Sacramento Assault Lawyer

When you’ve been charged with assault, your reputation and freedom are on the line. Team up with a Sacramento assault attorney for help building your defense.

Being charged with assault could have disastrous consequences on your future and freedom. Although it may be easy to become overwhelmed by the possibility of conviction, when you have been charged with assault, it’s crucial that you act quickly to safeguard your future.

To avoid a conviction for assault, you may need to team up with a Sacramento assault lawyer from Crowell Law Offices. In these cases, devising a viable defense strategy is key, and by hiring a qualified defense attorney, you will give yourself a good chance of having your charges cleared.


What Is Considered Assault in California?

In California, many assault charges are referred to as “simple assault.” Essentially, this means you are suspected of having attempted or threatened to strike someone. A simple assault charge is considered a misdemeanor.

However, some types of simple assaults can also be charged as felonies, which means they can carry more serious penalties. These include assault against jurors in your case, corrections officers, and police officers who work for school districts.


Penalties You Face if You’re Convicted

Although the penalties for a simple assault are less severe than those of other violent crime charges you may face, they still have the potential to create significant upheaval in your life. Most simple assault convictions bring with them a fine of up to $1,000, which could have a serious impact on your financial wellbeing.

Additionally, a conviction could land you with six months in jail, as well as six months of probation. However, with the right defense from your Sacramento assault defense lawyer, you may be able to mitigate such penalties.


Defenses Your Sacramento Assault Charge Lawyer May Use

Past the frustration and inconvenience a simple assault conviction might bring, being convicted has the potential to impact your social and economic future for years to come. To help you avoid this negativity, your Sacramento criminal assault lawyer will devise a solid defense strategy to prove your innocence or reduce the severity of your potential punishment.

Some possible strategies your lawyer might use in your defense include the following:


Speak with a Sacramento Assault Attorney

There’s no time to waste if you want to safeguard your future after you’ve been charged with assault. Turn to Crowell Law Offices for help building the strongest defense possible. Doing so could help you avoid a conviction and the many negative effects it could have on your life.

To speak with a Sacramento assault lawyer about your case and find out how we can help you, give our office a call directly at 916-303-2800. You should also feel free to contact us through the online contact form at the bottom of this page.