID, no susp, no w/p, fine halved. Sacramento County 03/20/13

Charge: Two DUI’s, driving on a suspended license, resisting arrest, and vandalism.

Result: Driving on a suspended license, resisting, and vandalism – all dismissed. Sacramento County

Charge:Violation of probation, did not install ignition interlock device.

Result: Dismissed. Sacramento County 03/18/13

Charge: Speeding

Result: Amended to VC38300, a non-point violation. Only a small fine due. Colusa County 03/11/13

Charge: Speeding (96mph in a 55mph zone)

Result: Dismissed. Colusa County 03/11/13

Charge: Felony Violation of Probation

Result: Client served only 32 days in custody on SOC warrant out of 39 days total owed. Client only did approx 1 1/2 weeks on home detention due to time served on SOC warrant and with sentence modification. Sacramento County

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed. San Francisco County

Charge: DUI, .18 blood alcohol

Result: High blood alcohol enhancement dismissed. 3 month class and standard no high blood alcohol enhancement offer. Yolo County

Charge: Commerical driving, charged with speeding

Result: 1.5 points dismissed, non-moving violation. Solano County 02/22/13

Charge: with .10 Blood Alcohol Content with an accident

Result: Wet reckless. Placer County 02/21/13

Charge: 4th offense felony in Placer County

Result: 30 days custody and 6 months outpatient treatment. Placer County 02/21/13

Charge: Drunk in Public

Result: Case Dismissed with proof of AA attendance and community service. Placer County 02/11/13

Charge: DUI with .11 BAC

Result: DUI DISMISSED. Attorney set a “Pitchess Motion” and prior to trial secured a dismissal of all charges. Sacramento County 02/08/13

Charge: DUI with high BAC

Result: Resolved for a 3 month alcohol class instead of a 9 month, client had a .20 BAC. San Joaquin County 02/05/13

Charge: commercial driver charged with failure to stop at weigh station

Result: Resolved for non-point violation and saved client’s commercial driving record. Merced County 01/30/13

Charge: Assault w/ Deadly Weapon

Result: Dismissed. Sacramento County 01/24/13

Charge: Overlength violation (commercial driver)

Result: Resolved for a non-point violation, VC38300. Yolo County 01/22/13

Charge: Domestic Violence

Result: 273.5 DV dismissed before trial. Yolo County 01/22/13

Charge: Stop Sign Violation

Result: Dismissed. Contra Costa County 01/17/13

Charge: Non-commercial driver 75+ in 65 mph

Result: Amended non-point violation in Yolo County, client only has a fine to pay and his driving record is saved. Yolo County 01/17/13

Charge: 6th and 7th DUI while on probation, offer from DA was 6 years and 8 months in jail.

Result: Case resolved prior to the preliminary hearing for 2 years and 8 months. Sacramento County 01/17/13

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed. San Joaquin County 01/11/13

Charge: Second DUI with .09 BAC

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to 2nd wet with no actual jail, no ignition interlock required by court, alcohol class cut from 18 months to 9 months. Sacramento County 12/12/12

Charge: Third DUI within three years

Result: One prior DUI dismissed (stricken from record), plead to second offense for no actual jail (work project only.) Sacramento County 12/12/12

Charge: DUI with .11 BAC

Result: Client has green card and needs to have probation shortened to allow him to apply for citizenship on time, convinced d.a. to reduce probation to 18 months at the outset. Sacramento County 12/07/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet Reckless. No Interlock installation, no jail time, no work project. Sacramento County 11/30/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet Reckless. Sacramento County 11/30/12

Charge: Grand theft felony

Result: Grand theft dismissed, client got DEJ with theft class and case is to be dismissed. Sacramento County

Charge: Red light camera violation

Result: All charges dismissed. No points assessed on clients record. Sacramento County

Charge: DUI with endangering a minor

Result: Resolved for wet reckless. No jail time, no additional license suspension. Placer County

Charge: Minor in possession of alcohol

Result: Resolved for a diversion program. No jail time, no probation. Case will be dismissed upon completion of program. Sacramento County

Charge: DUI with .16 BAC

Result: High blood alcohol stricken, no additional days. Only 3 month alcohol program. Sacramento County

Charge: DUI: .118/.118 pas, .11 blood

Result: DUI DISMISSED. Resolved for wet with first terms. Sacramento County

Charges: 4 misdos & 2 felonies (theft & drug charges)

Result: Reduced to 5 misdos, total exposure 2 years jail time – resolved for 120 days sheriff’s work project and informal probation. Sacramento County 12/06/12

Charges: DUI with BAC of .10

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no IID installation required. Sacramento County 11/21/12

Charges: DUI

Result: DMV set aside action, no license suspension. Sutter County 11/20/12

Charges: DUI (DMV hearing)

Result: Hearing conducted and APS action set aside. No license suspension. Yolo County 10/19/12

Charges: DUI with .12 BAC

Result: Wet reckless, DUI dismissed. El Dorado County 10/12/12

Charges: Client is ER doctor and retained for neg op hearing and a red light violation.

Result: We got the six month suspension set aside on the neg op; the red light case dismissed. Sacramento County 10/11/12

Charges: Violation of pc 484 (petty theft), exposure $1K fines and 6 mo jail.

Result: 1 day Theft Diversion class & less than $100 restitution, all charges dismissed upon completion of class. Sacramento County 10/4/12

Charges: Driving under the influence of marijuana

Result: Reexamination conducted, driver reinstated with “no action” by DMV. Kern County 10/2/12

Charges: PC487 Felony Grand Theft

Result: Felony dismissed; no jail time, $190 fine, probation only. Placer County 9/28/12

Charges: VC 22102 (illegal u-turn in a business district)

Result: Case dismissed. – Yolo court responded to written argument along with video evidence and found for client and dismissed charge. Yolo County 9/24/12

Charges: DUI with a .09 BAC.

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to Wet Reckless. Alcohol class reduced from 3 months to 12 hours, fine cut, no work project or home detention. Placer County 9/24/12

Charges: DUI with injury.

Result: Case was settled for no actual jail and restitution. Client rehired us to terminate his probation, probation terminated at half time. Client also rehired us to reduce it to a misdemeanor- felony dui reduced to a misdemeanor and at the same hearing, the misdemeanor DUI WAS DISMISSED. Sacramento County 9/24/12

Charges: .09 DUI

Result: DUI dismissed (with blood retest), wet with helmandollar waiver, no license suspension, no work project, no ignition interlock device, no alcohol class. Sacramento County 9/20/12

Charge: Hit and run VC 20002

Result: Hit and run misdemeanor dismissed, case dismissed with two choices of classes. Sacramento County 9/19/12

Charges: Negligent Operator Hearing; risk of license susp. from excessive points. On his driving record, violations of VC21453A(red light violation), VC4000A(unregistered vehicle), VC40509.5(FTA), VC22349B(speeding), VC22356(speeding), VC22349B(speeding), VC22349A(speeding), and VC21453A(red light violation.)

Result: Client’s license was saved from suspension. Sacramento County 9/18/12

Charges: Commercial Speeding

Result: Resolved. Judge amended non-point violation. Client only owes fines. Stanislaus County 9/18/12

Charge: Drug DUI with injuries

Result: 23153 DUI with injury dismissed. Plead to non-injury DUI with restitution, prevented one year license suspension (client owns own business and drives to job sites). Placer County 9/17/12

Charges: 1170.1 possession of meth with a weapon, 11377 and 113 possession of drugs.

Result: 1170.1 prison felony meth with gun dismissed. Pled only to drug charges for prop 36. Sacramento County 9/14/12

Charge: Commercial speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed, client plead to non point violation for fines only, with no point attached. Sacramento County 9/14/12

Charge: 14601.2 VC – Misdemeanor driving on suspended

Result: Case dismissed. Sacramento County 9/13/12

Charge: Misdemeanor reckless driving

Result: Dismissed. Resolved for infractions and fines only. Saved client’s job. (resolved 23109c as inf 250, 22356(b) 100 pa, 16028 (a) as inf 200 p/s). Sacramento County 9/12/12

Charge: Domestic violence felony and DUI felony

Result: Domestics violence felony dropped, max exposure 4 years 4 months actual prison, probation wanted 3 years 4 months. Got DA and judge down to 2 years local time no prison. Placer County 9/12/12

Charge: .09 DUI

Result: Dismissed and resolved for a Wet with a helmandollar waiver and license reissued. Sacramento County 9/6/12

Charge: DUI with .15 BAC

Result: Plea to first with no HBA, class cut in half and enhancement dismissed. Sacramento County 8/08/12

Charge: Odometer Misdemeanor

Result: Resolved for fine only. Sacramento County 7/25/12

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI dismissed for wet reckless, no suspension, no jail, no DUI class, fines only. Sacramento County 7/25/12

Charge: Reckless Driving

Result: Case dismissed. Placer County 7/24/12

Charge: DUI

Result: .10 BAC DUI dismissed; plead to wet/reckless. Sacramento County 7/19/12

Charge: 2nd DUI with 0.10 BAC

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with no jail time, no suspension of license. Sacramento County 7/12/12

Charge: 2nd DUI with 0.09 BAC

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with no jail time and no suspended license and only 9 month alcohol program. Sacramento County 7/12/12

Charge: 1203 sought for VC 23152 DUI

Result: 1203 granted. Dismissed, probation terminated early. Sacramento County 7/06/12

Charge(s): Case 1: DUI charge with drugs and alcohol. Result: DUI Dismissed. Plead to wet reckless with no time or alcohol class. Case 3: 14601.2 Misdemeanor (driving while suspended for DUI).

Result: Case reduced to infraction. No work project or mandatory jail. $75 fine plus penalty assessments. Sacramento County 7/06/12

Charge: Three felony vandalism charges and three misdemeanors; offer 180 days jail.

Result: All felonies dismissed. Client plead to misdemeanors for no time and summary probation. Riverside County 6/14/12

Charge: Misdemeanor traffic

Result: Resolved for infraction (34501.4) and no probation. Solano County 6/12/12

Charge: Felony illegal weapon charge

Result: Felony dismissed, case completely dismissed with one diversion class. Sacramento County 6/11/12

Charge: Under 21 DUI

Result: Dismissed at trial. No additional DMV suspension, no fines, no points. Sacramento County 6/01/12

Charge: Felony Possession

Result: Felony dismissed for Prop 36 drug treatment program. Sacramento County 6/01/12

Charge: Disorderly Conduct

Result: Case dismissed. Client only owes a $150 civil fine for FTA but no criminal offense. Placer County 5/22/12

Charge: 4th DUI

Result: Client was facing state prison. State prison dismissed, client plead to one year with home detention (no jail.) Sacramento County 5/16/12

Charge: Sacramento sheriff issued two warrants for failure to complete jail and work project.

Result: Both warrants recalled, client re-referred to work project, no jail. Sacramento County 5/15/12

Charge: 2800.2 evading and separate possession of meth case; exposure to over 5 years in prison for committing new felony while out on bail; offer 16 months prison (actual time based on 2800.2 violation.)

Result: Prison time dismissed, client pled to probation for one year, no jail time. Sacramento County 5/10/12

Charge: Felony DUI with injury

Result: Felony DUI with injury dismissed, plead to misdemeanor DUI with injury, no jail time, work project only. Sacramento County 5/02/12

Charge: Red Light Camera Violation

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento County 4/23/12

Charge: Petty Theft

Result: Case resolved for DEJ Theft 1; once completed, case dismissed. Sacramento County 4/23/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for dry reckless. 710 fine. no DUI class. No jail time. No license suspension. Merced 4/16/12

Certificate of Rehabilitation

Result: Granted. Sacramento 3/29/12

Charge: 14601.2 VC

Result: Dismissed 14601.2 and infraction VC 21461(a) Fine dismissed. Sacramento 3/29/12

Misdemeanor 14601.2 VC and VC 21461(a)

Result: All charges dismissed at trial. $422.63 fine dismissed. San Francisco 3/26/12

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed – plea to 21710 no fine, no points. San Joaquin 3/22/12

Charge: Driving on suspended license

Result: Charge Dismissed at Trial. Alameda County 3/19/12

Charge: 211 Robbery, felony strike

Result: Dismissed – pled 7(c) theft, from person non-strike. No jail. 180 days home detention. Sacramento 3/15/12

Charge: DUI

Result: .09 breath – DUI dismissed with Helmandollar waiver. No license suspension, no work project, not IID. Fine cut in half. Sacramento 3/15/12

Charge: DUI- 2nd Offense

Result: Resolved for a wet second with .10 BAC. No jail, fine cut in half. El Dorado 2/24/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Charge reduced to a wet reckless on a .10 BAC Glenn 2/16/12

Charge: Commercial Speeding

Result: No points, no fine, no problems with clients commercial license. 2/08/12

Charge: 14601(a) and 14601.3 – Driving on Suspended

Result: 14601(a) and 14601.3 dismissed. Client plead to 14601.1 for fines only. Saved client 60 days of jail time. Glenn 2/07/12

Charge: Speeding

Result: Charge dismissed to non-moving violation. 2/07/12

Charge: 14601.1 and Speeding

Result: Resolved for misdo 12500. No points, no jail, no work project, fines reduced from $1800 to $669. 2/03/12

Charge: Felony DUI with injury

Result: Felony DUI with injury dismissed, plead to misdemeanor DUI with injury. Injuries included two victims with contusions, concussion, abrasions, and vomiting (rollover accident). 150 day sentence, home detention eligible. 1/4/12

Charge: DUI

Result: BAC .10 DUI dismissed. Plea to wet, no work project or interlock device, fine cut in half. Sacramento 12/28/11

Charge: DUI plus hit and run

Result: DUI Dismissed, hit and run plea only. Sacramento 12/28/11

Charge: Misdemeanor Handicap Placard

Result: Dismissed for infraction for improper plate for fine only Sacramento 12/15/11

Charge: DUI

Result: APS Set Aside. Client pulled over for failing to signal, we subpoenaed officer and questioned her, and she admitted that no other vehicles movement was affected by the lane change, which is not a violation of the vehicle code. DMV hearing officer agreed and threw DMV case out. No license suspension or DUI on record. Sacramento 11/16/11

Charge: Felony Assault with a deadly weapon, possible criminal exposure 5+ years in prison

Result: Plead to misdo battery with enhancement. No jail or work project, fine only. Eligible for expungement after 3 years probation. Yolo 11/8/11

Charge: Commercial Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial. Placer 10/27/11

Charge: Misdemeanor VC 14601- Driving on Suspended license; False Information to Officer

Result: All charges dismissed. Sacramento 10/24/11

Charge: VC 22348(c)- Improper Lane Position

Result: Case dismissed. San Joaquin 10/14/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial. Sacramento 10/11/11

Charge: DUI

Result: All charges dismissed. Sacramento 10/4/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Injury, 6 victims.

Result: Felony DUI with injury dismissed, plead to misdemeanor dui with injury for no jail time. Sacramento 10/4/11

Charge: Felony cocaine sales, marijuana possession, marijuana sales, child endangerment.

Result: All those charges dismissed, client plead to simple cocaine possession for county time. Sacramento 9/27/11

Charge: 2nd DUI with alcohol and muscle relaxer combination alleged and suspended license VC 14601.2

Result: DUI dismissed and 14601.2 suspended license dismissed. Plea to wet reckless for no jail or work project, no alcohol class, no victim impact panel, fine cut in half to $1400. No license suspension. Sacramento 9/26/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Great Bodily Injury

Result: Felony dismissed. Great bodily injury prison enhancement dismissed. Plead to misdemeanor DUI with injury. Sacramento 9/21/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Injury and Resisting Arrest

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Plead to Misdemeanor DUI with Injury for home detention Yolo 9/14/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 9/1/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 9/1/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Marin 8/17/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 8/16/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 8/16/11

Charge: Speeding, no registration, no insurance

Result: Case dismissed at trial El Dorado 8/01/11

Charge: VC12500- Unlicensed driver

Result: 12500 dismissed at trial, seatbelt violation guilty. No misdemeanor violations. Sacramento 7/28/11

Charge: Exhibition of speed- facing 6 months in jail and license suspension

Result: Misdemeanor 2 point violation dismissed, plead to two infractions, only one point on DMV record. Fines only Sacramento 7/28/11

Charge: DUI- .10/.11

Result: DUI dismissed, plea to wet reckless, no work project, fine and DUI class cut in half Monterey 7/28/11

Charge: Excess of 100

Result: Case dismissed at trial Contra Costa 7/26/11

Charge: DUI with High Blood Alcohol (above .15)

Result: DUI resolved for credit time served, no jail, no alcohol program, no victim impact panel Placer 7/25/11

Charge: Felony cultivation and marijuana sales

Result: Felonies dismissed. Plead to misdo drug paraphernalia for 20 days home detention Sacramento 7/20/11

Charge: Third Offense DUI- DMV Suspension

Result: DMV Suspension set aside after appeal hearing Sacramento 7/01/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet/reckless with helmandollar waiver to dismiss DMV suspension Sacramento 6/30/11

Charge: Negligent Operator- one year suspension

Result: Suspension dismissed Sacramento 6/28/11

Charge: PC148 Resisting arrest and PC 273 Domestic Violence

Result: Charges dismissed. Pled to drunk in public Placer 6/27/11

Charge: 3rd DUI and Probation violation

Result: Home detention only, no jail time. Solano 6/22/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with acquittal of the .08 or higher count. DMV APS action set aside, no work project, no alcohol class. Yuba 6/17/11

Charge: DUI- Administrative suspension for 4 months from DMV.

Result: Suspension set aside. Placer 6/13/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed, no DMV points, fine only. Solano 6/8/11

Charge: Red light camera citation

Result: Case dismissed at trial Sacramento 6/2/11

Charge: Red light camera citation

Result: Case dismissed at trial Sacramento 6/2/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .10

Result: DUI dismissed. Plea to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver (not guilty on b count). No work project, no ignition interlock device, no alcohol class. Sacramento 5/26/11

Charge: Commercial speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 5/26/11

Charge: DUI- DMV hearing

Result: Set aside. No license suspension or DUI on criminal or driving record. Sacramento 5/25/11

Charge: Misdemeanor criminal threats and probation violation

Result: All charges dismissed Orange 5/24/11

Charge: Red light camera

Result: Not guilty at trial. Sacramento 5/19/11

Charge: FDUI- BAC: .10

Result: DUI Dismissed. Pled to wet/reckless. Sacramento 5/16/11

Charge: DUI- BAC: .09

Result: Case Dismissed Sacramento 5/13/11

Charge: Felony burglary and criminal threats

Result: Vandalism for no jail or work project. Sacramento 5/09/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .24 and concealed weapon charge

Result: 2 days work project and dismissal of gun charge with one day class and return of weapon. Sacramento 5/09/11

Charge: Under 21 dui facing 1 year license suspension

Result: DMV hearing with witnesses testifying- Case dismissed. (Set aside after hearing) Placer 5/04/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless for alcohol class and fine only. Sacramento 4/28/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: DUI Dismissed. Pled to wet reckless, fine cut in half and no work project. Sacramento 4/28/11

Charge: DUI- BAC: .087/.084 with .08 blood

Result: Case dismissed. Plead to unsafe turn with helmandollar and traffic school. Sacramento 4/19/11

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial. Sonoma 4/19/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .109/.116

Result: DMV suspension set aside Alameda 4/13/11

Charge: DUI and Hit & Run

Result: Hit & Run Dismissed Sacramento 4/12/11

Charge: Second DUI- facing one year suspension

Result: DMV suspension set aside after officer testimony Sacramento 4/12/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .10

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless. Sacramento 4/7/11

Charge: Juvenile DUI- High BAC

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 4/4/11

Charge: Felony PC 368 Elder Abuse.

Result: Felony Elder Abuse dismissed. Plead to simple misdemeanor battery for work project. No jail. Yolo 3/30/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: Wet reckless with helmandollar to waive DMV suspension. No work project, no alcohol class. Sacramento 3/28/11

Charge: PC 422- Criminal Threats

Result: No jail, prison or work project. Pled to fine of $590. Yolo 3/18/11

4 speeding tickets (for 4 DMV points and fines totaling $2500) with failure to appears ($300 fees each)

Results: 3 out of 4 cases dismissed, all 4 failure to appears dismissed, total fine $361.00 Alameda 3/17/11

Charge: Robbery PC 211 Strike

Result: Robbery dismissed. Yuba 3/16/11

Charge: DUI plus high blood alcohol enhancement (.20 or higher) with officer alleging 100+ mph and reckless driving, .20/.21 breath.

Result: DUI enhancement dismissed, Alcohol class reduced from 9 months to 3 months, 2 days work project. Yuba 3/16/11

Charge: Stop sign violation

Result: Case dismissed at trial San Francisco 3/10/11

Charge: Second offense DUI

Result: dismissed at trial Sacramento 3/10/11

Charge: Second offense DUI

Result: Pled to first offense, no alcohol program. Sacramento 3/9/11

Charge: PC 245- Felony Assault with Deadly Weapon, strike offense

Result: Felony Assault with a Weapon (Strike) dismissed. Plead to Assault as a misdemeanor. Sacramento 3/3/11

Charge: Carpool violation

Result: Carpool violation, pled to parking violation. Santa Clara 3/3/11

Charges: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed, reduced to non-moving for no DMV points. Solano 3/3/11

Charges: Commercial Lane Violation

Result: Case dismissed at trial Solano 3/3/11

Charge: Felony DUI

Result: Felony dismissed. Resolved for misdemeanor VC 23153b for 30 days work project San Joaquin 3/1/11

Charge: DUI, BAC: .09

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless for alcohol class and fine only. Sacramento 2/17/11

Charge: VC 23152-Dui and VC20002-Hit & Run, plus unsafe turning movement and no insurance

Result: Hit & Run Dismissed, unsafe turning movement dismissed, no insurance dismissed. Plead only to 23152. Placer 2/7/11

Charge: PC 148- Resisting Arrest; PC 242- Battery

Result: Resisting arrest dismissed. Plead to simple battery for fine and one year probation only Yolo 2/3/11

Charge: DUI, Client rear ended vehicle at estimated 25mph, alleged victim complained of pain, .11 bac

Result: Plead to 23152(b) (non-injury DUI) plus restitution. Avoided felony DUI and also avoided misdemeanor DUI with injury (instead of one year license suspension, only one month suspended with five months restricted). Sacramento 2/3/11

Charge: VC22350 Speeding

Result: Dismissed at trial Sacramento 2/3/11

Charge: VC 22349 Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed. Pled to non moving violation. Fine only, no points and no traffic school required. Tehama 1/24/11

Charge: Felony Burglary

Result: Felony burglary (Bank robbery) dismissed Sacramento 12/20/10

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed after conviction Sacramento 12/17/10

Charge: Health and Safety Code 15550 (under influence of controlled substance). Client failed to complete diversion twice in 2005.

Result: Diversion reinstated, client given another chance to avoid criminal conviction. Sacramento 12/15/10

Charge: VC 12500 Unlicensed driver (misdemeanor)

Result: VC12500 misdemeanor dismissed. Pled to speeding with traffic school Yolo 12/15/10

Charge: DUI BAC .13

Result: Reduced to wet reckless. No jail, no work project, reduced fine. Yolo 12/15/10

Charge: Felony Bribery; DUI with High Blood Alcohol Enhancement

Result: Felony bribery & High Blood alcohol dismissed. Pled to standard DUI as a misdemeanor. No jail. Placer 12/9/10

Charge: Negligent Operator

Result: Six month license suspension set aside Los Angeles 12/1/10

Charge: DUI

Result: .11 DUI reduced to wet reckless, fine reduced by $1000. No jail, no work project, license suspension reduced by two months. Sutter 12/1/2010

Charge: DUI

Result: .12 DUI reduced to wet reckless, fine reduced by $1000. No jail, no work project, license suspension reduced by two months. Sutter 12/1/2010

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 11/23/10

Charge: Felony- Burglary; Felony-Receiving stolen property; Misdemeanor Resisting Arrest

Result: All felonies and resisting arrest dismissed. Pled only to misdemeanor vandalism, no jail. Sacramento 11/17/2010

Charge: Felony Robbery; Felony Possession; Gun Possession: Bail $125,000

Result: Attorney was able to get client released on own recognizance Yuba 11/17/2010

Charge: DUI .09

Result: Wet reckless with Helmandollar Waiver resulting in no license suspension. No jail time, no work project. Fine cut in half. Sacramento 11/9/2010

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Wet reckless with no license suspension, no work project, fine cut in half. Sacramento 11/5/2010

Charge: Under 21 DUI

Result: Diversion granted with 6 months probation. Case dismissed after 6 months. No criminal conviction, no jail. Sacramento 10/22/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed. Pled to non moving violation for no DMV points. Nevada 10/15/10

Charge: Red Light Photo

Result: Case Dismissed at trial Sacramento 10/7/10

Charge: Red Light Photo

Result: Case Dismissed at trial Sacramento 10/7/10

Charge: Felony Burglary

Result: Case dismissed and records sealed Sacramento 10/7/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .21

Result: High blood alcohol stricken, no DUI class, community service instead of work project. Sacramento 10/6/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Alameda 9/7/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .18

Result: Plead for 3 month alcohol class and no jail or work project Placer 8/17/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial. Fresno 8/9/10

Charge: Red light Photo

Result: Case dismissed at trial Alameda 8/2/10

Charge: Felony DUI- .08 Breath- Rollover motor vehicle accident

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless. No mandatory 1 year suspension. Solano 7/26/10

Charge: Red light Citation

Result: Case dismissed at trial Sacramento 7/22/10

Charge: Felony- 4th DUI; Offer: 16 months, state prison

Result: State prison on sentence dismissed. Probation and home detention authorized. Sacramento 7/22/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Pled to non moving violation, no DMV point, fine only. Solano 7/19/10

Charge: Felony Crack Cocaine possession found via search warrant.

Result: All charges dismissed Sacramento 7/19/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: speeding dismissed. Plea to non moving violation, no DMV points. Solano 7/19/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 7/16/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .36

Result: Court trial on DUI count, not guilty finding. Plead to drunk in public- no jail or work project, license suspension set aside. Placer 6/29/10

Charge: Following too close

Result: Case dismissed at trial. Contra Costa 6/29/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed, pled to non moving violation, no DMV points. San Joaquin 6/29/10

Charge: Reckless/Evading

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 6/25/10

Charge: DUI

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 6/25/10

Charge: DUI- .11 BAC

Result: Wet reckless: 12 hour alcohol course, reduced fine, no jail, no work project. Yolo 6/22/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Alameda 6/21/10

Charge: DUI- .09 BAC

Result: Wet reckless- DMV action set aside, no license suspension, no work project, $600 fine. Placer 6/21/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Sacramento 6/18/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Colusa 6/14/10

Charge: HS11350 Felony Cocaine; VC23152 DUI

Result: Felony cocaine diversion- Dismissed in 18 months Sacramento 6/10/10

Charge: DUI DMV Hearing

Result: BAC: .25/.26 DMV license suspension set aside after expert testimony regarding calibration Placer 5/25/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 5/25/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 5/25/10

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed after conviction Sacramento 5/14/10

Charge: Excess of 100

Result: Excess of 100 charge dismissed, pled to VC 22349- speeding only. Plumas 5/14/10

Charge: 22450 – Failing to Stop at a Stop Sign, 21658 – Unsafe Lane Change, 16028 – Failing to Provide Proof of Insurance

Result: Case Dismissed. Sacramento 5/13/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Alameda 4/26/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial. Eureka 4/23/10

Charge: Resisting Arrest- PC 148; Exhibiting a deadly weapon- PC 417(a)(1); Battery- PC 243(E)(1)

Result: All charges dismissed with a 12 hour anger management course. Client is a MBA graduate and can return to work. Sacramento 4/15/10

22348(b) – Excess of 100

No suspension; 1 point only (1 point dismissed); fine reduced from $1800 to $496. San Bernardino 4/22/10

Charge: VC 22349- Speeding

Result: Case dismissed Stanislaus 4/16/10

Charge: VC 22349(a)- Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Yolo 4/13/10

Charge: Hazardous entry onto highway and log book violation

Result: Case dismissed San Joaquin 4/13/10

Charge: VC 21460.5- Unlawful Use of Turn Lane

Result: Case Dismissed Sacramento 4/1/10

Charge: VC 22350 Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at Trial Placer 3/30/10

Charge: DUI- DMV hearing

Result: No drive defense, suspension set aside. Sacramento 3/11/10

Charge: DUI. Offer: 25 days

Result: DUI dismissed, pled to wet reckless. No work project, fine cut in half, no jail, no court driver’s license suspension Placer 3/10/10

Charge: VC 22348(b)- Excess of 100

Result: No suspension; 1 point only (1 point dismissed); fine reduced by $1300.00 to $455.00 Yolo 3/9/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Yolo 3/9/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless with helmandollar to set aside DMV suspension. Sacramento 2/24/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Yolo 2/24/10

Charge: Felony Grand Theft; Violation of Probation for new theft case

Result: Probation reinstated, no jail time, community service only Yolo 2/18/10

Charge: PC 594 & PC 148(A)(1)- Vandalism & Resisting Arrest

Result: Warrant recalled. Referred to community service. Sacramento 2/9/10

Charge: DMV Medical Suspension

Result: DMV Suspension set aside Sacramento 2/2/10

Charge: Under 21 DUI (.01 or higher case), BAC: .03

Result: One year license suspension set aside. Sacramento 1/28/10

Charge: Speeding & Accident

Result: Case dismissed at trial over objection from the D.A. Sacramento 1/28/10

Charge: Negligent Operator

Result: Negligent operator, 6 month DMV suspension dismissed; probation only. Sacramento 1/27/10

Charge: Excess of 100

Result: Excess of 100 dismissed, reduced to 1 DMV point with no license suspension. Kings 1/27/10

Charge: Excess of 100- VC22348(b), $1800 fine, 2 DMV points, 30 day license suspension

Result: VC 22348(b) dismissed. Fine reduced by over $1000, 1 DMV point, no license suspension. Kings 1/27/10

Charge: DUI- BAC.10

Result: DUI dismissed. Plea to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver (no license suspension), fine reduced in half, no work project Sacramento 1/14/10

Charge: Unsafe Turning Movement & Speeding

Result: Case Dismissed Sacramento 1/14/10

Charge: VC 14601- Driving on suspended license, misdemeanor; 1 point infraction

Result: 2 DMV point misdemeanor dismissed, plea to infraction with traffic school, no DMV points. Fine only. Sacramento 1/14/10

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Yuba 1/12/10

Charge: Stop Sign

Result: Case dismissed at trial Alameda 12/21/09

Charge: Under 16 Child Restraint

Result: Case dismissed at trial San Joaquin 12/18/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial San Benito 12/18/09

Charges: DUI .13

Results: Filed Motion to Suppress Evidence for lack of probable cause to arrest. Motion granted and Case dismissed. Solano 12/18/09

Charges: 14601, driving on a suspended license

Results: Case DISMISSED. No fine, no points. Solano 12/17/09

Charges: DMV suspension due to medical reasons.

Results: License reinstated after DMV hearing. Solano 12/15/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 12/15/09

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI reduced to Wet Reckless Sacramento 12/11/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed. Plead to non moving violation for no DMV points. Stanislaus 12/11/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Yuba 12/8/09

Charges: Driving on Suspended License

Results: Case Dismissed. Solano 12/8/09

Charges: Red light violation, Commercial Driver

Results: Red Light Dismissed, Reduced to Non-moving violation. Alameda 12/7/09

Charge: Speeding- VC 22349

Result: Speeding- VC 22349 dismissed, non moving violation for no DMV points Solano 12/4/09

Charge: Felony VC23153

Result: Grant of formal probation term at half time. Sacramento 12/1/09

Charge: Speeding

Results: Dismissed at trial. Solano 11/30/09

Charge: Speeding

Results: Dismissed at trial. Solano 11/30/09

Charge: Speeding

Results: Reduced to non-moving violation. Solano 11/30/09

Charge: DUI- .11 Blood Alcohol Content

Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced charge to wet reckless Tuolumne 11/19/09

Charge: Misdemeanor Handicap Placard

Result: Misdemeanor dismissed. Pled to infraction parking ticket Sacramento 11/19/09

Charge: DUI

Result: Case Dismissed Yolo 11/17/09

Charge: Misdemeanor exhibition of speed/ 2points

Results: Reduced to a simple speeding, convinced court to give client traffic school, no points on DMV record. Solano 11/16/09

Charge: Commercial Driver DUI, BAC .17

Results: Took case to trial , DA dismissed DUI in the middle of the trial, client accepted a deal to a wet reckless. 2 days later during DMV hearing, action was set aside based on officer’s inconsistent statements. Client gets to keep his commercial license, his job, and is able to continue supporting his family. Colusa County 11/13/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case Dismissed Contra Costa 11/13/09

Charge: DUI and Unlicensed Driver

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 11/13/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 11/10/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Placer 11/10/09

Charge: Excess of 100, $1800 fine, 30 day license suspension, 2 DMV points

Result: Excess of 100 dismissed. No suspension, fine reduced to $235, 1 DMV point. Solano 11/9/09

Charge: Speeding/ Commercial Driver

Results: Non moving violation, no DMV points. Solano 11/4/09

Charge: DMV APS action .11 BAC

Result: Won DMV hearing. DMV ordered action set aside and license reinstated Sacramento 11/4/09
Client F.M.

Charges: Speeding, 80 in a 65

Case Dismissed. Solano 10/29/09
Client A.Y.

Charges: Speeding, carpool violation, and possession of marijuana

Case Dismissed. Contra Costa 10/29/09
Client H.N.

Charges: Misdemeanor Reckless Driving

Charges reduced to an infraction. Solano 10/29/09

Charge: DUI (.12 BAC)

Result: Wet reckless with 1st DUI conditions. Client gets wet reckless criminal conviction instead of DUI conviction and saves his job of 13 years as supervisor. Sacramento 10/13/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed at trial Imperial 10/9/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: 1 point moving violation reduced to non moving violation Sacramento 10/1/09

Charge: Commercial driver Negligent Operator (too many points)

Result: Suspension set aside Sacramento 10/1/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed. Pled to non-moving violation for no DMV points. Sacramento 10/1/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed at trial Sacramento 10/1/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding dismissed. Pled to non-moving violation for no DMV points. Sacramento 10/1/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed at trial San Joaquin 9/29/09

Charge: Excess of 100

Result: Dismissed at trial Sacramento 9/29/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed at trial El Dorado 9/28/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed at trial Yolo 9/23/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Dismissed at trial Yolo 9/23/09

Charge: Stop Sign violation (Commercial Driver)

Result: Commercial driver stop sign violation dismissed. Plead to non-moving violation, no DMV points, no insurance increase. Contra Costa 9/21/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case Dismissed Sacramento 9/10/09

Felony Vandalism

Case Dismissed at Preliminary Hearing. Solano County 9/7/09

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI Dismissed. Wet/reckless plea, no jail, no work project, no license suspension, no alcohol or drug class. Probation reduced from 3 years to 1 year. Fine cut in half. Yolo 9/3/09

Charge: Speeding VC 22350

Result: Convinced Officer and District Attorney to dismiss charges at trial Sacramento 9/2/09

Charge: Excess of 100 ($1800 fine, 2 DMV points, 30 day license suspension)

Result: Excess of 100 dismissed. Pled to simple speeding for fine only $700 fine, 1 DMV point, no license suspension Merced 9/1/09
T. M.

Client charged with possession of explosive device and ammunition. DA offer State Prison

Results: DA dismissed case after we gave our opening statement. Contra Costa 8/28/09

Charge: PC594(b)- Vandalism in excess of $400 Felony with prison prior felony. Offer: 4 months jail and $2500 fine.

Result: Felony vandalism dismissed. Pled to misdemeanor vandalism under $400 for no jail, no felony prior, 30 days work project. Client saved his job and felony on his record. Fine reduced from $2500 to $160. Placer 8/26/09
G. R.

Speeding 81 in a 65

Dismissed. Solano 8/26/09

Charge: Stop sign violation

Result: Convinced officer to dismiss the citation just before the start of trial. Placer 8/24/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: 1 point moving violation reduced to non moving violation Sacramento 8/21/09

2nd DUI, under 21, .10 BAC

Wet Reckless, no jail, no 1 year court suspension. San Joaquin 8/21/09

Charge: Boating DUI .11 BAC

Result: Boating DUI dismissed. Speeding in boat only, no alcohol related misdemeanor Yolo 8/20/09

Charge: Negligent operator, DMV suspension for 6 months

Result: Negligent operator, 6 month DMV suspension dismissed; probation only. Client saves his job and keeps his license. Sacramento 8/19/2009
G. O.

Domestic Violence

Case Dismissed. Solano County 8/18/09

Charge: DUI .10

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to lesser charge, Wet reckless, avoided 6 month suspension, fines substantially reduced, no jail or work program. Solano County 8/3/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Case dismissed. No DMV points, no fine Amador County 7/31/09

Charge: 2nd DUI .18

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to lesser charge, Wet reckless, avoided 2 year suspension, fines substatially reduced, no jail or work program. Solano County 7/31/09

Charge: red light video violation.

Result: red light video violation dismissed at trial. No fine no DMV points Sacramento 7/30/09

Charge: DUI 23152.

Result: DUI Dismissed (all charges). Officer testified that client crossed over solid white line, we produced impeachment photos showing there was no line in that location, we won the DMV hearing and the D.A. was forced to dismiss all charges. Sacramento 7/30/09

DUI, .11 BAC.

Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced charge of Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver (setting aside DMV suspension, fine cut in half, no work project, no DUI on driving record). Sacramento County 7/30/09

Charge: Speeding

Result: Speeding Dismissed. Plead to non-moving violation, avoided point on DMV record. Alameda County 7/28/09

Charge: Felony DUI .35 Accident w/injury

Result: Felony Reduced to Misdemeanor. Avoided State Prison, Able to convince judge to allow client to pick up trash on weekend and keep job. Solano County 7/27/09

Charge: DMV Negligent Operator Hearing, 4 points in Year

Result: Suspension Set Aside. Solano County 7/27/09

Charge: Speeding in excess of 100MPH

Result: Case dismissed. No DMV points, no fine, avoided license suspension Kern County 7/23/09

Charge: Speeding.

Result: Speeding Dismissed. plead to non moving violation, no DMV points. Sacramento County 7/17/09

Negligent Operator- 4 DMV points in 1 year. Facing a possible 6 month license suspension.

Result: 6 month license suspension set aside at negligent operator hearing. Probation only. Sacramento 7/16/09

Charge: Misdemeanor Driving on Suspended License w/ DUI: 14601.2

Result: Misdemeanor Dismissed. Plead to Infraction 12500, no point on DMV record, no jail. Solano County 7/14/09

Charge: Misdemeanor Petty Theft

Result: All Charges Dismissed. Solano County 7/13/09

Charge: 8 Traffic Tickets in Collections, owed over 5,000 in fines, License Suspended Due to Court hold.

Result: All Holds Lifted. Fines Substantially Reduced. Client got license back in days. Solano County 7/10/09

VC 22348(b) Excess of 100. $1800 fine, 2 DMV points, 30 day license suspension, insurance increase for 3 years.

Result: VC 22348(b) Excess of 100 dismissed at trial. No points, no fine, no suspension and no insurance increase. Placer 7/9/09

Charge: Speeding/Commercial Driver

Result: Speeding Dismissed. Plead to non-moving violation, avoided point on DMV record. Solano County 7/8/09

Charge: VC 14601 (Misdemeanor-Driving on suspended license); VC 22356(b) Exceeding 70 mph

Result: VC 14601(Misdemeanor-Driving on suspended license) dismissed. VC 22356(b) Exceeding 70 mph dismissed. Client saved thousands of dollars and no DMV points. Monterey 7/2/09

Charges: Speeding

Results: Dismissed. Plead to non-moving violation, avoided point on DMV record. Sacramento 7/1/09

PC 647(b) Misdemeanor- Solicitation of prostitution

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 6/26/09

Charges: Facing 6 month license suspension for accident, reckless driving and crossing double yellow (3 separate offenses)

Expungement Granted Sacramento County 6/26/09

Charge: VC 21651(a) Misdemeanor- Driving on the wrong side of road

Result: Dismissed to non moving violation for $239 fine only. Misdemeanor and DMV points dismissed. Sacramento 6/19/09

Charge: VC 21651(b)- Wrong way on divided highway (Misdemeanor)

Result: Client pled to VC 21710; Moving violation dismissed. Sacramento 6/19/09

Charge: VC14601- Driving on Suspended (Misdemeanor)

Result: Suspended license dismissed; Entire case dismissed Sacramento 6/19/09

Charge: Commercial Driver Speeding

Results: Non moving violation; moving violation dismissed Sacramento 6/19/09

Charge: Under 21 DUI- .01 or higher VC 21336

Result: Case dismissed; VC 21336 .01 or higher dismissed Sacramento 6/19/09
K.C. Result: License saved; 6 month suspension, probation only. Sacramento County 6/18/09

Commercial driver speeding. 1.5 DMV points

Result: Dismissed at trial. Reduced to non-moving violation. No DMV points Placer County 6/01/09


Result: Case dismissed at trial. Alameda County 6/8/09

Speeding- Two separate violations

Result: Case dismissed. Fine of $351.75 refunded to the client. Placer County 6/2/09

Lane straddling and missing license plate tabs. One DMV point.

Result: Dismissed at trial. San Joaquin County 6/18/09

Indecent Exposure

Result: Charges dismissed. Yolo 6/17/09

DUI (.10/.10 Breath test)

Result: DUI Dismissed, reduced to wet reckless, no work project, fine cut in half. Sacramento 5/21/09

Driving without snow chains

Result: Dismissed Amador County 5/27/09


Result: Dismissed at trial. Reduced to a non-moving violation. No DMV points Kern County 5/21/09


Result: Our client hired us because he was charged with a DUI with a BAC of .14 the officer alleged he was leaving within his lane over a period of time. The DA refused to dismiss the case, so we set the case for a motion to suppress hearing. The judge sided with us and the case was dismissed in criminal court. No fine, no work project and no criminal record. Sacramento 5/20/09

PC 594- Felony Vandalism; $6400 damage.

Felony vandalism dismissed. Pled to misdemeanor vandalism for no jail time, no work project, minimum fine. Dismissed with restitution. Sacramento 5/14/09

Negligent Operator- Facing 6 month suspension for 4 points in one year.

Suspension dismissed, client placed on probation with no license suspension. Sacramento 5/12/09

Charges: 3 separate violations VC14601- Misdemeanor, driving on a suspended license

Results: VC14601 Misdemeanor driving on a suspended license dismissed. Pled to VC12500 infraction for no jail, no work project, no points, $25 fine only. Sacramento 5/8/09

Charges: Possession of Stolen Property

Results: Case Dismissed. Sacramento 5/8/09

Red light photo violation.

Case dismissed at trial. Sacramento 5/7/09

Two cases of speeding. Two DMV points

One case dismissed. Plea to other case with traffic school. No DMV points. Sacramento County 5/01/09

Commercial trucking enterprise charged with operating without a motor carrier permit and carrier ID number. Client facing six months in jail, DMV points, and thousands of dollars in fines.

All charges dismissed at trial. Sacramento County 5/01/09

Speeding. Client is a commercial driver.

Case dismissed at trial. Yolo County 4/28/09


Case dismissed. Sacramento 4/23/09


Case dismissed at trial. Calaveras 4/21/09

Commercial driver and trucking company owner charged with operating without a logbook, registration, carrier ID number, and operating an unsafe vehicle just to name a few. Client was facing six months in jail, DMV points, and thousands of dollars in fines.

All charges dismissed. Contra Costa County 4/20/09

22350 speed, 14601 misd, FTA misd:

14601 dismissed, FTA dismissed, plead to speed and unlicensed driver, saved one DMV point, no misdemeanors. Placer County 4/16/09

DUI (.10 bac)

Set for motion to suppress, DUI dismissed. Resolved just prior to motion hearing for wet reckless, (fine cut in half to under 1k; no work project; no jail; reduced alcohol class) Sac County 4/16/09

Excess of 100 Offer: $1800 fine, 30 day license suspension, two point conviction.

Excess of 100 dismissed. At trial, convinced officer to reduce to one point infraction, fine reduced by $1000, no license suspension, one point dismissed. Sac County 4/15/09


Case dismissed at trial. Placer County 4/14/09

Commercial driver speeding. 1.5 DMV points

Speeding dismissed. Plead to a reduced charge. No DMV points. Placer County 4/14/09

Grand theft

Case dismissed. Sacramento County 4/10/09


Case dismissed. Sacramento County 4/10/09

Wet reckless

Expungement granted Yolo County 4/07/09

DUI (.10)

Resolved for a wet reckless. Placerville 4/06/09

Commercial driver charged in four citations with misdemeanor charges of not having a motor carrier permit and carrier ID number. Also charged with registration, insurance, over-width, and stop-lamp violations. Client was facing six months in jail, at least three DMV points, and thousands of dollars in fines..

All cases dismissed. Sacramento County 4/3/09

Misdemeanor- Throwing item at a car

Misdemeanor- Throwing item at a car dismissed. Pled only to Failure to Appear as infraction and small fine. No jail, no work project, no probation. Sacramento 4/03/09

VC 23110 (throwing substance at vehicle or occupant) and Misdemeanor- Failure to appear.

Result: VC 23110 (throwing substance at vehicle or occupant) dismissed in exchange for a plea to a failure to appear as an infraction. Failure to appear misdemeanor dismissed. No misdemeanor conviction, no jail, no work project, no community service, and no litter pickup. The total fine was reduced to only $220. Sacramento 4/03/09

Speeding (81 mph in a 65 mph zone)

Case Dismissed. Placer County 4/02/09

Speeding (54 mph in a 35 mph zone) and failing to provide officer with updated address

This was clearly as speed trap. Found Not Guilty of both Counts at Trial. Sacramento County 4/01/09

22349a speeding

Dismissed at Trial Placer County 3/30/09

Hit and run

Hit and run dismissed, pled only to Failure to Appear. Sacramento 3/20/09


DUI Dismissed, plead to reduced wet reckless charge with helmandollar waiver, license suspension set aside, no DUI class, no work project, fine cut in half. Sac county 3/19/09

DUI, .10 BAC

DUI Dismissed, plead to reduced wet reckless charge, no work project, fine cut in half. Sac county 3/19/09
K. K

Misdemeanor PC 273a Child Endangerment, VC 22348b excess of 100. Child Safety Seat Infraction. Possible sentence: Six months jail.

Misdemeanor 273 Child Endangerment Dismissed. Plead only to traffic infractions. Colusa County 3/18/09

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving misdemeanor dismissed (6 month diversion

successfully completed); No DMV points, no misdemeanor conviction, no


Sutter County 3/18/09


Our 50 year old female client S.G. hired us because she was stopped for a first time DUI. Her blood registered .09. We hired an expert, conducted a retest of her blood, and set the case for trial. After thorough trial preparation, two days before trial the D.A. agreed to give her a simple speeding ticket, DUI dismissed. Further, we obtained a waiver allowing her to get her license immediately, and set aside any action by the DMV. Yolo 3/11/09

VC 23140 Under 21 DUI .06 BAC.

Under 21 DUI dismissed, plead to VC 23136 (.01 or higher) no DMV

points, not priorable.

Placer County 3/09/09

23140 minor DUI

Offer: 2 points against license, priorable offense

23140 minor DUI dismissed. client plead to .01 or higher infraction, no DMV points, does not count as prior offense. Placer County 3/09/09

Speeding VC 22350

VC 22350, speeding dismissed; converted to non moving violation,

no DMV points

El Dorado County 3/05/09

DUI (.22%) DMV suspension hearing

DMV proposed to suspend client’s license for four months. DMV failed to prove it’s case and set aside the proposed suspension. Client got to keep license. Sacramento County 3/04/09

14601 misdemeanor driving on suspended.

Misdemeanor14601 dismissed, client plead to 12500 infraction for no work project, no DMV points Sac 12-19


.09/.09 DUI dismissed. Client pled to wet reckless, no alcohol

class, fine cut in half from $1800 to $950.

Sac 12-18

Commercial river speeding

Commercial driver speeding dismissed. Pled to non moving violation, no DMV points. Saved client’s job. Sac 2/27/09
SR Our client S.R. is a commercial driver who hired us for a speeding citation (82 in 65), and was very concerned because any more points on his record would mean employment termination. Since he is a commercial driver and the speed was greater than 15mph over the limit, this is classified as a “serious traffic violation” subjecting him to a license suspension if he were to obtain another of these violations. A

reduction in speed would be an obvious victory under normal circumstances, however, we were able to convince the district attorney to dismiss the speeding citation, and instead resolve the case for a non-moving violation, which will result in no DMV points against his commercial driving record.

Sac 2/26/09
Client E.B.

14601.2 Driving on a license suspended for DUI/Drugs; Failure to appear.

Entire case, including 14601.2 Driving on a Suspended

License dismissed. Failure to appear dismissed. No fine, no DMV points, no jail/work project

Sac 2/26/09

Client has a commercial driver’s license and the DMV initiated proceedings to suspend his license for a medical reason.

Client hired our firm to fight the suspension. We investigated the case and the law and found that the DMV was wrong but not willing to admit it. We gathered our evidence and fought the case at a hearing. The DMV did not have any legal grounds to stand on and reluctantly allowed our client to keep the license without further incident Sacramento County 2/21/09

Speeding. (97 mph)

Case dismissed at trial. No fine. No DMV points Placer 2/19/09

Failure to stop at stop sign.

Case dismissed at trial. No fine. No DMV points Placer 2/19/09

Speeding over 100 MPH. Two DMV points. Thirty-day license suspension.

Charged reduced after trial. No license suspension. Reduced points and fine. Placer 2/19/09


Case dismissed at trial. Plead to non-moving violation. No DMV points Sacramento 2/19/09

DUI Marijuana

Our client J.R. was charged with driving under the influence of marijuana. Since he was under 21, the offer was a one year license suspension. We set the case for trial, and retained an expert to retest the urine and issue an expert analysis. The day before trial we were able to get the DUI for marijuana dismissed, and the case reduced to simple reckless driving, with no relation to alcohol or drugs. This saved our clients license (no suspension). Further, we negotiated no fine, no jail or work project, and no alcohol/drug class, and the probation term was reduced from three years to one. We also plan to expunge the matter from his criminal record. Sac 2/17/09

PC 245(A)(1) Assault with

Sac 2/13/09

Commercial Driver log book violation. One DMV point

Dismissed at trial. Plead to non-moving violation. No DMV


Sacramento 2/13/09

Speeding and unsafe lanes. Commercial driver, 1.5 DMV points

All charges dismissed at trial. Plead to non-moving violation.

No DMV points.

Sacramento 2/13/09

Driving the wrong way on a highway. Two DMV points.

Case dismissed at trial. No DMV points. Placer 2/09/09

Excess of 100, 2 point violation.

Excess of 100 Dismissed, Simple speeding, no suspension, 1 point Glenn 2/02/09

commercial driver speeding.

speeding charge dismissed at trial yolo 1/28/09

felony assault with a deadly weapon (vehicle),

lifetime license suspension offer.

felony assault with a deadly weapon dismissed, lifetime driver

license suspension dismissed, client plead to reduced misdemeanor

battery, no jail, class and fine only.

yolo 1/28/09

commercial driver speeding: client would

lose job with one more point.

convinced the officer to dismiss the case at trial, saved

clients job

Sacramento 1/26/09

second offense dui, and 12500 unlicensed driver misdemeanor. normal offer for prior within one year: 20-40 days actual custody days. result: second dui allegation dismissed, 12500 unlicensed driver charge dismissed. plead to dui as first offense only, credit for time served, no jail, no work project.

second dui allegation dismissed, 12500 unlicensed driver charge dismissed. plead to dui as first offense only, credit for time served, no jail, no work project. placer county 1/26/09

PC 459 Burglary, Felony.

Case Dismissed Sac 1/23/09

14601 suspended license, 16028 proof of insurance, unsafe turn

14601 suspended license dismissed, 16028 insurance dismissed. Traffic school for unsafe turn, no DMV points. Sac 1/23/09

Felony criminal threats with a firearm and drug possession.

All Charges Dismissed. Sutter 1/23/09

Commercial driver speeding. 1.5 DMV points

Case dismissed at trial. Nevada 1/16/09

Driving on a suspended license, failure to exchange insurance

information at an accident, failure to appear.

Plead only to the failure to appear as an infraction. All

remaining charges dismissed.

Sacramento 1/16/09
N. S

VC 22406 Commercial Violation

22406 Dismissed, no points, no fine San Joaquin 1/16/09

Commercial driver speeding. 1.5 DMV points

Case dismissed at trial. Nevada 1/16/09

Child abuse

Case Dismissed. San Joaquin 1/12/09


Case Dismissed. Sacramento 1/09/09

VC23109 Speed Contest

VC23109 Speed contest dismissed, pled to simple speeding for $371.00 fine. Sacramento 1/09/09

Speeding in excess of 100 mph (117mph)

Case dismissed at trial. Sacramento 1/05/09

Speeding VC 22356(b)

Case Dismissed. Monterey 12/30/08
L. H

Excess of 100; Offer- 1800 fine, 30 day license suspension, 2

point violation.

Excess of 100 Dismissed, Simple speeding, no suspension, 1 point Sac 12/19/08

Red light photo

Case Dismissed Sacramento 12/19/08

Negligent Operator- 6 Month License Suspension for 4 points

Suspended license set aside- client to serve no additional negligent operator suspension Sacramento 12/18/08


Case dismissed. Sacramento 12/17/08

Speeding (64 in a 45)

Speeding dismissed at trial. Plead to a non-moving violation.

No DMV points.

Woodland 12/16/08

Red light camera violation

Red light camera violation dismissed at trial. Plead to a non-

moving violation. No DMV points.

Marysville 12/16/08

Driving on a suspended license with priors and no proof of


Both charges dismissed. Plead to a non-moving

violation. No DMV points. No jail.

Stockton 12/15/08


DUI dismissed. Plead to alcohol related reckless driving. No

jail. No license suspension

Stockton 12/15/08

license suspended by DMV for lack of skill/medical

Held in person hearing, suspension dismissed

license ordered reinstated

Sacramento 12/15/08
HM Dui dismissed

plead to wet reckless, no jail, no work project, reduced fine

Yolo county 12/10/08

HS 11379 transportation of methamphetamine; HS 11377 Possession

of methamphetamine; driving on a suspended license; committing felonies

while on bail. DA offer was 180 days in jail.

Driving on a suspended dismissed. Probation with no jail time.

No DMV points.

Placer 12/09/08

Speeding, No Insurance, No Tail Lights

All charges dismissed at trial. Plead to a non-moving

violation. No DMV points.

Shasta County 12/05/08

Red light camera ticket

Dismissed at trial. No DMV points. Sacramento 12/04/08
E. K

VC 22348(b), Excess of 100 (103 mph). Offer: $1800 fine, 30 day license suspension, 2 point DMV violation

VC 22348(b) dismissed @ trial. Plea to simple speeding ticket, 1 DMV point, fine reduced by $500.00. Placer 12/02/08
R. M

VC 22348(b), Excess of 100. Offer: $1800 fine, 30 day license suspension, 2 point DMV violation

VC 22348(b) dismissed @ trial. Plea to simple speeding ticket, 1 DMV point, fine reduced by $500.00. Placer 12/02/08

VC 21453b stop light violation

21453b dismissed, pled to non moving violation for a fine only, no DMV points. Placer 12/02/08

speeding with prior convictions

Case dismissed at trial. Yolo county 12/02/08

Speeding, Unsafe lane change, No license plates, No Insurance

All charges dismissed at trial. Pleas to one non-moving

violation. No DMV points.

Sacramento 12/01/08


Dismissed at trial. Sacramento 12/01/08

All charges dismissed.

No Insurance, No License Plates, No Registration Placer 12/01/08

Speeding (two separate incidents)

Both Cases Dismissed. Solano 11/26/08


Cases Dismissed. Solano 11/26/08

Speeding in Excess of 100 (115mph) 2 point traffic violation

Reduced to Simple Speeding with Traffic School, upon completion no points. Solano 11/24/08

Speeding in Excess of 100 (110mph) 2 point traffic violation

Reduced to Simple Speeding with Traffic School, upon completion no points. Solano 11/24/08

Speeding in Excess of 100 (120mph) 2 point traffic violation

Reduced to Simple Speeding with Traffic School, upon completion no points. Solano 11/24/08

DMV Appeal of DUI Administration Suspension

1 Year DMV Suspension SET ASIDE. Solano 11/20/08
J. B


DUI dismissed, pled to wet reckless. No alcohol classes, no work project, no jail time. Fine only and fine reduced by half. Sacramento 11/20/08

Speeding/ Commercial Driver

Case Dismissed. Contra Costa 11/19/08

BAC .10

DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless, no jail, no work


Yolo County DUI 11/19/08

Charge: Exhibition of Speed

Offer: misdemeanor conviction, two points on DMV record, 15 days work project

Set for jury trial, at readiness conference: exhibition of speed misdemeanor dismissed, plead to basic speed violation with traffic school, no DMV points, no work project, $100 base fine. Sac 11/19/08
I. T.

VC 22348b Excess of 100 (Speed alleged- 121 mph); Offer: $1800

fine, 2 DMV points, 30 day license suspension

At trial, reduced to simple speeding ticket, 1 point infraction,

No license suspension.

Merced 11/18/08

VC 20002 Hit and Run, Offer: 10 day work project, over $1000.00 in fines, and a 2 point misdemeanor conviction.

VC 20002 dismissed. No work project, no DMV points, plead to infraction for failure to exchange information. Sac 11/14/08

Misdemeanor/ Giving False Information to Police Officer

Case Dismissed. Solano 11/14/08

Misdemeanor/Driving while in Possession Marijuana

Case Dismissed. Contra Costa 11/12/08

22350 speeding (63 in 45)

Speeding charge dismissed. client plead to non moving violation, no DMV points Sac 11/10/08

Charges: Evading the police, the DA wanted 90 days in jail, a license suspension and DMV reevaluation.

Dismissed. Sacramento 11/07/08


DUI Dismissed. Yolo 11/05/08

Speeding, Commercial driver, 1.5 DMV points

Speeding dismissed. Plead to non-moving violation, no DMV points. San Joaquin 11/05/08

Charge: Speeding

Case Dismissed. Alameda 11/04/08

Speeding, No Proof of Insurance

Dismissed at Trial. Alameda 11/04/08

Exhibition of speed, misdemeanor, 2 DMV points

Dismissed. plead to infraction for 1 DMV point, no jail time Sacramento 11/04/08

Reckless driving, misdemeanor

Reckless Dismissed. Plead to infraction speeding in excess of 100, no license suspension. Tehama 11/04/08
R. S

Misdemeanor- Reckless Driving

Reckless driving dismissed, pled only to infraction for 1 DMV point and fine. No license suspension, no jail time, no work project. Placer 11/03/08

Reckless Driving misdemeanor, offer: 2 days sheriff’s work project and fine

Reckless driving misdemeanor dismissed, client plead to moving violation infraction for 1 DMV point Sacramento 11/03/08
Client A.H.

Felony Possession of Firearm

All charges dismissed. Alameda 10/30/08


DUI dismissed, client plead to wet & reckless with helmandollar waiver, no license suspension, no work project, no Alcohol classes, fine only. Sacramento 10/30/08
R. M


DUI Dismissed. Plea to wet reckless, no jail, no work project, fine reduced from $2300 to $600. Placer 10/28/08

VC 22348b Excess of 100

Case dismissed. Contra Costa 10/28/08

VC 22348(b), excess of 100

Dismissed at Trial Contra Costa 10/28/08

V.C. 22350, unsafe speed, auto Accident

Dismissed Sacramento 10/24/08


Dismissed at trial. Yolo 10/21/08

speeding, no insurance, failure to appear

All charges dismissed at trial. Yolo 10/21/08

speeding, not eligible for traffic school

Case dismissed at trial. El Dorado 10/20/08

DUI, BAC: .10

DUI dismissed, client plead to reduced charge of wet- reckless Sacramento 10/16/08

Gridlock ticket

Found Not Guilty at Trial. Sacramento 10/16/08

No insurance and failure to obey traffic control devices.

Insurance charge dismissed. Reduced to coasting and no DMV


Sacramento 10/16/08
Client Z.C.

DUI under 21

All charges dismissed at trial. Solano 10/15/08

DUI .09

DUI Dismissed. Plead to a wet reckless, no license suspension. Glenn 10/14/08

Hit and Run. DA wanted 10 days in jail.

Hit and Run dismissed. Plead to infraction with no jail time

and no probation.

Sacramento 10/10/08
Client J.M.

Felony forcible rape, sodomy, false imprisonment, sexual battery ect.

All charges dismissed. Yolo 10/10/08

Speeding in excess of 100 (105)

Speeding in excess of 100 dismissed. Reduced to one point

infraction, no license suspension.

Sacramento 10/09/08
Client: C.B. Our client hired us because he was accused of violating his DMV probation. He was also accused of going over on points with the DMV. The DMV sought to suspend his license for six months. We held a hearing and convinced the hearing officer to disregard his violation of probation and his excessive points, and instead look at the positive aspects of our client’s life, and how he has changed for the better. The hearing officer set aside the action, terminated the suspension, and allowed our client to visit the DMV the next day to obtain his license. Sacramento 10/07/08
Client: A.C.

PC 647(a) Disorderly Conduct: Solicit Lewd Act

Disorderly Conduct: Solicit Lewd Act, Case dismissed. Monterey 10/07/08
Client A.M.

PC 647(a) Disorderly Conduct: Solicit Lewd Act

Disorderly Conduct: Solicit Lewd Act, Case dismissed. Monterey 10/07/08

speeding in excess of 100mph (103mph)

Speeding in excess dismissed at trial. Plead to regular speeding

ticket with traffic school. No DMV points.

Merced 9/30/08
Client A.H.

PC 273.5, Domestic Violence

All charges dismissed at trial. Alameda 9/29/08
Client F.B.

DUI with accident, BAC .20

DUI Dismissed. Plead to wet reckless, no 6 month suspension, client able to keep his job with airlines. Solano 9/26/08
P.C. 487 (b) (3)-Grand Theft Expungement Granted Sac 9/26/08
Client J.H.

22406 commercial driver speeding

Result, dismissed at trial. Sac 9/25/08
Client C.A.

Speeding in excess of 100 (110)

All charges dismissed at trial. San Joaquin 9/19/08

Charge: PC273(a) & PC 243 Domestic Violence and Battery

Result: All charges dismissed. San Joaquin 9/18/08

Charges-PC 245-assault with a deadly weapon (Vehicle Felony), 23103 (a)-Reckless Driving

Result-Felony assault with a deadly weapon (Vehicle) dismissed, Reckless Driving and Misdemeanor resisting- client avoided lifetime license suspension with plea, no additional jail time Sacramento 9/10/08
Client T.K.


Speeding dismissed, reduced to a non moving violation, no DMV points. Solano 9/10/08
Client J.E.

Speeding in excess of 100 (130)

Speeding in excess of 100 dismissed. Reduced to one point infraction, no license suspension. Solano 9/10/08

22350 Speeding

Convinced officer and judge to dismiss at trial Yolo 9/02/08
Client V. V.

Possession of Marijuanna for sale.

Deferred entry of judgment, case dismissed in 18 months. Solano 8/27/08
Client K.B.

3rd DUI, minimum 120 days in custody.

DA agreed to give client credit for time served, no jail time, no work project. Yolo 8/27/08
Client C. P.

Felony DUI, (six prior convictions for DUI), DA wanted 2 years prison

Residential alcohol program for 1 year, no jail, no prison. Alameda 8/26/08

2nd DUI. Minimum 4 days in custody

DUI dismissed. Plead to dry reckless. No probation. San Joaquin 8/22/08
Client A.A.

14601.2 misdemeanor Driving on Suspended License with DUI conviction, minimum 10 days jail

14601.2 dismissed. Plead to 12500 infraction, driving without license, no DMV points, no jail time, no probation. Solano 8/22/08
Client O.Y.

Domestic Violence

All charges dismissed. Solano 8/22/08
Client T.O.

Client arrested for 3rd Felony DUI. His prior two felonies, he went to prison both times, total of 4 years lock up.

He hired us for most recent felony DUI, .17 Blood, we convinced the court and DA to give him ankle braclet, 180 days, no prison. He was able to keep his job and support his family. Solano 8/20/08

Charge: 22356 (b), Speeding-88 in a 65mph zone

Result: Case dismissed at trial, bail refunded Colusa 8/19/08

Charge: Misdemeanor Battery

Result: Dismissed Solano 8/19/08

22348(b) excess of 100; speed alleged 105; standard offer- 30 day license suspension, $1800 fine, 2 DMV points

Excess of 100 dismissed pled only to simple speeding ticket; fine reduced by $1300; 1 point violation; no license suspension Sacramento 8/15/08

Standard speeding 22349(a)

Speeding dismissed; pled only to non-moving violation for minimal fine Sacramento 8/15/08

14601 driving on suspended license

14601 dismissed pled only to speeding ticket with traffic school no DMV points Sacramento 8/15/08

14601 Misdemeanor driving on a suspended license and speeding

14601 Suspended license 2 point violation dismissed; plea only to speeding with traffic school; No DMV points; minimal fines. Sacramento 8/15/08

Negligent Operator Action- possible 6 month suspension.

Six month suspension set aside. Sacramento 8/15/08

Speeding, No Registration, Failure to Appear

Speeding and Registration Charges Dismissed. Plead to Failure to Appear for Very Low Fine. Fresno 8/13/08
Client: T.J. Charges: DUI .11 Blood Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced to Wet Reckless. No jail, fines substantially reduced, no mandatory 6 month CDL suspension. Sacramento 8/12/08
Client: J.S. Charges: Speeding, Double Fine Zone Result: Speeding Dismissed. Reduced to Non-Moving Violation, no DMV points. Solano County, Fairfield 8/11/08

Speeding, Commercial Driver, 1.5 DMV Points

Dismissed at Trial. Placer County, Roseville 8/11/08
Client C.C.

DUI .10/.11

DUI Dismissed. Reduced to Wet Reckless. No Jail, Fines Substantially Reduced. Solano 8/11/08

Charge: DUI, BAC: .37

Result: reduced to wet-reckless, no jail, no work project, reduced fine Sacramento 8/07/08

Reckless Driving, Alcohol Related (Wet)

Dismissed. Monterey County, Salinas 8/07/08

DUI and High Blood Alcohol Enhancement .17/.16 Breath 6 Month Alcohol Classes

High blood alcohol enhancement dismissed. DUI classes reduced by 3 months. Sacramento 8/07/08
HC- A.M.

Charge: DUI, BAC: .097, Commercial Driver, 12500-Misdemeanor Unlicensed Driver, HSC 23222-Possession of Marijuana

Result: DUI dismissed, 12500 unlicensed misdemeanor dismissed, HSC 23222 misdemeanor marijuana charge dismissed, plea only to wet-reckless with helmandollar waiver, client gets commercial and non commercial license reinstated, no jail, no work project, no alcohol class Sacramento 8/06/08

DUI- .10 BAC

DUI dismissed; reduced to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver; no license suspension; no jail time; no work project; no alcohol classes Sacramento 8/06/08

Speeding, Failure to Appear

All Charges Dismissed. No DMV Points. Fresno 8/06/08

24153 stop light violation

Dismissed at Trial. Sacramento 8/04/08

Speeding, 22349

Dismissed at Trial. Sacramento 8/04/08

Domestic Violence, Battery

Not Guilty after Jury Trial. Yolo 7/31/08
Client M.M.

VC 23103 Misdemeanor Reckless Driving

All Charges Dismissed. Solano 7/25/08

Evasion of payment of fare

All charges dismissed. Sacramento 7/25/08

Negligent operator hearing- possible 6 month suspension

Negligent Operator set aside; probation only; no 6 month suspension Sacramento 7/25/08


Dismissed. Sacramento 7/25/08


Dismissed Placer 7/24/08
Client A.W.

Possession of Marijuana Misdemeanor

All Charges Dismissed Solano 7/24/08
Client K.C.

DUI Misdemeanor .10/.11 breath

DUI dismissed., Reduced to wet reckless, no jail, fines substantially reduced Solano 7/22/08
Client C.S.


Speeding dismissed. Reduced to Non-Moving violation, no points. San Rafael 7/21/08

Commercial driver- lane violation

Reduced to non moving violation; No DMV points. Placer 7/18/08

83 mph in a 65 mph zone.

Reduced to a non moving violation; no DMV points Placer 7/18/08

DUI- BAC .16

DMV APS hearing set aside; no license suspension; plea to wet reckless. Client is a commercial driver and has his license reinstated. Sacramento 7/18/08

Speeding, Commercial Driver, 1.5 DMV points

Speeding Dismissed. Reduced to Non-Moving Violation, no DMV points. Placer County, Roseville 7/17/08


Case Dismissed. Solano County, Fairfield 7/16/08

Neg Operator Hearing- Possible 6 month suspension

Negligent operator action set aside; no license suspension Sacramento 7/16/08

23152 (b)-Second DUI

Second DUI Dismissed. Solano 7/15/08

Speeding, No Insurance, Misdemeanor Failure to Appear

Speeding Dismissed. No DMV points. Misdemeanor Reduced to Infraction. No Jail Time. Tehama County, Corning 7/15/08
Client J.P.

Illegal turn

Case Dismissed. San Francisco 7/15/08
Client A.B.

Driving on suspended license and speeding

Both charges dismissed, plead to 12500 infraction, no points, no misdemeanor record. Solano 7/15/08
Client A.W.

DUI .18, Commercial driver

Plead to a lesser count of wet reckless, no mandatory DMV 1 year commercial license disqualification, court finding of not guilty on driving with blood alcohol of .08 or higher. Solano 7/15/08
Client C.G.

2nd DUI .11 blood

DUI dismissed. Plead to lesser count of wet reckless, no mandatory DMV 2 year suspension. Solano 7/14/08
Client J.U.

Negligent operator hearing: 4 points in a year

Suspension set aside. Placed on probation Oakland 7/11/08

Domestic Violence and Battery

Case Dismissed. El Dorado 7/11/08


Dismissed at Trial. no DMV points. Sacramento 7/10/2008


Reduced to wet and reckless with a helmandollar waiver; no license suspension; no jail time; no Alcohol classes; reduced fine. Sacramento 7/10/08

DUI with High blood alcohol enhancement

High blood alcohol stricken from record, saved client 3 months of Alcohol Classes Sacramento 7/10/08


22349 Speeding Dismissed; Plea only to non-moving violation Solano 7/10/08

DUI with .37 blood alcohol level, ES .37

.37 blood alcohol case reduced to wet-reckless. DUI on .37 blood alcohol dismissed Sacramento 7/08/08
Client M.W.

Negligent operator hearing: 4 points in a year

No suspension imposed. Placed on probation Solano 7/07/08
Client A.L.

Speeding in excess of 100

Excess of 100 dismissed, reduced to 1 point violation Solano 7/02/08

Excess of 100 mph

22348b dismissed plea to simple speeding infraction one point Solano 7/01/08

Driving on a suspended license

Misdemeanor reduced to infraction. No points, no misdemeanors on record. Sacramento

Expungement Granted


Expungement Granted


PC 12025 Concealed Firearms; PC 12031 Carrying a loaded firearm in a prohibited area

Case dismissed. Sacramento

VC 22348(b) Excess of 100 Misdemeanor

Dismissed at Court Trial. Mono

VC 20002 Misdemeanor Hit and Run

Set for jury trial, dismissed outright. No points, no fine, no criminal conviction. Sac

VC 22348(b) Excess of 100

Case dismissed. Mono


* This does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the outcome of your case. Every case has different facts, and a prediction is impossible. Be wary of the attorney who claims he or she can predict the outcome of your case.


DUI Case Results and Dismissals

Here is a list of recent results from our firm:



DUI .11 with alleged weaving. Motion to Suppress filed

Motion granted Case dismissed 01/21

DUI w/ .10 BAC and collision

DUI dismissed to wet and reckless Sacramento 2/10/2016

2nd DUI

DUI dismissed to wet and reckless with helmandollar waiver. DMV action set aside. Alcohol class reduced from 18 months to 12 hours, one day of work project instead of mandaotry second offense four days in jail. Sacramento 2/17/2016

.11 DUI

Filed motion to suppress due to illegal stop for weaving inside lane. Motion to suppress granted, case dismissed. No work project, ignition interlock, fine or probation, all dismissed. Cited People v. Perez case and judge agreed with our argument. Sacramento 01/29/2016

Third DUI w/ Injury

Avoided injury conviction (which could have been a felony). Plead to misdemeanor non-injury DUI with home detention (no actual jail). Yolo County 01/27/2016

Commercial Speeding

Amended to no-point violation 1/20/2016


Dismissed 1/11/16


Dismissed 1/11/16

Placer county boating DUI .11 BAC, presented rising blood alcohol defense.

Resolved for H&N 655(a). Boating DUI dismissed, plead to boating reckless driving. 12 hour class and fine only, no jail, work project, or home detention. 12/14/15

1203 Expungement and Early Termination (VC 23103)

Early Term and Expungement granted 12/11/15


Resolved for no-point 12/8/15


Resolved for wet with no alcohol class 11/24/15

VC 12500

Dismissed 11/23/15

Speeding exceeding 100

Dismissed 11/20/15

Drug Possession

Dismissed 11/6/15

1203 Expungement

Expungement granted over DA Objection 11/4/15

Speeding & not presenting CDL to officer

Dismissed T.B.

1203 Expungement

Expungement granted 10/29/15

Welfare Fraud of $10,000

Reduced to misdemeanor no jail 10/25/15

Exceeding 100

Standard speeding with Traffic School eligibility 10/22/15

VC 38300

No point 10/20/15


Dismissed 10/19/15

1203 Expungement and Early Termination

Early Term and Expungement granted 9/24/15

Failure To Stop

Dismissed 9/15/15


Dismissed 9/10/15

Misdemeanor Vandalism (graffiti)

Dismissed with 12 AA Sessions and Restitution 8/27/15

Felony Burglary

Plead to misdemeanor trespassing with work project 8/27/15

Felony check fraud, felony drug possession.

Felonies dismissed. Check fraud reduced to misdemeanor for five days work project, drug possession reduced and dismissed with drug diversion completion. Yolo County 08/11/2015

DUI with great bodily injury and two additional victims, and child endangerment. Eight years prison exposure.

Additional victims and child endangerment dismissed, plead to five years probation with home detention (no jail). BAC .12 Sacramento County 07/29/2015

Third DUI (drug dui). Driving on suspended plus drug possession.

Third dui dismissed, suspended license plea and diversion for drug charge (dismissal upon completion.). Sacramento County 07/28/2015

Commercial Red Light Violation

Resolved for non-point violation. El Dorado County 07/24/2015

Misdemeanor VC 14601.2 (driving on a suspended license from a DUI)

Infraction VC 12500 with fine only. Placer County 07/16/2015


Dismissed. Alameda County 07/14/2015

08 dmv APS case

Won the APS hearing due to title 17 15 min observation period on breath test violation. Sacramento County 07/09/2015

DUI (.10 BAC)

Wet reckless. Sacramento County 06/30/2015

Expungement for DUI

Expungement granted. Alameda County 06/30/2015

DUI (.11 BAC)

Wet reckless, no license suspension, no interlock ignition device, no work project, and won DMV hearing. Sacramento County 06/26/2015

Felony drug possession for sale

Misdemeanor simple possession. Placer County 06/22/2015

Commercial Speeding

Amended to 21710 at arr (visiting judge) over clerks advisement to judge that usually wait for officer in case he objects. Solano County 06/16/2015

Expungement for DUI

Expungement granted. Sacramento County 06/12/2015

Felony Theft (8k)

Resolved for misdo. Yolo County 06/09/2015


Dismissed. Sacramento County 06/03/2015


resolved for VC 21710 (coasting), a non point violation for a fine only. Solano County 05/27/2015

14601.2 & VOP

Case (along with VOP) dismissed, client is also off probation successfully. Yolo County 05/26/2015

Commercial Speeding

Amended to no-point violation Merced County 05/16/2015

VC 22349 (97/65mph) & 14601.1 misdo

Resolved for VC 12500 inf and speeding dismissed w/o showing proof of valid CDL (client’s DL susp b/c of DUI and neg op.) Merced County 05/15/2015

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for domestic violence case

Expungement graned. Fresno County 05/13/2015

Speeding; Failure to appear

case dismissed. San Joaquin County 05/07/2015

VC 22348 (Speeding 100mph+)

Reduced to VC 22356 (speed reduced from 111mph to 99mph) with no license suspension. Merced County 05/05/2015


case dismissed. Sacramento County 05/05/2015

Misdemeanor violation of reckless driving

Reduced to speeding infraction with traffic school. Placer County 05/01/2015


Case dismissed. San Joaquin County 04/30/2015

Petition for early termination of probation, reduction from felony to misdemeanor conviction, and expungement

Early termination, reduction to misdemeanor, and expungement all granted. Sacramento County 04/30/2015

Misdo violation of driving without interlock device

Showed proof of IID, case dismissed. Sacramento County 04/28/2015

DMV Fraud case, license indefinitely suspended.

DMV action set aside, license reinstated. Sacramento County 04/17/2015

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 03/25/2015

Charge: Felony DUI w/ Injury

Result: Amended to misdemeanor VC 23152 with no mandatory jail time Amador County 2/26/2015

Charge: DUI with .10/.10 pas

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 02/04/2015

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver on a .09/.09 PAS. Placer County 12/30/2014

Charge: VC 4600; VC 40616 as misdemeanor

Result: VC 4600 dismissed; VC 40616 as misdemeanor reduced to PC 12147.1 as infraction Sacramento County 12/30/2014

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Dismissed and DMV set aside. Sacramento County 11/21/2014

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI (.14 Blood Alcohol)

Result: DUI Dismissed and we won DMV hearing. Attorney presented “Rising Blood Alcohol Defense” with expert report and plea was to “wet reckless”. No jail, no work project, alcohol class reduced to 12 hours, no ignition interlock device, license suspension set aside Sacramento County 11/14/2014

Charge: 3 years informal probation for DUI.

Result: 18 month early termination of probation and expungement granted. San Joaquin County 10/10/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no four days jail Sacramento County 10/10/2014

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI (.17 Blood Alcohol), plus collision.

Result: DUI Dismissed. Criminal Case Dismissed in full. Attorney presented “necessity defense” and case was dismissed pretrial. Sacramento County 10/07/2014

Charge: DUI w/ .19 BAC; PC 148 (a)(1); PC243(b) w/ warrant

Result: Warrant recalled, resolved for wet reckless with dismissal of PC 148 (a)(1) and PC243(b) San Joaquin County 09/29/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: No mandatory four days in jail (very rare in Sacramento County) Sacramento County 09/15/2014

Charge: DUI + Refusal of Chemical Tests

Result: Criminal DUI case dismissed. Lassen County 08/22/2014

Charge: 14601.2; 23123.5

Result: 14601.2 dismissed; 12500 infraction for $200 fine; no points; no three year probation; no one year IID. Sacramento County 08/14/2014

Charge: DUI + child endangerment

Result: Child endangerment charge dismissed, no jail time. Yolo County 08/12/2014

Charge: 23153(a) & 23153(b) DUI w/ Injury; 20001(a) Hit & Run w/ Injury; 14601.1(a) Driving w/ Suspended License

Result: Injury charges dismissed on both counts for no jail time and 30 days work project; no one year license suspension. Sacramento County 07/30/2014

Charge: DUI (.11 BAC)

Result: Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver Sacramento County 07/24/2014

Charge: APS hearing for DUI; commercial driver at risk of losing license/career

Result: APS set aside after expert testimony by medical specialist, no license suspension. Yolo County 07/22/2014

Charge: Second DUI

Result: Second DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless with class cut in half, no jail/work project, fine reduced. Placer County 07/07/2014

Charge: Two felony child endangerment charges & DUI w/ .15 BAC

Result: Both felony charges dismissed (reduced to Misdemeanor) Yolo County 07/02/2014

Charge: DUI, resisting arrest, and endangering a minor.

Result: Resolved for NC plea to PC 148 for 45 days with ASP (alternative sentencing program), 3 years IP, 16 hour parenting class, and 20 AA’s class. Solano County 07/01/2014

Charge: DUI w .10 bac

Result: Resolved for wet reckless after doing blood retest. Sacramento County 06/26/2014

Charge: DUI (.09 BAC)

Result: Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver, no alcohol class, no work project, and no Ignition Interlock Device. Sacramento County 06/10/2014

Charge: Second DUI (BAC .14)

DA Offer: Plea to Second DUI, 45 days, SB-38 18 Month Alcohol Class, 1 Year Ignition Interlock Device, Two Year License Suspension, 4 Days Mandatory Jail, $2500 Fine.

Result: SECOND DUI DISMISSED. No Mandatory Four Days Jail, No Ignition Interlock Device, No License Suspension (We Won DMV Hearing), Fine Cut in Half, Work Project reduced to 10 Days. Alcohol Class Reduced from 18 Months to 12 Hours.

Sacramento County 05/01/2014

Charge: DUI – (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside Placer County 04/29/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for drunk in public; no jail time, no work project, fine of only $240. Alameda County 04/28/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: DMV set aside with .08 PAS result; no license suspension. Placer County 04/09/2014

Charge: DUI (.09 bac)

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with a Helmandollar waiver; no jail, work project, or license suspension. Sacramento County 04/08/2014

Charge: 3rd DUI

Result: Offer was 6-8 month in jail. Resolved for a wet reckless (.08 BAC) with no jail time and 12 hours classes. Placer County 04/08/14

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for dry reckless; no jail time, fine of only $1500. San Joaquin County 04/07/2014

Charge: Second DUI (.14 BAC)

Result: SECOND DUI DISMISSED. No Mandatory Four Days Jail, No Ignition Interlock Device, No License Suspension (We Won DMV Hearing), Fine Cut in Half, Work Project Reduced to 10 Days. Alcohol Class Reduced from 18 Months to 12 Hours. Sacramento County 03/27/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with a Helmandollar waiver; no license suspension. Sacramento County 03/18/2014

Charge: DMV APS hearing for DUI with .22 bac

Result: DMV set aside action; no license suspension Solano County 03/12/2014

Charge: DUI with .10 bac

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 03/12/2014

Charge: DUI with injury

Result: Resolved for VC23152 instead of VC23153; DUI with injury dismissed, no automatic one year license suspension Sacramento County 03/07/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver on a .08 pas and .10/.10 breath). No jail time, work project or license suspension, alcohol class deleted. Sacramento County 02/25/2014

Charge: DMV Medical Re-evaluation hearing (driver’s license taken away)

Result: Presented argument at hearing that client should be granted re-test; client passed re-test; license reissued. Placer County 02/20/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless (.10 BAC) Placer County 02/18/2014

Charge: DUI (.08 blood case)

Result: Obtained blood retest and got criminal case dismissed, presented expert testimony at DMV hearing and won Placer County 02/18/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless (.10 BAC) Sacramento County 02/13/2014

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Case dismissed after showing court medical marijuana card and proof of medidical condition Placer County 02/11/2014

Charge: HS 11350(a) & HS 11364.1 possession of heroin and drug paraphernalia – exposure 3 years state prison

Result: Case resolved for Prop 36 drug diversion and fines – no jail time Placer County 02/10/2014

Charge: DUI (.12 pas)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 01/29/2014

Charge: DUI (.10 BAC)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 01/28/2014

Charge: VC11350 and felony VC11550

Result: Plead to DUI only, no jail time. (normally a 90 day minimum) Placer County 01/14/14

Charge: DUI w/ injury; Hit & Run w/injury

Result: Resolved for DUI with no injury; avoided 1 year mandatory license suspension; no jail time. Sacramento County 01/08/2014

Charge: DUI (with a .17 BAC)

Result: Second DUI with .17 blood alcohol dismissed. Sacramento County 12/27/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: We won the DMV so the DA offered a wet reckless, but we held out and set for trial, da dismissed charges. Sacramento County 12/19/13

Charge: DUI (with a .08 BAC)

Result: All charges dismissed. Sacramento County 12/19/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no work project. BAC was .08 Sacramento County 11/08/2013

Charge: DUI (with a .18/.17 BAC)

Result: DUI dismissed after attorney presented no-drive defense. Sacramento County 10/30/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, DMV set aside action. No license suspension. Yolo County 10/29/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver. Solano County 10/28/2013

Charge: DUI (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside based on Helmandollar waiver obtained in court. Sacramento County 10/08/2013

Charge: DUI (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside based on expert testimony; no license suspension. Sacramento County 10/07/2013

Charge: Felony DUI expungement

Result: Expungement granted Sacramento County 9/20/13

Charge: Misdo Reckless Driving

Result: Resolved for 3 infractions for fines only; no probation and no criminal record. Sacramento County 8/16/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: .10 BAC wet reckless and two years probation due to immigration Placer County 8/06/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Criminal case dismissed after presenting in car camera video demonstrating lack of probable cause for stop. Sacramento County 08/01/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Criminal case dismissed after presenting in car camera video demonstrating lack of probable cause for stop. Sacramento County 08/01/2013

Charge: DMV Administrative Per Se hearing for DUI charge

Result: DMV action set aside after we subpoenaed the in car camera video which showed no driving violation. Sacramento County 7/30/2013

Charge: DUI (with .11 BAC)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless. No IID, no mandatory suspension of license. Sacramento County 7/30/2013

Charge: DUI with a .09 BAC

Result: wet reckless with a Helmandollar Sacramento County 7/22/13

Charge: DUI with .17 BAC

Result: High Blood Alcohol count dismissed, and alcohol class cut from six to three months. Sacramento County 7/12/13

Charge: Administrative Per Se DMV hearing for DUI charge

Result: DMV action set aside after presenting 3 witnesses Sacramento County 7/11/2013

Charge: DUI plus 14601.2, separate cases.

Result: 14601.2 dismissed, dui dismissed, plead to wet only. no jail, no iid, no work project, fine reduced from 3800 to 1300. Placer County 7/08/13

Charge: DUI, .09 BAC

Result: Wet reckless with hellmendollar and no alcohol class Sacramento County 6/27/13

Charge: DUI with another pending DUI in Yolo county

Result: Wet reckless with hellmendollar and 20 days work project Sacramento County 6/27/13

Charge: DUI with high BAC of .18

Result: Resolved for only 3 month alcohol class instead of 9 month. Sacramento County 5/22/2013

Original charge: DUI

Results: We filed 1203.4 motion with request for early termination of probation; early termination granted and charge expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/22/2013

Charge: DUI, .16 BAC

Results: Expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: DUI from 1997

Results: Expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: DUI

Results: Motion for early termination of probation granted and charge expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: Possession of an open container

Result: Converted to non point storage infraction for $50 dollar fine. Sacramento, Federal Court

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a “wet reckless” with 2 days and 3 month class, reduced wet fine and no interlock device. Sacramento County Court 5/15/13

Charge: DUI with hit & run

Result: Hit & run dismissed Sacramento County 05/10/13

Charge: DUI with .10 BAC

Result: Blood retest, DUI Dismissed, plead to wet reckless. Sacramento County 05/02/13

Charge: 14601.2 yuba county driving while suspended for DUI with prior. Offer 30 days actual jail with one year ignition interlock device and two dmv points and three years probation.

Result: Misdemeanor 14601.2 dismissed, plead to unlicensed driver infraction (12500) no DMV points, no jail, no IID requirement, no probation ($414 fine) Yuba County 05/01/13

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI then subsequent felony 273.5 domestic violence while on bail.L, 90 day jail offer.

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless. Felony 273.5 dismissed, plead to misdemeanor with no jail (45 days work project). Placer County 05/01/13

Charge: DUI with .19 blood alcohol

Result: Resolved for 3 month alcohol class and no jail time. Placer County 04/16/13

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed. Placer County 04/16/13

Charge: Felony DUI with injury

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Case plead to a misdemeanor for 30 days work project and no actual jail time. Placer County 04/4/13

Charge: Drug DUI

Result: Wet Reckless Yolo County 03/28/13

Charge: Boating DUI w/ BAC of .097

Result: Resolved for boating wet reckless (.04 or higher), no work project or home detention or jail. Yolo County 03/26/13

Charge: 3rd DUI

Result: No actual jail. Out patient treatment with formal probation and home detention only. El Dorado County

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet with helmandollar waiver No class no IID no susp, no w/p, fine halved. Sacramento County 03/20/13

Charge: Two DUI’s, driving on a suspended license, resisting arrest and vandalism.

Result: Driving on a suspended license, resisting, and vandalism – all dismissed. Sacramento County

Charge: Violation of probation, did not install ignition interlock device

Result: Dismissed. Sacramento County 03/18/13

Charge: DUI, .18 blood alcohol

Result: High blood alcohol enhancement dismissed. 3 month class and standard no high blood alcohol enhancement offer. Yolo County

Charge: DUI with .10 Blood Alcohol Content with an accident

Result: Wet reckless. Placer County 02/21/13

Charge: DUI with high BAC

Result: Resolved for a 3 month alcohol class instead of a 9 month, client had a .20 BAC. San Joaquin County 02/05/13

Charge: 6th and 7th DUI while on probation, offer from DA was 6 years and 8 months in jail.

Result: Case resolved prior to the preliminary hearing for 2 years and 8 months. Sacramento County 01/17/13

Charge: Second DUI with .09 BAC

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to 2nd wet with no actual jail, no ignition interlock required by court, alcohol class cut from 18 months to 9 months. Sacramento County 12/12/12

Charge: Third DUI within three years

Result: One prior DUI dismissed (stricken from record), plead to second offense for no actual jail (work project only.) Sacramento County 12/12/12

Charge: DUI with .11 BAC

Result: Client has green card and needs to have probation shortened to allow him to apply for citizenship on time, convinced d.a. to reduce probation to 18 months at the outset. Sacramento County 12/07/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet Reckless. No Interlock installation, no jail time, no work project. Sacramento County 11/30/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet Reckless. Sacramento County 11/30/12

Charge: DUI w/ endangering a minor

Result: Resolved for wet reckless. No jail time, no additional license suspension. Placer County

Charge: DUI w/ .16 BAC

Result: High blood alcohol stricken, no additional days. Only 3 month alcohol program. Sacramento County

Charge: DUI: .118/.118 pas, .11 blood

Result: DUI DISMISSED. resolved for wet with first terms. Sacramento County

Charges: DUI with BAC of .10

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no IID installation required. Sacramento County 11/21/12

Charges: DUI

Result: DMV set aside action, no license suspension. Sutter County 11/20/12

Charges: DUI (DMV hearing)

Result: Hearing conducted and APS action set aside. No license suspension. Yolo County 10/19/12

Charges: DUI with .12 BAC

Result: Wet reckless, DUI dismissed. El Dorado County 10/12/12

Charges: Driving under the influence of marijuana

Result: Reexamination conducted, driver reinstated with “no action” by DMV. Kern County 10/2/12

Charges: DUI with a .09 BAC.

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to Wet Reckless. Alcohol class reduced from 3 months to 12 hours, fine cut, no work project or home detention. Placer County 9/24/12

Charges: DUI with injury.

Result: Case was settled for no actual jail and restitution. Client rehired us to terminate his probation, probation terminated at half time. Client also rehired us to reduce it to a misdemeanor- felony dui reduced to a misdemeanor and at the same hearing, the misdemeanor DUI WAS DISMISSED. Sacramento County 9/24/12

Charges: .09 DUI

Result: DUI dismissed (with blood retest), wet with helmandollar waiver, no license suspension, no work project, no ignition interlock device, no alcohol class Sacramento County 9/20/12

Charge: Drug DUI with injuries

Result: 23153 DUI with injury dismissed. Plead to non-injury DUI with restitution, prevented one year license suspension (client owns own business and drives to job sites). Placer County 9/17/12

Charge: Domestic violence felony and DUI felony

Result: Domestics violence felony dropped, max exposure 4 years 4 months actual prison, probation wanted 3 years 4 months. Got DA and judge down to 2 years local time no prison. Placer County 9/12/12

Charge: .09 DUI

Result: Dismissed and resolved for a Wet with a helmandollar waiver and license reissued. Sacramento County 9/6/12

Charge: DUI with .15 BAC

Result: Plea to first with no HBA, class cut in half and enhancement dismissed. Sacramento County 8/08/12

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI dismissed for wet reckless, no suspension, no jail, no DUI class, fines only. Sacramento County 7/25/12

Charge: DUI

Result: .10 BAC DUI dismissed; plead to wet/reckless. Sacramento County 7/19/12

Charge: 2nd DUI with 0.10 BAC

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with no jail time, no suspension of license. Sacramento County 7/12/12

Charge: 2nd DUI with 0.09 BAC

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with no jail time and no suspended license and only 9 month alcohol program. Sacramento County 7/12/12

Charge: 1203 sought for VC 23152 DUI

Result: 1203 granted. Dismissed, probation terminated early. Sacramento County 07/06/2012

Charge(s): Case 1: DUI charge with drugs and alcohol. Result: DUI Dismissed. Plead to wet reckless with no time or alcohol class. Case 3: 14601.2 Misdemeanor (driving while suspended for DUI).

Result: Case reduced to infraction. No work project or mandatory jail. $75 fine plus penalty assessments. Sacramento County 07/06/2012

Charge: Under 21 DUI

Result: Dismissed at trial. No additional DMV suspension, no fines, no points. Sacramento County 06/01/2012

Charge: 4th DUI

Result: Clt was facing state prison. State prison dismissed, clt plead to one yr with home detention (no jail.) Sacramento County 5/16/2012

Charge: Felony DUI w/ injury

Result: Fel DUI w/ injury dismissed, plead to misdo DUI w/ injury, no jail time, work project only. Sacramento County 5/02/2012

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for dry reckless. 710 fine. no DUI class. No jail time. No license suspension. Merced 4/16/12

Charge: DUI- 2nd Offense

Result: Got IID reduced to one year from two and alcohol classes reduced from 18 months to 9 months Wet Reckless plea. El Dorado 4/06/12

Charge: DUI

Result: .09 breath – DUI dismissed with Helmandollar waiver. No license suspension, no work project, not IID. Fine cut in half. Sacramento 3/15/12

Charge: DUI- 2nd Offense

Result: Resolved for a wet second with .10 BAC. No jail, fine cut in half. El Dorado 2/24/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Charge reduced to a wet reckless on a .10 BAC Glenn 2/16/12

Charge: Felony DUI with injury

Result: Felony DUI with injury dismissed, plead to misdemeanor DUI with injury. Injuries included two victims with contusions, concussion, abrasions, and vomiting (rollover accident). 150 day sentence, home detention eligible. Yolo 1/4/12

Charge: DUI

Result: BAC .10 DUI dismissed. Plea to wet, no work project or interlock device, fine cut in half. Sacramento 12/28/11

Charge: DUI plus hit and run

Result: DUI Dismissed, hit and run plea only. Sacramento 12/28/11

Charge: DUI

Result: APS Set Aside. Client pulled over for failing to signal, we subpoenaed officer and questioned her, and she admitted that no other vehicles movement was affected by the lane change, which is not a violation of the vehicle code. DMV hearing officer agreed and threw DMV case out. No license suspension or DUI on record. Sacramento 11/16/11

Charge: DUI

Result: All charges dismissed. Sacramento 10/4/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Injury, 6 victims.

Result: Felony DUI with injury dismissed, plead to misdemeanor dui with injury for no jail time. Sacramento 10/4/11

Charge: 2nd DUI with alcohol and muscle relaxer combination alleged and suspended license VC 14601.2

Result: DUI dismissed and 14601.2 suspended license dismissed. Plea to wet reckless for no jail or work project, no alcohol class, no victim impact panel, fine cut in half to $1400. No license suspension. Sacramento 9/26/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Great Bodily Injury

Result: Felony dismissed. Great bodily injury prison enhancement dismissed. Plead to misdemeanor DUI with injury. Sacramento 9/21/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Injury and Resisting Arrest

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Plead to Misdemeanor DUI with Injury for home detention Yolo 9/14/11

Charge: DUI- .10/.11

Result: DUI dismissed, plea to wet reckless, no work project, fine and DUI class cut in half Monterey 7/28/11

Charge: DUI with High Blood Alcohol (above .15)

Result: DUI resolved for credit time served, no jail, no alcohol program, no victim impact panel Placer 7/25/11

Charge: Third Offense DUI- DMV Suspension

Result: DMV Suspension set aside after appeal hearing Sacramento 7/01/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet/reckless with helmandollar waiver to dismiss DMV suspension Sacramento 6/30/11

Charge: 3rd DUI and Probation violation

Result: Home detention only, no jail time. Solano 6/22/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with acquittal of the .08 or higher count. DMV APS action set aside, no work project, no alcohol class. Yuba 6/17/11

Charge: DUI- Administrative suspension for 4 months from DMV.

Result: Suspension set aside. Placer 6/13/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .10

Result: DUI dismissed. Plea to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver (not guilty on b count). No work project, no ignition interlock device, no alcohol class. Sacramento 5/26/11

Charge: DUI- DMV hearing

Result: Set aside. No license suspension or DUI on criminal or driving record. Sacramento 5/25/11

Charge: FDUI- BAC: .10

Result: DUI Dismissed. Pled to wet/reckless. Sacramento 5/16/11

Charge: DUI- BAC: .09

Result: Case Dismissed Sacramento 5/13/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .24 and concealed weapon charge

Result: 2 days work project and dismissal of gun charge with one day class and return of weapon. Sacramento 5/09/11

Charge: Under 21 dui facing 1 year license suspension

Result: DMV hearing with witnesses testifying- Case dismissed. (Set aside after hearing) Placer 5/04/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless for alcohol class and fine only. Sacramento 4/28/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: DUI Dismissed. Pled to wet reckless, fine cut in half and no work project. Sacramento 4/28/11

Charge: DUI- BAC: .087/.084 with .08 blood

Result: Case dismissed. Plead to unsafe turn with helmandollar and traffic school. Sacramento 4/19/11

Charge: Juvenile DUI- High BAC

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 4/4/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: Wet reckless with helmandollar to waive DMV suspension. No work project, no alcohol class. Sacramento 3/28/11

Charge: DUI

Result: .11 DUI reduced to wet reckless, fine reduced by $1000. No jail, no work project, license suspension reduced by two months. Sutter 12/1/2010

Charge: DUI

Result: .12 DUI reduced to wet reckless, fine reduced by $1000. No jail, no work project, license suspension reduced by two months. Sutter 12/1/2010

Charge: DUI .09

Result: Wet reckless with Helmandollar Waiver resulting in no license suspension. No jail time, no work project. Fine cut in half. Sacramento 11/9/2010

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Wet reckless with no license suspension, no work project, fine cut in half. Sacramento 11/5/2010

Charge: Under 21 DUI

Result: Diversion granted with 6 months probation. Case dismissed after 6 months. No criminal conviction, no jail. Sacramento 10/22/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .21

Result: High blood alcohol stricken, no DUI class, community service instead of work project. Sacramento 10/6/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .18

Result: Plead for 3 month alcohol class and no jail or work project Placer 8/17/10

Charge: Felony DUI- .08 Breath- Rollover motor vehicle accident

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless. No mandatory 1 year suspension. Solano 7/26/10

Charge: Felony- 4th DUI; Offer: 16 months, state prison

Result: State prison on sentence dismissed. Probation and home detention authorized. Sacramento 7/22/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .36

Result: Court trial on DUI count, not guilty finding. Plead to drunk in public- no jail or work project, license suspension set aside. Placer 6/29/10

Charge: DUI

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 6/25/10

Charge: DUI- .11 BAC

Result: Wet reckless: 12 hour alcohol course, reduced fine, no jail, no work project. Yolo 6/22/10

Charge: DUI- .09 BAC

Result: Wet reckless- DMV action set aside, no license suspension, no work project, $600 fine. Placer 6/21/10

Charge: HS11350 Felony Cocaine; VC23152 DUI

Result: Felony cocaine diversion- Dismissed in 18 months Sacramento 6/10/10

Charge: DUI DMV Hearing

Result: BAC: .25/.26 dmv license suspension set aside after expert testimony regarding calibration Placer 5/25/10

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed after conviction Sacramento 5/14/10

Charge: DUI- DMV hearing

Result: No drive defense, suspension set aside. Sacramento 3/11/10

Charge: DUI. Offer: 25 days

Result: DUI dismissed, pled to wet reckless. No work project, fine cut in half, no jail, no court driver’s license suspension Placer 3/10/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless with helmandollar to set aside DMV suspension. Sacramento 2/24/10

Charge: Under 21 DUI (.01 or higher case), BAC: .03

Result: One year license suspension set aside. Sacramento 1/28/10

Charge: DUI- BAC.10

Result: DUI dismissed. Plea to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver (no license suspension), fine reduced in half, no work project Sacramento 1/14/10

Charges: DUI .13

Results: Filed Motion to Suppress Evidence for lack of probable cause to arrest. Motion granted and Case dismissed. Solano 12/18/09

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI reduced to Wet Reckless Sacramento 12/11/09

Charge: Felony VC23153

Result: Grant of formal probation term at half time. Sacramento 12/1/09

Charge: DUI- .11 Blood Alcohol Content

Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced charge to wet reckless Tuolumne 11/19/09

Charge: DUI

Result: Case Dismissed Yolo 11/17/09

Charge: Commercial Driver DUI, BAC .17

Results: Took case to trial , DA dismissed DUI in the middle of the trial, client accepted a deal to a wet reckless. 2 days later during DMV hearing, action was set aside based on officer’s inconsistent statements. Client gets to keep his commercial license, his job, and is able to continue supporting his family. Colusa County 11/13/09

Charge: DUI and Unlicensed Driver

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 11/13/09

Charge: DMV APS action .11 BAC

Result: Won DMV hearing. DMV ordered action set aside and license reinstated Sacramento 11/4/09

Charge: DUI (.12 BAC)

Result: Wet reckless with 1st DUI conditions. Client gets wet reckless criminal conviction instead of DUI conviction and saves his job of 13 years as supervisor. Sacramento 10/13/09

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI Dismissed. Wet/reckless plea, no jail, no work project, no license suspension, no alcohol or drug class. Probation reduced from 3 years to 1 year. Fine cut in half. Yolo 9/3/09

2nd DUI, under 21, .10 BAC

Wet Reckless, no jail, no 1 year court suspension. San Joaquin 8/21/09

Charge: Boating DUI .11 BAC

Result: Boating DUI dismissed. Speeding in boat only, no alcohol related misdemeanor Yolo 8/20/09

Charge: DUI .10

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to lesser charge, Wet reckless, avoided 6 month suspension, fines substantially reduced, no jail or work program. Solano County 8/3/09

Charge: 2nd DUI .18

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to lesser charge, Wet reckless, avoided 2 year suspension, fines substantially reduced, no jail or work program. Solano County 7/31/09

Charge: DUI 23152.

Result: DUI Dismissed (all charges). Officer testified that client crossed over solid white line, we produced impeachment photos showing there was no line in that location, we won the DMV hearing and the d.a. was forced to dismiss all charges. Sacramento 7/30/09

DUI, .11 BAC.

Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced charge of Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver (setting aside DMV suspension, fine cut in half, no work project, no DUI on driving record). Sacramento County 7/30/09

Charge: Felony DUI .35 Accident w/injury

Result: Felony Reduced to Misdemeanor. Avoided State Prison, Able to convince judge to allow client to pick up trash on weekend and keep job. Solano County 7/27/09

Charge: Misdemeanor Driving on Suspended License w/ DUI: 14601.2

Result: Misdemeanor Dismissed. Plead to Infraction 12500, no point on DMV record, no jail. Solano County 7/14/09

Charge: Under 21 DUI- .01 or higher VC 21336

Result: Case dismissed; VC 21336 .01 or higher dismissed Sacramento 6/19/09


Result: Our client hired us because he was charged with a DUI with a BAC of .14 the officer alleged he was leaving within his lane over a period of time. The DA refused to dismiss the case, so we set the case for a motion to suppress hearing. The judge sided with us and the case was dismissed in criminal court. No fine, no work project and no criminal record. Sacramento 5/20/09

DUI (.10 BAC)

Set for motion to suppress, DUI dismissed. resolved just prior to motion hearing for wet reckless, (fine cut in half to under 1k; no work project; no jail; reduced alcohol class) Sac County 4/16/09


Case dismissed. Sacramento County 4/10/09

DUI (.10)

Resolved for a wet reckless. Placerville 4/06/09


DUI Dismissed, plead to reduced wet reckless charge with helmandollar waiver, license suspension set aside, no DUI class, no work project, fine cut in half. Sac county 3/19/09

DUI, .10 BAC

DUI Dismissed, plead to reduced wet reckless charge, no work project, fine cut in half. Sac county 3/19/09


Our 50 year old female client s.g. hired us because she was stopped for a first time DUI. Her blood registered .09. We hired an expert, conducted a retest of her blood, and set the case for trial. After thorough trial preparation, two days before trial the d.a. agreed to give her a simple speeding ticket, DUI dismissed. Further, we obtained a waiver allowing her to get her license immediately, and set aside any action by the DMV. Yolo 3/11/09

VC 23140 Under 21 DUI .06 BAC.

Under 21 DUI dismissed, plead to VC 23136 (.01 or higher) no DMV

points, not priorable.

Placer County 3/09/09

23140 minor DUI

Offer: 2 points against license, priorable offense

23140 minor DUI dismissed. client plead to .01 or higher infraction, no DMV points, does not count as prior offense. Placer County 3/09/09

DUI (.22%) DMV suspension hearing

DMV proposed to suspend client’s license for four months. DMV failed to prove it’s case and set aside the proposed suspension. Client got to keep license. Sacramento County 3/04/09


.09/.09 DUI dismissed. Client pled to wet reckless, no alcohol

class, fine cut in half from $1800 to $950.

Sac 12-18
Client E.B.

14601.2 Driving on a license suspended for DUI/Drugs; Failure to appear.

Entire case, including 14601.2 Driving on a Suspended

License dismissed. Failure to appear dismissed. No fine, no DMV points, no jail/work project

Sac 2/26/09

DUI Marijuana

Our client J.R. was charged with driving under the influence of marijuana. Since he was under 21, the offer was a one year license suspension. We set the case for trial, and retained an expert to retest the urine and issue an expert analysis. The day before trial we were able to get the DUI for marijuana dismissed, and the case reduced to simple reckless driving, with no relation to alcohol or drugs. This saved our clients license (no suspension). Further, we negotiated no fine, no jail or work project, and no alcohol/drug class, and the probation term was reduced from three years to one. We also plan to expunge the matter from his criminal record. Sac 2/17/09

second offense dui, and 12500 unlicensed driver misdemeanor. normal offer for prior within one year: 20-40 days actual custody days. result: second dui allegation dismissed, 12500 unlicensed driver charge dismissed. plead to dui as first offense only, credit for time served, no jail, no work project.

second dui allegation dismissed, 12500 unlicensed driver charge dismissed. plead to dui as first offense only, credit for time served, no jail, no work project. placer county 1/26/09


DUI dismissed. Plead to alcohol related reckless driving. No

jail. No license suspension

Stockton 12/15/08
HM Dui dismissed

plead to wet reckless, no jail, no work project, reduced fine

Yolo county 12/10/08

DMV Appeal of DUI Administration Suspension

1 Year DMV Suspension SET ASIDE. Solano 11/20/08
J. B


DUI dismissed, pled to wet reckless. No alcohol classes, no work project, no jail time. Fine only and fine reduced by half. Sacramento 11/20/08

BAC .10

DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless, no jail, no work


Yolo County DUI 11/19/08


DUI Dismissed. Yolo 11/05/08


DUI dismissed, client plead to wet & reckless with helmandollar waiver, no license suspension, no work project, no Alcohol classes, fine only. Sacramento 10/30/08
R. M


DUI Dismissed. Plea to wet reckless, no jail, no work project, fine reduced from $2300 to $600. Placer 10/28/08

DUI, BAC: .10

DUI dismissed, client plead to reduced charge of wet- reckless Sacramento 10/16/08
Client Z.C.

DUI under 21

All charges dismissed at trial. Solano 10/15/08

DUI .09

DUI Dismissed. Plead to a wet reckless, no license suspension. Glenn 10/14/08
Client F.B.

DUI with accident, BAC .20

DUI Dismissed. Plead to wet reckless, no 6 month suspension, client able to keep his job with airlines. Solano 9/26/08
Client K.B.

3rd DUI, minimum 120 days in custody.

DA agreed to give client credit for time served, no jail time, no work project. Yolo 8/27/08
Client C. P.

Felony DUI, (six prior convictions for DUI), DA wanted 2 years prison

Residential alcohol program for 1 year, no jail, no prison. Alameda 8/26/08

2nd DUI. Minimum 4 days in custody

DUI dismissed. Plead to dry reckless. No probation. San Joaquin 8/22/08
Client T.O.

Client arrested for 3rd Felony DUI. His prior two felonies, he went to prison both times, total of 4 years lock up.

He hired us for most recent felony DUI, .17 Blood, we convinced the court and DA to give him ankle bracelet, 180 days, no prison. He was able to keep his job and support his family. Solano 8/20/08
Client: T.J. Charges: DUI .11 Blood Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced to Wet Reckless. No jail, fines substantially reduced, no mandatory 6 month CDL suspension. Sacramento 8/12/08
Client C.C.

DUI .10/.11

DUI Dismissed. Reduced to Wet Reckless. No Jail, Fines Substantially Reduced. Solano 8/11/08

Charge: DUI, BAC: .37

Result: reduced to wet-reckless, no jail, no work project, reduced fine Sacramento 8/07/08

DUI and High Blood Alcohol Enhancement .17/.16 Breath 6 Month Alcohol Classes

High blood alcohol enhancement dismissed. DUI classes reduced by 3 months. Sacramento 8/07/08
HC- A.M.

Charge: DUI, BAC: .097, Commercial Driver, 12500-Misdemeanor Unlicensed Driver, HSC 23222-Possession of Marijuana

Result: DUI dismissed, 12500 unlicensed misdemeanor dismissed, HSC 23222 misdemeanor marijuana charge dismissed, plea only to wet-reckless with helmandollar waiver, client gets commercial and non commercial license reinstated, no jail, no work project, no alcohol class Sacramento 8/06/08

DUI- .10 BAC

DUI dismissed; reduced to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver; no license suspension; no jail time; no work project; no alcohol classes Sacramento 8/06/08
Client K.C.

DUI Misdemeanor .10/.11 breath

DUI dismissed., Reduced to wet reckless, no jail, fines substantially reduced. Solano 7/22/08

DUI- BAC .16

DMV APS hearing set aside; no license suspension; plea to wet reckless. Client is a commercial driver and has his license reinstated. Sacramento 7/18/08

23152 (b)-Second DUI

Second DUI Dismissed. Solano 7/15/08
Client A.W.

DUI .18, Commercial driver

Plead to a lesser count of wet reckless, no mandatory DMV 1 year commercial license disqualification, court finding of not guilty on driving with blood alcohol of .08 or higher. Solano 7/15/08
Client C.G.

2nd DUI .11 blood

DUI dismissed. Plead to lesser count of wet reckless, no mandatory DMV 2 year suspension. Solano 7/14/08


Reduced to wet and reckless with a helmandollar waiver; no license suspension; no jail time; no Alcohol classes; reduced fine. Sacramento 7/10/08

DUI with High blood alcohol enhancement

High blood alcohol stricken from record, saved client 3 months of Alcohol Classes Sacramento 7/10/08

DUI with .37 blood alcohol level, ES .37

.37 blood alcohol case reduced to wet-reckless. DUI on .37 blood alcohol dismissed Sacramento 7/08/08

Criminal/DUI Case Results

The below cases are the last few months of excellent results from the Crowell Law Offices.

These are public records and may be verified at the court.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][vc_column_text]

Case Numbers Available Upon Request

* This does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the outcome of your case. Every case has different facts, and a prediction is impossible. Be wary of the attorney who claims he or she can predict the outcome of your case.

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DUI Case Results and Dismissals

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Here is a list of recent results from our firm:


DUI .11 with alleged weaving. Motion to Suppress filed
Motion granted Case dismissed 01/21
DUI w/ .10 BAC and collision
DUI dismissed to wet and reckless Sacramento 2/10/2016
2nd DUI
DUI dismissed to wet and reckless with helmandollar waiver. DMV action set aside. Alcohol class reduced from 18 months to 12 hours, one day of work project instead of mandaotry second offense four days in jail. Sacramento 2/17/2016

.11 DUI

Filed motion to suppress due to illegal stop for weaving inside lane. Motion to suppress granted, case dismissed. No work project, ignition interlock, fine or probation, all dismissed. Cited People v. Perez case and judge agreed with our argument. Sacramento 01/29/2016

Third DUI w/ Injury

Avoided injury conviction (which could have been a felony). Plead to misdemeanor non-injury DUI with home detention (no actual jail). Yolo County 01/27/2016
Commercial Speeding
Amended to no-point violation 1/20/2016
Dismissed 1/11/16
Dismissed 1/11/16
Placer county boating DUI .11 BAC, presented rising blood alcohol defense.
Resolved for H&N 655(a). Boating DUI dismissed, plead to boating reckless driving. 12 hour class and fine only, no jail, work project, or home detention. 12/14/15
1203 Expungement and Early Termination (VC 23103)
Early Term and Expungement granted 12/11/15
Resolved for no-point 12/8/15
Resolved for wet with no alcohol class 11/24/15
VC 12500
Dismissed 11/23/15
Speeding exceeding 100
Dismissed 11/20/15
Drug Possession
Dismissed 11/6/15
1203 Expungement
Expungement granted over DA Objection 11/4/15
Speeding & not presenting CDL to officer
Dismissed T.B.
1203 Expungement
Expungement granted 10/29/15
Welfare Fraud of $10,000
Reduced to misdemeanor no jail 10/25/15
Exceeding 100
Standard speeding with Traffic School eligibility 10/22/15
VC 38300
No point 10/20/15
Dismissed 10/19/15
1203 Expungement and Early Termination
Early Term and Expungement granted 9/24/15
Failure To Stop
Dismissed 9/15/15
Dismissed 9/10/15
Misdemeanor Vandalism (graffiti)
Dismissed with 12 AA Sessions and Restitution 8/27/15
Felony Burglary
Plead to misdemeanor trespassing with work project 8/27/15

Felony check fraud, felony drug possession.

Felonies dismissed. Check fraud reduced to misdemeanor for five days work project, drug possession reduced and dismissed with drug diversion completion. Yolo County 08/11/2015

DUI with great bodily injury and two additional victims, and child endangerment. Eight years prison exposure.

Additional victims and child endangerment dismissed, plead to five years probation with home detention (no jail). BAC .12 Sacramento County 07/29/2015

Third DUI (drug dui). Driving on suspended plus drug possession.

Third dui dismissed, suspended license plea and diversion for drug charge (dismissal upon completion.). Sacramento County 07/28/2015

Commercial Red Light Violation

Resolved for non-point violation. El Dorado County 07/24/2015

Misdemeanor VC 14601.2 (driving on a suspended license from a DUI)

Infraction VC 12500 with fine only. Placer County 07/16/2015


Dismissed. Alameda County 07/14/2015

08 dmv APS case

Won the APS hearing due to title 17 15 min observation period on breath test violation. Sacramento County 07/09/2015

DUI (.10 BAC)

Wet reckless. Sacramento County 06/30/2015

Expungement for DUI

Expungement granted. Alameda County 06/30/2015

DUI (.11 BAC)

Wet reckless, no license suspension, no interlock ignition device, no work project, and won DMV hearing. Sacramento County 06/26/2015

Felony drug possession for sale

Misdemeanor simple possession. Placer County 06/22/2015

Commercial Speeding

Amended to 21710 at arr (visiting judge) over clerks advisement to judge that usually wait for officer in case he objects. Solano County 06/16/2015

Expungement for DUI

Expungement granted. Sacramento County 06/12/2015

Felony Theft (8k)

Resolved for misdo. Yolo County 06/09/2015


Dismissed. Sacramento County 06/03/2015


resolved for VC 21710 (coasting), a non point violation for a fine only. Solano County 05/27/2015

14601.2 & VOP

Case (along with VOP) dismissed, client is also off probation successfully. Yolo County 05/26/2015

Commercial Speeding

Amended to no-point violation Merced County 05/16/2015

VC 22349 (97/65mph) & 14601.1 misdo

Resolved for VC 12500 inf and speeding dismissed w/o showing proof of valid CDL (client’s DL susp b/c of DUI and neg op.) Merced County 05/15/2015

1203.4 Petition for Expungement for domestic violence case

Expungement graned. Fresno County 05/13/2015

Speeding; Failure to appear

case dismissed. San Joaquin County 05/07/2015

VC 22348 (Speeding 100mph+)

Reduced to VC 22356 (speed reduced from 111mph to 99mph) with no license suspension. Merced County 05/05/2015


case dismissed. Sacramento County 05/05/2015

Misdemeanor violation of reckless driving

Reduced to speeding infraction with traffic school. Placer County 05/01/2015


Case dismissed. San Joaquin County 04/30/2015

Petition for early termination of probation, reduction from felony to misdemeanor conviction, and expungement

Early termination, reduction to misdemeanor, and expungement all granted. Sacramento County 04/30/2015

Misdo violation of driving without interlock device

Showed proof of IID, case dismissed. Sacramento County 04/28/2015

DMV Fraud case, license indefinitely suspended.

DMV action set aside, license reinstated. Sacramento County 04/17/2015

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 03/25/2015

Charge: Felony DUI w/ Injury

Result: Amended to misdemeanor VC 23152 with no mandatory jail time Amador County 2/26/2015

Charge: DUI with .10/.10 pas

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 02/04/2015

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver on a .09/.09 PAS. Placer County 12/30/2014

Charge: VC 4600; VC 40616 as misdemeanor

Result: VC 4600 dismissed; VC 40616 as misdemeanor reduced to PC 12147.1 as infraction Sacramento County 12/30/2014

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Dismissed and DMV set aside. Sacramento County 11/21/2014

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI (.14 Blood Alcohol)

Result: DUI Dismissed and we won DMV hearing. Attorney presented “Rising Blood Alcohol Defense” with expert report and plea was to “wet reckless”. No jail, no work project, alcohol class reduced to 12 hours, no ignition interlock device, license suspension set aside Sacramento County 11/14/2014

Charge: 3 years informal probation for DUI.

Result: 18 month early termination of probation and expungement granted. San Joaquin County 10/10/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no four days jail Sacramento County 10/10/2014

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI (.17 Blood Alcohol), plus collision.

Result: DUI Dismissed. Criminal Case Dismissed in full. Attorney presented “necessity defense” and case was dismissed pretrial. Sacramento County 10/07/2014

Charge: DUI w/ .19 BAC; PC 148 (a)(1); PC243(b) w/ warrant

Result: Warrant recalled, resolved for wet reckless with dismissal of PC 148 (a)(1) and PC243(b) San Joaquin County 09/29/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: No mandatory four days in jail (very rare in Sacramento County) Sacramento County 09/15/2014

Charge: DUI + Refusal of Chemical Tests

Result: Criminal DUI case dismissed. Lassen County 08/22/2014

Charge: 14601.2; 23123.5

Result: 14601.2 dismissed; 12500 infraction for $200 fine; no points; no three year probation; no one year IID. Sacramento County 08/14/2014

Charge: DUI + child endangerment

Result: Child endangerment charge dismissed, no jail time. Yolo County 08/12/2014

Charge: 23153(a) & 23153(b) DUI w/ Injury; 20001(a) Hit & Run w/ Injury; 14601.1(a) Driving w/ Suspended License

Result: Injury charges dismissed on both counts for no jail time and 30 days work project; no one year license suspension. Sacramento County 07/30/2014

Charge: DUI (.11 BAC)

Result: Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver Sacramento County 07/24/2014

Charge: APS hearing for DUI; commercial driver at risk of losing license/career

Result: APS set aside after expert testimony by medical specialist, no license suspension. Yolo County 07/22/2014

Charge: Second DUI

Result: Second DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless with class cut in half, no jail/work project, fine reduced. Placer County 07/07/2014

Charge: Two felony child endangerment charges & DUI w/ .15 BAC

Result: Both felony charges dismissed (reduced to Misdemeanor) Yolo County 07/02/2014

Charge: DUI, resisting arrest, and endangering a minor.

Result: Resolved for NC plea to PC 148 for 45 days with ASP (alternative sentencing program), 3 years IP, 16 hour parenting class, and 20 AA’s class. Solano County 07/01/2014

Charge: DUI w .10 bac

Result: Resolved for wet reckless after doing blood retest. Sacramento County 06/26/2014

Charge: DUI (.09 BAC)

Result: Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver, no alcohol class, no work project, and no Ignition Interlock Device. Sacramento County 06/10/2014

Charge: Second DUI (BAC .14)

DA Offer: Plea to Second DUI, 45 days, SB-38 18 Month Alcohol Class, 1 Year Ignition Interlock Device, Two Year License Suspension, 4 Days Mandatory Jail, $2500 Fine.
Result: SECOND DUI DISMISSED. No Mandatory Four Days Jail, No Ignition Interlock Device, No License Suspension (We Won DMV Hearing), Fine Cut in Half, Work Project reduced to 10 Days. Alcohol Class Reduced from 18 Months to 12 Hours.
Sacramento County 05/01/2014

Charge: DUI – (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside Placer County 04/29/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for drunk in public; no jail time, no work project, fine of only $240. Alameda County 04/28/2014

Charge: 2nd DUI

Result: DMV set aside with .08 PAS result; no license suspension. Placer County 04/09/2014

Charge: DUI (.09 bac)

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with a Helmandollar waiver; no jail, work project, or license suspension. Sacramento County 04/08/2014

Charge: 3rd DUI

Result: Offer was 6-8 month in jail. Resolved for a wet reckless (.08 BAC) with no jail time and 12 hours classes. Placer County 04/08/14

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for dry reckless; no jail time, fine of only $1500. San Joaquin County 04/07/2014

Charge: Second DUI (.14 BAC)

Result: SECOND DUI DISMISSED. No Mandatory Four Days Jail, No Ignition Interlock Device, No License Suspension (We Won DMV Hearing), Fine Cut in Half, Work Project Reduced to 10 Days. Alcohol Class Reduced from 18 Months to 12 Hours. Sacramento County 03/27/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with a Helmandollar waiver; no license suspension. Sacramento County 03/18/2014

Charge: DMV APS hearing for DUI with .22 bac

Result: DMV set aside action; no license suspension Solano County 03/12/2014

Charge: DUI with .10 bac

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 03/12/2014

Charge: DUI with injury

Result: Resolved for VC23152 instead of VC23153; DUI with injury dismissed, no automatic one year license suspension Sacramento County 03/07/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver on a .08 pas and .10/.10 breath). No jail time, work project or license suspension, alcohol class deleted. Sacramento County 02/25/2014

Charge: DMV Medical Re-evaluation hearing (driver’s license taken away)

Result: Presented argument at hearing that client should be granted re-test; client passed re-test; license reissued. Placer County 02/20/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless (.10 BAC) Placer County 02/18/2014

Charge: DUI (.08 blood case)

Result: Obtained blood retest and got criminal case dismissed, presented expert testimony at DMV hearing and won Placer County 02/18/2014

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless (.10 BAC) Sacramento County 02/13/2014

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Case dismissed after showing court medical marijuana card and proof of medidical condition Placer County 02/11/2014

Charge: HS 11350(a) & HS 11364.1 possession of heroin and drug paraphernalia – exposure 3 years state prison

Result: Case resolved for Prop 36 drug diversion and fines – no jail time Placer County 02/10/2014

Charge: DUI (.12 pas)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 01/29/2014

Charge: DUI (.10 BAC)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless Sacramento County 01/28/2014

Charge: VC11350 and felony VC11550

Result: Plead to DUI only, no jail time. (normally a 90 day minimum) Placer County 01/14/14

Charge: DUI w/ injury; Hit & Run w/injury

Result: Resolved for DUI with no injury; avoided 1 year mandatory license suspension; no jail time. Sacramento County 01/08/2014

Charge: DUI (with a .17 BAC)

Result: Second DUI with .17 blood alcohol dismissed. Sacramento County 12/27/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: We won the DMV so the DA offered a wet reckless, but we held out and set for trial, da dismissed charges. Sacramento County 12/19/13

Charge: DUI (with a .08 BAC)

Result: All charges dismissed. Sacramento County 12/19/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no work project. BAC was .08 Sacramento County 11/08/2013

Charge: DUI (with a .18/.17 BAC)

Result: DUI dismissed after attorney presented no-drive defense. Sacramento County 10/30/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, DMV set aside action. No license suspension. Yolo County 10/29/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for wet reckless with Helmandollar waiver. Solano County 10/28/2013

Charge: DUI (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside based on Helmandollar waiver obtained in court. Sacramento County 10/08/2013

Charge: DUI (DMV/APS hearing)

Result: DMV action set aside based on expert testimony; no license suspension. Sacramento County 10/07/2013

Charge: Felony DUI expungement

Result: Expungement granted Sacramento County 9/20/13

Charge: Misdo Reckless Driving

Result: Resolved for 3 infractions for fines only; no probation and no criminal record. Sacramento County 8/16/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: .10 BAC wet reckless and two years probation due to immigration Placer County 8/06/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Criminal case dismissed after presenting in car camera video demonstrating lack of probable cause for stop. Sacramento County 08/01/2013

Charge: DUI

Result: Criminal case dismissed after presenting in car camera video demonstrating lack of probable cause for stop. Sacramento County 08/01/2013

Charge: DMV Administrative Per Se hearing for DUI charge

Result: DMV action set aside after we subpoenaed the in car camera video which showed no driving violation. Sacramento County 7/30/2013

Charge: DUI (with .11 BAC)

Result: Resolved for wet reckless. No IID, no mandatory suspension of license. Sacramento County 7/30/2013

Charge: DUI with a .09 BAC

Result: wet reckless with a Helmandollar Sacramento County 7/22/13

Charge: DUI with .17 BAC

Result: High Blood Alcohol count dismissed, and alcohol class cut from six to three months. Sacramento County 7/12/13

Charge: Administrative Per Se DMV hearing for DUI charge

Result: DMV action set aside after presenting 3 witnesses Sacramento County 7/11/2013

Charge: DUI plus 14601.2, separate cases.

Result: 14601.2 dismissed, dui dismissed, plead to wet only. no jail, no iid, no work project, fine reduced from 3800 to 1300. Placer County 7/08/13

Charge: DUI, .09 BAC

Result: Wet reckless with hellmendollar and no alcohol class Sacramento County 6/27/13

Charge: DUI with another pending DUI in Yolo county

Result: Wet reckless with hellmendollar and 20 days work project Sacramento County 6/27/13

Charge: DUI with high BAC of .18

Result: Resolved for only 3 month alcohol class instead of 9 month. Sacramento County 5/22/2013

Original charge: DUI

Results: We filed 1203.4 motion with request for early termination of probation; early termination granted and charge expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/22/2013

Charge: DUI, .16 BAC

Results: Expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: DUI from 1997

Results: Expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: DUI

Results: Motion for early termination of probation granted and charge expunged from record. Sacramento County 5/21/13

Charge: Possession of an open container

Result: Converted to non point storage infraction for $50 dollar fine. Sacramento, Federal Court

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for a “wet reckless” with 2 days and 3 month class, reduced wet fine and no interlock device. Sacramento County Court 5/15/13

Charge: DUI with hit & run

Result: Hit & run dismissed Sacramento County 05/10/13

Charge: DUI with .10 BAC

Result: Blood retest, DUI Dismissed, plead to wet reckless. Sacramento County 05/02/13

Charge: 14601.2 yuba county driving while suspended for DUI with prior. Offer 30 days actual jail with one year ignition interlock device and two dmv points and three years probation.

Result: Misdemeanor 14601.2 dismissed, plead to unlicensed driver infraction (12500) no DMV points, no jail, no IID requirement, no probation ($414 fine) Yuba County 05/01/13

Charge: Misdemeanor DUI then subsequent felony 273.5 domestic violence while on bail.L, 90 day jail offer.

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless. Felony 273.5 dismissed, plead to misdemeanor with no jail (45 days work project). Placer County 05/01/13

Charge: DUI with .19 blood alcohol

Result: Resolved for 3 month alcohol class and no jail time. Placer County 04/16/13

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed. Placer County 04/16/13

Charge: Felony DUI with injury

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Case plead to a misdemeanor for 30 days work project and no actual jail time. Placer County 04/4/13

Charge: Drug DUI

Result: Wet Reckless Yolo County 03/28/13

Charge: Boating DUI w/ BAC of .097

Result: Resolved for boating wet reckless (.04 or higher), no work project or home detention or jail. Yolo County 03/26/13

Charge: 3rd DUI

Result: No actual jail. Out patient treatment with formal probation and home detention only. El Dorado County

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet with helmandollar waiver No class no IID no susp, no w/p, fine halved. Sacramento County 03/20/13

Charge: Two DUI’s, driving on a suspended license, resisting arrest and vandalism.

Result: Driving on a suspended license, resisting, and vandalism – all dismissed. Sacramento County

Charge: Violation of probation, did not install ignition interlock device

Result: Dismissed. Sacramento County 03/18/13

Charge: DUI, .18 blood alcohol

Result: High blood alcohol enhancement dismissed. 3 month class and standard no high blood alcohol enhancement offer. Yolo County

Charge: DUI with .10 Blood Alcohol Content with an accident

Result: Wet reckless. Placer County 02/21/13

Charge: DUI with high BAC

Result: Resolved for a 3 month alcohol class instead of a 9 month, client had a .20 BAC. San Joaquin County 02/05/13

Charge: 6th and 7th DUI while on probation, offer from DA was 6 years and 8 months in jail.

Result: Case resolved prior to the preliminary hearing for 2 years and 8 months. Sacramento County 01/17/13

Charge: Second DUI with .09 BAC

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to 2nd wet with no actual jail, no ignition interlock required by court, alcohol class cut from 18 months to 9 months. Sacramento County 12/12/12

Charge: Third DUI within three years

Result: One prior DUI dismissed (stricken from record), plead to second offense for no actual jail (work project only.) Sacramento County 12/12/12

Charge: DUI with .11 BAC

Result: Client has green card and needs to have probation shortened to allow him to apply for citizenship on time, convinced d.a. to reduce probation to 18 months at the outset. Sacramento County 12/07/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet Reckless. No Interlock installation, no jail time, no work project. Sacramento County 11/30/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Wet Reckless. Sacramento County 11/30/12

Charge: DUI w/ endangering a minor

Result: Resolved for wet reckless. No jail time, no additional license suspension. Placer County

Charge: DUI w/ .16 BAC

Result: High blood alcohol stricken, no additional days. Only 3 month alcohol program. Sacramento County

Charge: DUI: .118/.118 pas, .11 blood

Result: DUI DISMISSED. resolved for wet with first terms. Sacramento County

Charges: DUI with BAC of .10

Result: Resolved for wet reckless, no IID installation required. Sacramento County 11/21/12

Charges: DUI

Result: DMV set aside action, no license suspension. Sutter County 11/20/12

Charges: DUI (DMV hearing)

Result: Hearing conducted and APS action set aside. No license suspension. Yolo County 10/19/12

Charges: DUI with .12 BAC

Result: Wet reckless, DUI dismissed. El Dorado County 10/12/12

Charges: Driving under the influence of marijuana

Result: Reexamination conducted, driver reinstated with “no action” by DMV. Kern County 10/2/12

Charges: DUI with a .09 BAC.

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to Wet Reckless. Alcohol class reduced from 3 months to 12 hours, fine cut, no work project or home detention. Placer County 9/24/12

Charges: DUI with injury.

Result: Case was settled for no actual jail and restitution. Client rehired us to terminate his probation, probation terminated at half time. Client also rehired us to reduce it to a misdemeanor- felony dui reduced to a misdemeanor and at the same hearing, the misdemeanor DUI WAS DISMISSED. Sacramento County 9/24/12

Charges: .09 DUI

Result: DUI dismissed (with blood retest), wet with helmandollar waiver, no license suspension, no work project, no ignition interlock device, no alcohol class Sacramento County 9/20/12

Charge: Drug DUI with injuries

Result: 23153 DUI with injury dismissed. Plead to non-injury DUI with restitution, prevented one year license suspension (client owns own business and drives to job sites). Placer County 9/17/12

Charge: Domestic violence felony and DUI felony

Result: Domestics violence felony dropped, max exposure 4 years 4 months actual prison, probation wanted 3 years 4 months. Got DA and judge down to 2 years local time no prison. Placer County 9/12/12

Charge: .09 DUI

Result: Dismissed and resolved for a Wet with a helmandollar waiver and license reissued. Sacramento County 9/6/12

Charge: DUI with .15 BAC

Result: Plea to first with no HBA, class cut in half and enhancement dismissed. Sacramento County 8/08/12

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI dismissed for wet reckless, no suspension, no jail, no DUI class, fines only. Sacramento County 7/25/12

Charge: DUI

Result: .10 BAC DUI dismissed; plead to wet/reckless. Sacramento County 7/19/12

Charge: 2nd DUI with 0.10 BAC

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with no jail time, no suspension of license. Sacramento County 7/12/12

Charge: 2nd DUI with 0.09 BAC

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with no jail time and no suspended license and only 9 month alcohol program. Sacramento County 7/12/12

Charge: 1203 sought for VC 23152 DUI

Result: 1203 granted. Dismissed, probation terminated early. Sacramento County 07/06/2012

Charge(s): Case 1: DUI charge with drugs and alcohol. Result: DUI Dismissed. Plead to wet reckless with no time or alcohol class. Case 3: 14601.2 Misdemeanor (driving while suspended for DUI).

Result: Case reduced to infraction. No work project or mandatory jail. $75 fine plus penalty assessments. Sacramento County 07/06/2012

Charge: Under 21 DUI

Result: Dismissed at trial. No additional DMV suspension, no fines, no points. Sacramento County 06/01/2012

Charge: 4th DUI

Result: Clt was facing state prison. State prison dismissed, clt plead to one yr with home detention (no jail.) Sacramento County 5/16/2012

Charge: Felony DUI w/ injury

Result: Fel DUI w/ injury dismissed, plead to misdo DUI w/ injury, no jail time, work project only. Sacramento County 5/02/2012

Charge: DUI

Result: Resolved for dry reckless. 710 fine. no DUI class. No jail time. No license suspension. Merced 4/16/12

Charge: DUI- 2nd Offense

Result: Got IID reduced to one year from two and alcohol classes reduced from 18 months to 9 months Wet Reckless plea. El Dorado 4/06/12

Charge: DUI

Result: .09 breath – DUI dismissed with Helmandollar waiver. No license suspension, no work project, not IID. Fine cut in half. Sacramento 3/15/12

Charge: DUI- 2nd Offense

Result: Resolved for a wet second with .10 BAC. No jail, fine cut in half. El Dorado 2/24/12

Charge: DUI

Result: Charge reduced to a wet reckless on a .10 BAC Glenn 2/16/12

Charge: Felony DUI with injury

Result: Felony DUI with injury dismissed, plead to misdemeanor DUI with injury. Injuries included two victims with contusions, concussion, abrasions, and vomiting (rollover accident). 150 day sentence, home detention eligible. Yolo 1/4/12

Charge: DUI

Result: BAC .10 DUI dismissed. Plea to wet, no work project or interlock device, fine cut in half. Sacramento 12/28/11

Charge: DUI plus hit and run

Result: DUI Dismissed, hit and run plea only. Sacramento 12/28/11

Charge: DUI

Result: APS Set Aside. Client pulled over for failing to signal, we subpoenaed officer and questioned her, and she admitted that no other vehicles movement was affected by the lane change, which is not a violation of the vehicle code. DMV hearing officer agreed and threw DMV case out. No license suspension or DUI on record. Sacramento 11/16/11

Charge: DUI

Result: All charges dismissed. Sacramento 10/4/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Injury, 6 victims.

Result: Felony DUI with injury dismissed, plead to misdemeanor dui with injury for no jail time. Sacramento 10/4/11

Charge: 2nd DUI with alcohol and muscle relaxer combination alleged and suspended license VC 14601.2

Result: DUI dismissed and 14601.2 suspended license dismissed. Plea to wet reckless for no jail or work project, no alcohol class, no victim impact panel, fine cut in half to $1400. No license suspension. Sacramento 9/26/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Great Bodily Injury

Result: Felony dismissed. Great bodily injury prison enhancement dismissed. Plead to misdemeanor DUI with injury. Sacramento 9/21/11

Charge: Felony DUI with Injury and Resisting Arrest

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Plead to Misdemeanor DUI with Injury for home detention Yolo 9/14/11

Charge: DUI- .10/.11

Result: DUI dismissed, plea to wet reckless, no work project, fine and DUI class cut in half Monterey 7/28/11

Charge: DUI with High Blood Alcohol (above .15)

Result: DUI resolved for credit time served, no jail, no alcohol program, no victim impact panel Placer 7/25/11

Charge: Third Offense DUI- DMV Suspension

Result: DMV Suspension set aside after appeal hearing Sacramento 7/01/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet/reckless with helmandollar waiver to dismiss DMV suspension Sacramento 6/30/11

Charge: 3rd DUI and Probation violation

Result: Home detention only, no jail time. Solano 6/22/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: Reduced to wet reckless with acquittal of the .08 or higher count. DMV APS action set aside, no work project, no alcohol class. Yuba 6/17/11

Charge: DUI- Administrative suspension for 4 months from DMV.

Result: Suspension set aside. Placer 6/13/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .10

Result: DUI dismissed. Plea to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver (not guilty on b count). No work project, no ignition interlock device, no alcohol class. Sacramento 5/26/11

Charge: DUI- DMV hearing

Result: Set aside. No license suspension or DUI on criminal or driving record. Sacramento 5/25/11

Charge: FDUI- BAC: .10

Result: DUI Dismissed. Pled to wet/reckless. Sacramento 5/16/11

Charge: DUI- BAC: .09

Result: Case Dismissed Sacramento 5/13/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .24 and concealed weapon charge

Result: 2 days work project and dismissal of gun charge with one day class and return of weapon. Sacramento 5/09/11

Charge: Under 21 dui facing 1 year license suspension

Result: DMV hearing with witnesses testifying- Case dismissed. (Set aside after hearing) Placer 5/04/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless for alcohol class and fine only. Sacramento 4/28/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: DUI Dismissed. Pled to wet reckless, fine cut in half and no work project. Sacramento 4/28/11

Charge: DUI- BAC: .087/.084 with .08 blood

Result: Case dismissed. Plead to unsafe turn with helmandollar and traffic school. Sacramento 4/19/11

Charge: Juvenile DUI- High BAC

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 4/4/11

Charge: DUI- BAC .09

Result: Wet reckless with helmandollar to waive DMV suspension. No work project, no alcohol class. Sacramento 3/28/11

Charge: DUI

Result: .11 DUI reduced to wet reckless, fine reduced by $1000. No jail, no work project, license suspension reduced by two months. Sutter 12/1/2010

Charge: DUI

Result: .12 DUI reduced to wet reckless, fine reduced by $1000. No jail, no work project, license suspension reduced by two months. Sutter 12/1/2010

Charge: DUI .09

Result: Wet reckless with Helmandollar Waiver resulting in no license suspension. No jail time, no work project. Fine cut in half. Sacramento 11/9/2010

Charge: Marijuana DUI

Result: Wet reckless with no license suspension, no work project, fine cut in half. Sacramento 11/5/2010

Charge: Under 21 DUI

Result: Diversion granted with 6 months probation. Case dismissed after 6 months. No criminal conviction, no jail. Sacramento 10/22/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .21

Result: High blood alcohol stricken, no DUI class, community service instead of work project. Sacramento 10/6/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .18

Result: Plead for 3 month alcohol class and no jail or work project Placer 8/17/10

Charge: Felony DUI- .08 Breath- Rollover motor vehicle accident

Result: Felony DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless. No mandatory 1 year suspension. Solano 7/26/10

Charge: Felony- 4th DUI; Offer: 16 months, state prison

Result: State prison on sentence dismissed. Probation and home detention authorized. Sacramento 7/22/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .36

Result: Court trial on DUI count, not guilty finding. Plead to drunk in public- no jail or work project, license suspension set aside. Placer 6/29/10

Charge: DUI

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 6/25/10

Charge: DUI- .11 BAC

Result: Wet reckless: 12 hour alcohol course, reduced fine, no jail, no work project. Yolo 6/22/10

Charge: DUI- .09 BAC

Result: Wet reckless- DMV action set aside, no license suspension, no work project, $600 fine. Placer 6/21/10

Charge: HS11350 Felony Cocaine; VC23152 DUI

Result: Felony cocaine diversion- Dismissed in 18 months Sacramento 6/10/10

Charge: DUI DMV Hearing

Result: BAC: .25/.26 dmv license suspension set aside after expert testimony regarding calibration Placer 5/25/10

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed after conviction Sacramento 5/14/10

Charge: DUI- DMV hearing

Result: No drive defense, suspension set aside. Sacramento 3/11/10

Charge: DUI. Offer: 25 days

Result: DUI dismissed, pled to wet reckless. No work project, fine cut in half, no jail, no court driver’s license suspension Placer 3/10/10

Charge: DUI- BAC .11

Result: DUI dismissed. Pled to wet reckless with helmandollar to set aside DMV suspension. Sacramento 2/24/10

Charge: Under 21 DUI (.01 or higher case), BAC: .03

Result: One year license suspension set aside. Sacramento 1/28/10

Charge: DUI- BAC.10

Result: DUI dismissed. Plea to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver (no license suspension), fine reduced in half, no work project Sacramento 1/14/10

Charges: DUI .13

Results: Filed Motion to Suppress Evidence for lack of probable cause to arrest. Motion granted and Case dismissed. Solano 12/18/09

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI reduced to Wet Reckless Sacramento 12/11/09

Charge: Felony VC23153

Result: Grant of formal probation term at half time. Sacramento 12/1/09

Charge: DUI- .11 Blood Alcohol Content

Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced charge to wet reckless Tuolumne 11/19/09

Charge: DUI

Result: Case Dismissed Yolo 11/17/09

Charge: Commercial Driver DUI, BAC .17

Results: Took case to trial , DA dismissed DUI in the middle of the trial, client accepted a deal to a wet reckless. 2 days later during DMV hearing, action was set aside based on officer’s inconsistent statements. Client gets to keep his commercial license, his job, and is able to continue supporting his family. Colusa County 11/13/09

Charge: DUI and Unlicensed Driver

Result: Case dismissed Sacramento 11/13/09

Charge: DMV APS action .11 BAC

Result: Won DMV hearing. DMV ordered action set aside and license reinstated Sacramento 11/4/09

Charge: DUI (.12 BAC)

Result: Wet reckless with 1st DUI conditions. Client gets wet reckless criminal conviction instead of DUI conviction and saves his job of 13 years as supervisor. Sacramento 10/13/09

Charge: DUI

Result: DUI Dismissed. Wet/reckless plea, no jail, no work project, no license suspension, no alcohol or drug class. Probation reduced from 3 years to 1 year. Fine cut in half. Yolo 9/3/09

2nd DUI, under 21, .10 BAC

Wet Reckless, no jail, no 1 year court suspension. San Joaquin 8/21/09

Charge: Boating DUI .11 BAC

Result: Boating DUI dismissed. Speeding in boat only, no alcohol related misdemeanor Yolo 8/20/09

Charge: DUI .10

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to lesser charge, Wet reckless, avoided 6 month suspension, fines substantially reduced, no jail or work program. Solano County 8/3/09

Charge: 2nd DUI .18

Result: DUI dismissed, plead to lesser charge, Wet reckless, avoided 2 year suspension, fines substantially reduced, no jail or work program. Solano County 7/31/09

Charge: DUI 23152.

Result: DUI Dismissed (all charges). Officer testified that client crossed over solid white line, we produced impeachment photos showing there was no line in that location, we won the DMV hearing and the d.a. was forced to dismiss all charges. Sacramento 7/30/09

DUI, .11 BAC.

Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced charge of Wet Reckless with Helmandollar Waiver (setting aside DMV suspension, fine cut in half, no work project, no DUI on driving record). Sacramento County 7/30/09

Charge: Felony DUI .35 Accident w/injury

Result: Felony Reduced to Misdemeanor. Avoided State Prison, Able to convince judge to allow client to pick up trash on weekend and keep job. Solano County 7/27/09

Charge: Misdemeanor Driving on Suspended License w/ DUI: 14601.2

Result: Misdemeanor Dismissed. Plead to Infraction 12500, no point on DMV record, no jail. Solano County 7/14/09

Charge: Under 21 DUI- .01 or higher VC 21336

Result: Case dismissed; VC 21336 .01 or higher dismissed Sacramento 6/19/09


Result: Our client hired us because he was charged with a DUI with a BAC of .14 the officer alleged he was leaving within his lane over a period of time. The DA refused to dismiss the case, so we set the case for a motion to suppress hearing. The judge sided with us and the case was dismissed in criminal court. No fine, no work project and no criminal record. Sacramento 5/20/09

DUI (.10 BAC)

Set for motion to suppress, DUI dismissed. resolved just prior to motion hearing for wet reckless, (fine cut in half to under 1k; no work project; no jail; reduced alcohol class) Sac County 4/16/09


Case dismissed. Sacramento County 4/10/09

DUI (.10)

Resolved for a wet reckless. Placerville 4/06/09


DUI Dismissed, plead to reduced wet reckless charge with helmandollar waiver, license suspension set aside, no DUI class, no work project, fine cut in half. Sac county 3/19/09

DUI, .10 BAC

DUI Dismissed, plead to reduced wet reckless charge, no work project, fine cut in half. Sac county 3/19/09


Our 50 year old female client s.g. hired us because she was stopped for a first time DUI. Her blood registered .09. We hired an expert, conducted a retest of her blood, and set the case for trial. After thorough trial preparation, two days before trial the d.a. agreed to give her a simple speeding ticket, DUI dismissed. Further, we obtained a waiver allowing her to get her license immediately, and set aside any action by the DMV. Yolo 3/11/09

VC 23140 Under 21 DUI .06 BAC.

Under 21 DUI dismissed, plead to VC 23136 (.01 or higher) no DMV
points, not priorable.
Placer County 3/09/09

23140 minor DUI
Offer: 2 points against license, priorable offense

23140 minor DUI dismissed. client plead to .01 or higher infraction, no DMV points, does not count as prior offense. Placer County 3/09/09

DUI (.22%) DMV suspension hearing

DMV proposed to suspend client’s license for four months. DMV failed to prove it’s case and set aside the proposed suspension. Client got to keep license. Sacramento County 3/04/09


.09/.09 DUI dismissed. Client pled to wet reckless, no alcohol
class, fine cut in half from $1800 to $950.
Sac 12-18
Client E.B.

14601.2 Driving on a license suspended for DUI/Drugs; Failure to appear.

Entire case, including 14601.2 Driving on a Suspended
License dismissed. Failure to appear dismissed. No fine, no DMV points, no jail/work project
Sac 2/26/09

DUI Marijuana

Our client J.R. was charged with driving under the influence of marijuana. Since he was under 21, the offer was a one year license suspension. We set the case for trial, and retained an expert to retest the urine and issue an expert analysis. The day before trial we were able to get the DUI for marijuana dismissed, and the case reduced to simple reckless driving, with no relation to alcohol or drugs. This saved our clients license (no suspension). Further, we negotiated no fine, no jail or work project, and no alcohol/drug class, and the probation term was reduced from three years to one. We also plan to expunge the matter from his criminal record. Sac 2/17/09

second offense dui, and 12500 unlicensed driver misdemeanor. normal offer for prior within one year: 20-40 days actual custody days. result: second dui allegation dismissed, 12500 unlicensed driver charge dismissed. plead to dui as first offense only, credit for time served, no jail, no work project.

second dui allegation dismissed, 12500 unlicensed driver charge dismissed. plead to dui as first offense only, credit for time served, no jail, no work project. placer county 1/26/09


DUI dismissed. Plead to alcohol related reckless driving. No
jail. No license suspension
Stockton 12/15/08
HM Dui dismissed
plead to wet reckless, no jail, no work project, reduced fine
Yolo county 12/10/08

DMV Appeal of DUI Administration Suspension

1 Year DMV Suspension SET ASIDE. Solano 11/20/08
J. B


DUI dismissed, pled to wet reckless. No alcohol classes, no work project, no jail time. Fine only and fine reduced by half. Sacramento 11/20/08

BAC .10

DUI dismissed, plead to wet reckless, no jail, no work
Yolo County DUI 11/19/08


DUI Dismissed. Yolo 11/05/08


DUI dismissed, client plead to wet & reckless with helmandollar waiver, no license suspension, no work project, no Alcohol classes, fine only. Sacramento 10/30/08
R. M


DUI Dismissed. Plea to wet reckless, no jail, no work project, fine reduced from $2300 to $600. Placer 10/28/08

DUI, BAC: .10

DUI dismissed, client plead to reduced charge of wet- reckless Sacramento 10/16/08
Client Z.C.

DUI under 21

All charges dismissed at trial. Solano 10/15/08

DUI .09

DUI Dismissed. Plead to a wet reckless, no license suspension. Glenn 10/14/08
Client F.B.

DUI with accident, BAC .20

DUI Dismissed. Plead to wet reckless, no 6 month suspension, client able to keep his job with airlines. Solano 9/26/08
Client K.B.

3rd DUI, minimum 120 days in custody.

DA agreed to give client credit for time served, no jail time, no work project. Yolo 8/27/08
Client C. P.

Felony DUI, (six prior convictions for DUI), DA wanted 2 years prison

Residential alcohol program for 1 year, no jail, no prison. Alameda 8/26/08

2nd DUI. Minimum 4 days in custody

DUI dismissed. Plead to dry reckless. No probation. San Joaquin 8/22/08
Client T.O.

Client arrested for 3rd Felony DUI. His prior two felonies, he went to prison both times, total of 4 years lock up.

He hired us for most recent felony DUI, .17 Blood, we convinced the court and DA to give him ankle bracelet, 180 days, no prison. He was able to keep his job and support his family. Solano 8/20/08
Client: T.J. Charges: DUI .11 Blood Result: DUI Dismissed. Reduced to Wet Reckless. No jail, fines substantially reduced, no mandatory 6 month CDL suspension. Sacramento 8/12/08
Client C.C.

DUI .10/.11

DUI Dismissed. Reduced to Wet Reckless. No Jail, Fines Substantially Reduced. Solano 8/11/08

Charge: DUI, BAC: .37

Result: reduced to wet-reckless, no jail, no work project, reduced fine Sacramento 8/07/08

DUI and High Blood Alcohol Enhancement .17/.16 Breath 6 Month Alcohol Classes

High blood alcohol enhancement dismissed. DUI classes reduced by 3 months. Sacramento 8/07/08
HC- A.M.

Charge: DUI, BAC: .097, Commercial Driver, 12500-Misdemeanor Unlicensed Driver, HSC 23222-Possession of Marijuana

Result: DUI dismissed, 12500 unlicensed misdemeanor dismissed, HSC 23222 misdemeanor marijuana charge dismissed, plea only to wet-reckless with helmandollar waiver, client gets commercial and non commercial license reinstated, no jail, no work project, no alcohol class Sacramento 8/06/08

DUI- .10 BAC

DUI dismissed; reduced to wet reckless with helmandollar waiver; no license suspension; no jail time; no work project; no alcohol classes Sacramento 8/06/08
Client K.C.

DUI Misdemeanor .10/.11 breath

DUI dismissed., Reduced to wet reckless, no jail, fines substantially reduced. Solano 7/22/08

DUI- BAC .16

DMV APS hearing set aside; no license suspension; plea to wet reckless. Client is a commercial driver and has his license reinstated. Sacramento 7/18/08

23152 (b)-Second DUI

Second DUI Dismissed. Solano 7/15/08
Client A.W.

DUI .18, Commercial driver

Plead to a lesser count of wet reckless, no mandatory DMV 1 year commercial license disqualification, court finding of not guilty on driving with blood alcohol of .08 or higher. Solano 7/15/08
Client C.G.

2nd DUI .11 blood

DUI dismissed. Plead to lesser count of wet reckless, no mandatory DMV 2 year suspension. Solano 7/14/08


Reduced to wet and reckless with a helmandollar waiver; no license suspension; no jail time; no Alcohol classes; reduced fine. Sacramento 7/10/08

DUI with High blood alcohol enhancement

High blood alcohol stricken from record, saved client 3 months of Alcohol Classes Sacramento 7/10/08

DUI with .37 blood alcohol level, ES .37

.37 blood alcohol case reduced to wet-reckless. DUI on .37 blood alcohol dismissed Sacramento 7/08/08