Sacramento Car Accident Liability

Sacramento car accident liability is the financial responsibility that a driver could face if they are found at fault for a car accident that took place in Sacramento. Unfortunately, car accidents happen far too often with uninsured or even unlicensed drivers. Because of this, it may be a good idea to have an uninsured or underinsured motorist clause in your insurance.

Aside from dealing with uninsured or underinsured drivers, you should be sure to have enough coverage yourself so that your insurance can take care of the cost to other drivers if you are determined to have been at fault in a car accident. Otherwise, your liability may extend to your personal finances.

Determining Liability and Fault After an Accident

Determining liability can be difficult, but an official accident report can go a long way in helping. However, an accident report alone doesn’t always contain all the details you need. To make certain the most pertinent details are included in the report, be sure to call the police and allow them to file the report instead of doing it yourself.

Other than that, it can be helpful for your case if you take photos or videos of the scene and the people involved in the accident. Important details that could be considered when determining fault include, but are not limited to, the following:

Documenting any of these details of your accident can be helpful in determining fault.

Getting Compensation for Your Injuries

Getting compensation for your injuries and losses is not always as simple as turning in a piece of paper to an insurance company.

No insurance company wants to pay out any more than they absolutely have to, so they will want a legal and thorough assessment of the accident. The result of that assessment will determine who holds what percentage of fault for the accident and who was responsible.

Why You Need a Sacramento Car Accident Lawyer

In many instances, insurance companies and adjusters won’t have your best interests in mind. This is why it is important to have an experienced legal team to represent your best interests when determining fault after an accident.

Most of the details of car accidents and injuries are evaluated through the use of specific forms and formulas. Our experienced car accident lawyers at Crowell Law Offices can help determine Sacramento car accident liability using the available evidence and facts to help demonstrate exactly who was at fault.

Don’t risk overlooking important details or agreeing to compensation that won’t cover your needs. Make sure you have qualified lawyers on your side to help place the blame where it belongs. Schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys by calling 916-303-2800, and find out how to minimize your Sacramento car accident liability.

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