Sacramento Intersection Accident Attorneys

Sacramento Intersection Accident Attorneys

Find out how an experienced Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney can help you.

Sacramento Intersection Accident Attorneys

Intersections are some of the most dangerous areas for Sacramento drivers. While these sections of the road are meant to be heavily controlled by signs and signals, major crashes regularly occur at intersections. In the event that a collision occurs, victims can suffer major injuries or die as a result.


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Since there are so many factors involved in intersection crashes, there are many different people or organizations that may be at fault for the incident. But through the aid of a skilled lawyer, you can not only discover who caused your injuries, but hold them responsible for their actions.

To learn more about your legal options, call the Sacramento car crash lawyers at Crowell Law Offices at (916) 303-2800. Through a free consultation, you can be better prepared for your case and make informed decisions concerning your rights.

Who is Responsible?

There are many types of intersection accidents and countless causes of such incidents. However, there are three main parties that are most likely to be the cause of a crash. Head-on collisions, rear-ends, sideswipes, rollovers, pedestrian collisions, and more may result from these parties’ actions:

Negligent Drivers

Intersection safety relies on the cooperation and mindfulness of every driver who passes through. If a driver either accidentally violates the rules of the road or decides to break the law, a major crash can occur. Speeding, red light running, failure to signal, and more can result in a collision that could affect everyone in the vicinity.

Government Organizations

Organizations from local, federal, and state government are all responsible for the upkeep and safety of the roads they control. However, agencies may poorly design an intersection, making it confusing, insufficient, or otherwise dangerous. In the event that the intersection contains hazards caused by age or time, these agencies are responsible for getting rid of all possible dangers. If not, they may be the cause of a devastating crash.


Car manufacturers are responsible for making safe vehicles and parts. If these fail due to a defect, any type of accident can occur. Should this happen within an accident, the chances of injury and death become far greater. These accidents are often out of the hands of drivers. Therefore, automakers are responsible for the incident and all resulting damage.

Working toward Recovery

Car crashes can cause the most devastating injuries possible in an accident due to their severe nature. Intersection accidents have a high likelihood of causing these terrible results, since they often occur at high speeds and odd angles.

After a crash, victims will require both emergency medical care, including surgery, and long-term rehabilitation. These will prevent injuries from worsening and prevent potentially fatal trauma from taking a life. Rehabilitation will help restore a victim’s physical capabilities as much as possible through continued sessions that restore strength, flexibility, and other necessary motor functions.

However, these highly important forms of medical care are highly expensive, often more than what a person’s insurance can cover. If your accident was caused by someone else’s negligent or reckless actions, you can hold them at fault and financially responsible for the losses you have suffered.

A Legal Team Dedicated to You

Intersection crash survivors can only find success in their cases through the skilled representation of an experienced law team. At the Crowell Law Offices, our Sacramento intersection accident lawyers have protected the rights of countless clients who have suffered due to other parties’ reckless actions. In the aftermath of a crash, it is vital that you do not wait to begin protecting your rights. Call (916) 303-2800 to receive a free consultation that will give you the information you need to cope with your losses properly.

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