Sacramento CDL DUI Lawyer

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Sacramento CDL DUI Lawyer

When you depend on your commercial drivers license (CDL) to make your living, losing it because of a DUI charge can put your future at risk. For the best chance of keeping your CDL, let a Sacramento CDL DUI attorney represent you.

Commercial vehicle drivers are regulated more heavily than other drivers. In California, the law particularly stringent when dealing with commercial vehicle operators who are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Such a conviction can lead to the driver’s loss of his or her commercial drivers license (CDL). If you drive a commercial vehicle, losing your CDL can have a profound impact on your life.

But a Sacramento CDL DUI lawyer with Crowell Law Offices is ready to fight to get the best possible outcome for your case. We will do everything we conceivably can to fight your DUI charge make sure you keep your CDL and your ability to earn a living.

Penalties for CDL DUI in Sacramento

Many situations can potentially lead to the loss of your CDL. According to the California Driver’s Handbook, your CDL will be invalidated for a year should you do any of the following:

  • Operate a vehicle with a 0.04 percent or higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
  • Operate a commercial vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any controlled substance
  • Refuse to agree to blood alcohol testing
  • Flee the site of an accident in which you were involved while operating a commercial vehicle
  • Be found at fault for the death of another individual due to the negligent operation of a commercial vehicle

When You Lose Your CDL Permanently

In Sacramento, the penalties for DUIs are stiff for drivers with CDLs. And, under specific circumstances, penalties can become even harsher. For example, if the commercial vehicle you were driving was carrying hazardous cargo, you could face a three-year license suspension.

It’s also possible to lose your CDL permanently. (Note that in certain instances, the individual need not even be driving a commercial vehicle; an offense in a personal vehicle may apply as well.) You can lose your CDL in California under the following circumstances:

  • You are convicted of any of the above offenses for a second time, in any kind of vehicle
  • Your are convicted of a crime associated with a controlled substance while operating a commercial vehicle

Though the penalties are tough, your CDL DUI attorney will work vigorously to reduce the impact of the punishments you may face.

Get Help from a DUI Attorney

You depend on your CDL to support yourself and your family, so you shouldn’t risk trying to defend yourself from a DUI charge on your own. Your livelihood could be on the line.

Instead, contact an experienced Sacramento CDL DUI lawyer at Crowell Law Offices. We know you need to keep your CDL, and we have experience defending cases like yours. Call 916-303-2800 or fill out our online contact form at the bottom of this page.


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