
Roseville Dog Bite Lawyer

California Civil Code 3342 holds dog owners financially responsible for any damages their dog may cause by biting a person—as long as that person and the dog were either on public property or legally on private property. The law makes it clear that dog owners must keep their animals in check or face the consequences.

While owners are responsible for their pets and any injuries they inflict, getting compensation for your damages may not be easy. Qualifying for compensation depends on where the bite took place and what, if any, insurance might cover the costs. An experienced Roseville dog bite lawyer from Crowell Law Offices can help you determine how to proceed with your personal injury case.

Where Were You when You Were Bit?

One of the most significant legal details concerning dog bites is where the bite took place. The location determines the liability of the dog owner and how that liability should be addressed. There are two possibilities when it comes to dog bites that could be eligible for compensation, but they each indicate unique details of their own:

It sounds simple, but there are many questions involved in dog bite cases. If you were on private property, did it belong to the dog’s owner and did the owner allow or invite you onto the property? If you were on public property, does the responsible entity’s insurance cover dog bites, and were you legally able to be on the property?

Even though dog owners are generally liable for the costs associated with dog bites, these and many other questions help determine the legitimacy of a dog bite claim as well as whom to approach for compensation. A Roseville dog bite lawyer from our office can help you answer these questions and determine if you have a case.

Injuries Associated with Dog Bites

The injuries and costs of dog bites vary widely. Anyone who is bitten by a dog should seek medical attention, even if it is a small bite. Even if the physical trauma is minor, rabies shots may be necessary.

In some cases, a bite is so severe that plastic surgery is required. The bite may even cause loss of mobility and require physical therapy to fully recover. It’s also important to consider the psychological effects a dog bite can have—especially on small children. Many people who are bitten by dogs are afraid of the animals for the rest of their lives due to some form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Dog owners have a responsibility to properly train and restrain their animals. Your Roseville dog bite lawyer will help you build a case that illustrates the owner’s fault so that you can receive the compensation that enables your recovery.

Financial Compensation for Dog Bite Injuries

No one wants to be the person who is fighting with their friends or neighbors over money. Unfortunately, dog bites sometimes occur in situations where the victim and dog owner are friends or even relatives. Emotions and personal history get involved and prevent the victim from receiving the compensation he or she is due.

For your own protection, and in order to get the best outcome for your case, it’s important to seek the assistance of an experienced Roseville dog bite lawyer who can handle these matters for you. Doing so keeps the focus on the facts and numbers rather than the emotions involved, and it can also prevent the situation from getting worse.

Some of the damages you may need to seek compensation for include the injuries themselves, lost wages while you heal, pain and suffering, and even the psychological trauma that you or your children have experienced. There is no reason that you or your family members should have to carry this type of burden alone, so consult one of our Roseville dog bite lawyers as soon as possible.

You Need a Roseville Dog Bite Lawyer with Experience

At Crowell Law Offices, our attorneys are aware of the expenses and losses that can occur due to a dog bite. This type of case is difficult for anyone involved, but it can be important in preventing another person or small child from being injured in the future.

After a dog bite, it can be difficult to determine what your next step should be. Let us take the guesswork out of the equation for you so that you can proceed with confidence. To speak with a capable Roseville dog bite lawyer, call 916-303-2800 or complete the form below to arrange a time for a free case evaluation.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” anchor=”contact” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][/vc_column][/vc_row]