When It’s Time to Take Your Injury Claim to Court

When It's Time to Take Your Injury Claim to Court

When It’s Time to Take Your Injury Claim to Court

You’ve been injured in an accident, and now you’re faced with the decision of whether or not to file a personal injury claim and possibly go to court. While this may sound simple, this is an important personal decision that can be complicated.

First, you may be worried that the settlement isn’t worth it, though a claim can be vital for your recovery. You may also be worried about having the evidence you need and the right resources to get answers. This can be tough to get without a lawyer. 

If someone else was clearly at fault, you may need to speak with a personal injury lawyer right away. The guilty party shouldn’t get away with their reckless behavior.

Signs You Should Take Your Injury Claim to Court

When you’re dealing with an injury case, it’s important to know if a trial would be beneficial. Your lawyer can give you a specific answer, but there are often signs that you may have grounds for a lawsuit before you call. 

Here are some signs that you should contact a lawyer and move forward with legal proceedings.

The Insurance Company Is Not Responding or Delaying Payment

Your insurance company may be your first option following an accident. But you may have received a small settlement offer or no offer at all. 

If the insurance company refuses to respond to you or refuses to pay you, they may not believe you have a good case, or they may be lowballing your settlement. When this happens, it will be up to you and your lawyer to go to court and provide proof of your injuries during your trial.

You’ve Been Waiting Months and Still Haven’t Gotten Paid

If some time has passed since your accident and you have not received payment for medical bills or lost wages from the insurance company, you may need to take action. An attorney can help you file a lawsuit against those that caused your injuries. 

Over time, important witnesses tend to forget and evidence may disappear. You also only have a limited time to act due to the statute of limitations, so act quickly.

You Have Long-Term Effects or Permanent Physical Injury

If your doctor tells you that there is long-term or permanent damage due to your injury and it isn’t covered by health insurance, you could be out of work long-term or even disabled. 

Even though this is a difficult time, you may have to protect your rights and take steps to hold at-fault parties accountable. Lifelong disability payments that cover costs you shouldn’t have to pay may be at stake. Reach out to your lawyer about proving your injuries and getting the compensation you’re due. 

Take Your Case to Court with a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you’re hurt, taking your claim to court may sound difficult, but it can be key to your recovery. Having a lawsuit at your side can make the process of filing a lawsuit easier. 

At Crowell Law Offices, we’re prepared to ensure your rights are being upheld and that the terms of any outcome favor your side of the argument. Find out about our free consultations by filling out the online contact form below or calling 916-303-2800.