Sacramento Burn Injury Lawyers

When a person sustains a burn injury, he or she experiences immense pain, which alone makes for a traumatic, trying experience. In very minor cases, the physical pain eventually dissipates and the victim recovers. However, for those who have sustained more serious burn injuries, the suffering does not end so easily. If especially severe, a burn injury can cause a victim to need extensive medical treatment, even surgery. He or she may also endure mental and emotional suffering due to financial stress and/or disfigurement. As a burn injury victim, you may feel as if your obstacles are insurmountable; however, with the help of a qualified attorney, you can get what you need for recovery.

The northern California personal injury attorneys at Crowell Law Offices provide clients with determined and dedicated representation. In other words, we never back down in face of difficulties because we believe in fighting hard to get our clients what they deserve. If you are currently burdened with unmanageable costs due to your burn injury, please contact us and let us help you get the financial assistance you need for a better life. Our number is (916) 303-2800.


Settlement Negotiations and Trial

In most accident injury cases, the insurance company with the liable party offers the victim a settlement in order to avoid having to go through trial, which can be costly. It is more often than not that the settlement offer is significantly lower than what the victim really deserves. Our attorneys never accept unfair settlements. We negotiate until we reach a settlement amount that is full and fair. And if we cannot reach a fair settlement through negotiations, then we are willing to employ our knowledge and resources in a trial.


Strengthening Your Claim

A claim case needs to be airtight in order to counter any disputes that may be brought against it. In order to secure your claim, we will perform the following:


Getting Adequate Compensation for All Damages

Depending on the circumstances of your burn injury, you may receive compensation for both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses, and wages lost during your recovery period. If you are unable to return to your job due to your injury, we may be able to recover additional damages for your decreased earning capacity. As for non-economic damages, you may receive compensation for physical pain, mental anguish, and disfigurement.


Compassionate and Caring Sacramento Attorneys

For many years, we have helped clients get their life back together after a serious burn injury accident. Let us do the same for you. Contact our offices today.